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I'm eating ice cream. Honeycomb flavour. I jammed a Flake in it (broken in two, and with the extras sprinkled on top) and drowned it in toffee sauce. I can feel my body fight bravely against this tidal wave of sugar, and I figure it will take 4 years off my life, but my goodness it is better than sex with the fluffiest of pillows.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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Gay porn?


Going to beat the crap out of you on WWE '13.




4 years at uni and below national average :-(


Phh, I get almost £10,000 less than my colleague who I out perform in every single area. Spend most of my time telling him what to do.


As more and more people I get on well with at work leave, I start to think maybe I should think about it too.


What do you actually do VA?? Interested because I can't think of a job where you would be paid significantly less than a colleague who does similar roles?



I work in IT. My title is 'support analyst' any my colleague's is 'systems analyst' but titles are meaningless because we do basically the same job, supporting the users. I have more responsibilities, most crucially data backups, also work with the email system, looking after parts of our budget and ordering, our apprentice mainly works with me, so I am teaching somebody as well. I really cannot think of anything my colleague does other than the general support work. When it comes to server based work which his job title would imply he is the man for the job, I have to tell him how to do things and my server knowledge is limited as it is.


By role he is the more senior person, so if our manager isn't around, responsibility should then go to him but it doesn't, I have to take control. When stuff comes in from our central IT team, part of the parent company, they bypass him and come straight to me. Company directors who need stuff doing bypass him and come to me. Even our manager does it!


It is so disheartening working like that.

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......does no one want to play noughts & crosses then?



I wish this would happen...





That's not proper is it? And I'm Crosses now anyway.


You've got to right click and save this




Then use paint to put a '0' in, save it upload it to tinypic and then put it on here......simpleish


Avfc96 is playing now but we can have two (Or more) games on the go...

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Ah right, I've got pen all over my screen.  :blush:

Me too. I was shouting "Why is nobody else playing?!"







Don't joke about something as serious as noughts & crosses

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... we can have two (Or more) games on the go...

Are you some sort of Oxo Grandmaster?



We're never going to find out are we because everyone's just chatting generally and NO ONE IS PLAYING!!!!!



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