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Oh and Tarj, earthshield can now be purged by 5 of the 9 classes, so that should cheer you up!

I count 6/9 (albeit you have a pretty good chance of meeting a Lock and Warrior who wont be able to dispel you)

Druid: Cant

Mage: Spellsteal

Hunters: Arcane super damaging dispel Shot.

Rogue: Cant

Paladin: Cant

Priest: Dispel

Warlock: Devour (pet dependent)

Shaman: Purge

Warrior: Shield Slam (talent dependent)

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I had to delete my WTF folder as i got stuck in a loading screen. And ignoring the fact that i had to configure all my **** addons,hot keys and macros again, what pisses me the most off is the Blizz unit frame bug.

Am i the only one having the shit all the time? Seriously i have to install pearl or something i guess, because this isnt cool at all.

This picture is how it works. My target is already dead and still it shows, and it wont go away unless i target myself.


This below is another version of it, where i have targeted myself and you can see it by my buffs showing up over Quartz. Still no unit frame is there. I had to reload ui AGAIN.


Any ideas?

And while im at it, how do i configure Quartz to move debuffs/buffs?

I want it to be like this;


but right now its like this, with the mirror bar crashing through the debuffs;


Gief advice, especially regarding the unit frame bug. **** FORKINEYE annoying.

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Locks hammered yet again.

Significant buffs to other classes will hurt us badly(Fear Ward, Arcane Shot, Mortal Strike), Affliction Survivability nailed because Demonology is powerful in 2v2.

Think its the end of the road for me. I refuse to play a game that is balanced by forum campaigns organised by 14 year old kids.

Admit it Nays - Locks are (or have been ) ridiculously over powered! I have yet to win a duel with one my level or even 2 lvls lower!

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Druids are a pain to play.

They do everything but not great at anything.

1) They heal but unless you are resto spec its not as good as priest or a shammy

2) They tank but are a pretty basic tank

3) The cat form is a rogue but with not many of the abilities.

Balance druids aren't as good as mages.

Some of the best abilities only work outdoors.

I only stuck with him as I was in the 40's when I realised there are better classes.

I am next going for my rogue on TM.

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Ali, you can't really tell how good a character is until you ding 70 and get geared up. Well geared druids are awesome tanks, and very good, useful healers. DPS isn't that viable in raids, but it depends what you enjoy doing.

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Druids are a pain to play.

They do everything but not great at anything.

1) They heal but unless you are resto spec its not as good as priest or a shammy

2) They tank but are a pretty basic tank

3) The cat form is a rogue but with not many of the abilities.

Balance druids aren't as good as mages.

Some of the best abilities only work outdoors.

I only stuck with him as I was in the 40's when I realised there are better classes.

I am next going for my rogue on TM.

Ill have to ask what your level and gear are like here.

Simple basic facts:

1] Druids can pump out more sustained healing per second than any other class on the game if specced tree.

2] Bear druids have more mitigation against physical damage than any other class on the game. They also do a lot more damage than tank specced Warriors and Paladins. (Warriors are still the best tanks at 25 man raid level due to better avoidance and more versatility. Druids are excellent tanks of Heroic 5 man instances though.

3] The cat can shift bear and get an armour score a Rogue could only dream of with no real penalties. Even in Feral gear a cat druid can manage basic self healing, a Rogue cant. Rogues have a couple of moments of god mode when they have all cooldowns ready to use, but long periods of time when they dont and are gimped. Druids have their escape abilities available to them almost 100% of the time.

4] Balance Druids are different to Mages. They can never (and should never) be able to win a nuking war against a low health, low armour class with no melee or healing abilities at all. They cant hit harder, they have to hit smarter.

Druids in a raid as Feral or Resto are excellent. Druids are probably the best offtanks in the game because of the stuff they can do when not required to tank (DPS, combat res, Innervate, spot healing in an emergency)

Druids are also much greater than the sum of their parts. You cant look at it as narrowly as you are Ali, Druids are probably the only class on the game with an answer to everything as they have so many options open to them at all times. More "focused" classes can fall down badly when caught on the hop. A simple shapeshift for Druids is like a mini respec.

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