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No point in repec until 1.11 really.

I have no idea why my WoW locks up when I go into a large number instance. THe PC is fine - vent still works etc, but WoW locks up.

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I assume you have tried the grapical things like dropping the resolution and some of the other settings?

Might make a difference. You do play in a very very high resolution!

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To those of you that think vanish is an easy escape and rofl when it fails. Newsflash. It fails all the time. I can't put it better then this:

No skill since the creation of this game has enjoyed more bugs/breaks than the primary escape tool of the Rogue. Not only is it counterable by every class with the press of a single button, it often utterly fails to work in PvE [mob do not lose aggro nor target and simply knock the rogue from stealth], was nerfed in boss encounters so that it fails to remove us from combat [despite Feign Death still continuing to do so], and is broken by auto attacks, DoTs, AoEs and sneezing bunnies.

It also enjoys a 5 minute cooldown, and requires a reagent.

I'd like the skill to work.

A reduction in the cooldown would be greatly appreciated too, but really, I just want it TO WORK.

Taken from here, this guy is a God

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Funny, ive seen it work loads of times Dan.


Actually, ive read that post a bit more.

Its a whine.

Yes, Rogues have cooldowns more than any other class. So?

All their attacks are instant.

They cant be interpupted.

They cant be silenced.

They dont go OOM.

These are the reasons why Rogues have cooldown dependency.

You say yourself you still find that you dont use cooldowns enough.

A lot of Rogues complain that they just cant absolutely destroy every other class on the game anymore without even trying. That was always the case until Warriors started getting BWL loot and stepping on Rogues toes.

Crippling poison procs a lot and a snare that reduces a targets speed to 30%? Well, thats just godly. No one else can get near that.

Maybe Rogues should be able to poison their arrows and/or throwing weapons for a ranged snare, but then a lot of people will point to the ability to walk up to pretty much anything completely invisible and **** it.

On the whole, Rogues do do more Damage than anyone else. Zero downtime compared to other classes. Sure, Hunters, Warlocks, Mages, Warriors can generate as much burst as a rogue. Can we keep it up over say, more than five seconds? Maybe Warriors can, but the ranges clases cant. Its either OOM or death. Your white damage is better than my focussed damage in a fight that lasts longer than five seconds. What can i say?

Rogues have fantasic aggro reduction compared to other classes (even the standard rogue attacks only generate 80% of the threat of the damage they do. All other classes have 100%. A lot of other classes have moves with go above 200% threat per damage caused.

Im sorry that some people say Vanish is bugged, but that thread is basically a "GIEV MORE DMG PLX! REMOVE COOLDOWNS PLX!" and it just wont happen.

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When i logged on last night and talked about the mass application with the legendary equipped fella, did anyone actually understand me? Think i have to l2type english, because i get the feeling i assume people understand me completeley when they really dont know what the **** im on about.

And ROFL @ the indian crazy man in the general topic! Best song EVER

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Ok,the level60 shammie has stayed on Deathwing but the bank alt "Samosa" a level 17 drood enchanter has arrived on Tarren Mill.

And I'll try to get to 60 before Tarq!

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Ok,the level60 shammie has stayed on Deathwing but the bank alt "Samosa" a level 17 drood enchanter has arrived on Tarren Mill.

And I'll try to get to 60 before Tarq!

You bugger Juju, I told you not to :lol: I'll make you some armour when I get chance mate. You probably will ding 60 before me as I'm not gonna be on for 3 weeks after wednesday. :cry:

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And by that you mean this?


Deppfin makes them.

He got me to Fraps him a bit of footage of myself. When i was en route to Blackrock Mountain i noticed it was raining in STV so i got that footage of me standing on the beach just outside of Grom Gol basecamp.

From there, i just left it with him.

He used VideoMach and Fireworks:

* VideoMach to get the desired part of the video and extract the frames as jpegs

* Fireworks to open all frames as 1 animation. Then u crop the animation to the right size and delete the extra frames until the starting frame matches the ending frame.

I did pick the font though, which is the rather funky Facelift font made famous by the band Alice in Chains.

Dunno whether you have ever used this site Si, but its pretty cool: http://www.smackbomb.com/famousfonts/

Of course, you dont even need WoW installed to make one. You can just use Model Viewer to make an image of your toon perfectly. Only thing is you are kinda limited by the backgrounds on offer in modelviewer, but its still a fantastic little program to play with.

I knocked this up in two minutes on model viewer.


Big filesize though. Im sure there is a way to compress it if you arent a total nubcake like i am.

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