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I am about to ditch mine.

Functionality and ease of use is better than anything that I have ever used.

Battery life is absolutely crap, so as a tool for business it just doesn't work.

So back to Blackberry for me and my family can fight over who gets the iPhone

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I'm not a big fan of the battery but between usb charging on pc/laptop etc (i'm near one or the other most of the day), car charging (I'm in the car at least every few hours during the day) and a wall charge (wall plugs are everywhere) I can cope. It's not ideal and I only need to plug it into the car if i've been using it heavily all morning and by the afternoon it could do with a top up. Intensive use would see me 10hrs and needing a charge. Which I can do any of the above three with general ease. I don't tend to be that far from a pc/laptop/car/wall fortunately.

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I'm not a big fan of the battery but between usb charging on pc/laptop etc (i'm near one or the other most of the day), car charging (I'm in the car at least every few hours during the day) and a wall charge (wall plugs are everywhere) I can cope. It's not ideal and I only need to plug it into the car if i've been using it heavily all morning and by the afternoon it could do with a top up. Intensive use would see me 10hrs and needing a charge. Which I can do any of the above three with general ease. I don't tend to be that far from a pc/laptop/car/wall fortunately.

I know what you mean, and for those rare occasions i am away from things i have a Ted Baker Six Pack

Thanks for the heads up in jailbreaking dodgyknees. Have you used MyWi yet? Im thinking of buying the full version.Turns the iphone into a wifi spot. Means my gfriend can use the web on the ipod touch whilst im on the iphone, like we did the other day when she was trying to take my iphone off me!

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iPhone versus girlfriend

Date: 2009-09-29, 7:49AM EDT

As I type this, my boyfriend is on the couch, napping blissfully, his Iphone nestled to his chest. I remember the distant days when I was the one who nestled there, my head resting lovingly against his shoulder, but apparently because I don�t vibrate like a buzz saw every ten minutes to let him know that he�s gotten an email from Sears.com with great deals for Fall savings, he�s traded up.

I remember when it was my shrill, piercing voice that delighted him, but no more. I�ve lost my favored status, displaced by a small, rectangular device that beeps incessantly at the most inopportune times�most of which are apparently no longer inopportune! God help me if I should turn to him while he�s engrossed in an episode of Two and a Half Men and say, �I forgot to tell you about this lady I saw in the Food Lion today who was wearing hilarious pants��I would be judiciously shushed! But Iphone gets to say whatever it�s thinking any time it wants! Iphone can do no wrong! No matter what he�s in the middle of, no moment is too important to be interrupted by a text message from his Iphone letting him know that 90% of American currency has tested positive for trace amounts of cocaine, according to CNN.com.

Should I be providing better content? Were I to turn to him while he�s watching TV and say, �MEEEP Thursday�s forecast calls for morning clouds with a chance of afternoon thundershowers,� would he smile receptively, or nod with interest? I doubt it. I also don�t see what�s so useful about the real-time updates his Iphone provides on sports games and breaking news, when the information I provide is also in real-time�and personalized! Does his precious Iphone nag him when he forgets to give the dog his heartworm medicine? Does it remind him that it�s unattractive to drink soda straight from the bottle and then just put it back in the fridge? Does his Iphones angry rattle encourage him to start dinner right away because I�m going to be hungry when I get home?

All right, I know when I�m beat. It�s time for me to take this to the next level, before he realizes that when his Iphone never has morning breath, steals the covers, or mocks his love of Entourage. So what do I have to do to win him back? Offer my services for a better monthly rate? Remind him of the convenience of his no-initial-fee, no-obligation contract with me? Ok, maybe there was an initial fee to join me, but I�m sure he�d say it was worth it. Or would he? After all, I can�t think of any new features I�ve added in the last few years, aside from a new haircut, or any upgrades to speak of�unless you count going up a pants size. Which I do. Possibly it�s time to fight fire with fire�or water. My boyfriend�s Iphone does seem to be getting a little smudged, due to his constant, loving caresses and attention. Perhaps it needs a bath. :]

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Very nice cover that, although it's a bit pricey. No doubt it looks brilliant and is worth it. Although I'm not sure if I myself could justify spending that on an iPhone cover.

I'd probably spend it on Blu-Rays instead..... :D

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Are you bonkers?! I bought two good cases for less than 2.50 in china.. both at least as good at protecting my phone and not far off looks wise either.

Yeah and my corsa is miles better than one of those waste of money aston martin jobbies those footballer idiots buy. You get what you pay for and luckily for me my accy on UFC 105 came in despite me being ridiculously specific which meant that the case effectively cost me a fiver.

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Are you bonkers?! I bought two good cases for less than 2.50 in china.. both at least as good at protecting my phone and not far off looks wise either.

Yeah and my corsa is miles better than one of those waste of money aston martin jobbies those footballer idiots buy. You get what you pay for and luckily for me my accy on UFC 105 came in despite me being ridiculously specific which meant that the case effectively cost me a fiver.

The corsa/aston martin comparison is awful. I hope you were joking ;)

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The corsa/aston martin comparison is awful. I hope you were joking ;)

It perfectly illustrated the point I was making. While the £1.50 case is sort of adequate and does a job (like my corsa), it is FAR worse in every department that you could care to mention than this CF case (the Aston) hence why it costs as much as a bus to Wolverhampton rather than a plane to Hong Kong.

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The corsa/aston martin comparison is awful. I hope you were joking ;)

It perfectly illustrated the point I was making. While the £1.50 case is sort of adequate and does a job (like my corsa), it is FAR worse in every department that you could care to mention than this CF case (the Aston) hence why it costs as much as a bus to Wolverhampton rather than a plane to Hong Kong.

That's funny. I flew all the way to Shanghai and bought mine ;)

It's my personal opinion that paying (which you didn't really) that much money for something as simple as a phone cover is really an imbalanced and unhealthy way to use money. Heck, i'm sure we're in a recession.

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How gutted are you gonna be when someone stabs you for a carbon fibre phone case.

:lol: My neighbour said a similar thing to me this morning. I think I'd be more confused than gutted if they robbed me for the cover and left me the (8x more valuable) phone.

Anyway, where I live now they use guns not knives.

PS - Surely the EH cover has got to be the wrong side of £40?! Where's you're "I've got a cover painted by Chinese slave children that looks similar and it only cost 7p" comment for that one? Eh?

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How gutted are you gonna be when someone stabs you for a carbon fibre phone case.

:lol: My neighbour said a similar thing to me this morning. I think I'd be more confused than gutted if they robbed me for the cover and left me the (8x more valuable) phone.

Anyway, where I live now they use guns not knives.

PS - Surely the EH cover has got to be the wrong side of £40?! Where's you're "I've got a cover painted by Chinese slave children that looks similar and it only cost 7p" comment for that one? Eh?

There isn't one. Your whole use of that argument is flawed too. What you have to remember is, you can't change it by stopping buying products where child labour or otherwise serious underpaid workers are employed.. if you stop, if you boycott the companies that possibly do support those conditions, then you ruin it for the workers who see the wages they get from those jobs as life saving for them and their families. Boycotting the companies kills those people. It's a vicious circle.

But you go ahead and justify a phone cover costing shy of 100. That's cool.

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