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Right chaps, I really need a hand killing Weldon Barov in Chillwind Camp (the ally camp in WPL that Tarj hadn't heard of!). He's a 60 elite, but he hits like a bastard. Me and Dan tried him with Sam healing, with fairly predictable results. Reckon 4 of us could take him out though easily enough, plus there's the attraction of some serious PvP if there are allies in the camp![/quote

Am on tonight.... :-)

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Large Raids

Don't die. Through careful research and meticulous analysis, it has been determined that the number one cause of most raid wipes is the main tank running out of health. This should be avoided at all times.

This would suggest so, but the rest of the site is entirely serious!

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Went on a PUG run of Scholo for the first time in ages and This MC Dagger dropped off a random mob. Had I been a dagger spec rogue doing MC it would have broken my heart to have to adhere to the "All greed BOE" rule, but as it was, with me being Sword spec, and nowhere near MC, I just saw it as an epic mount.

I lost the roll of course.

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I wanna try a bit of Voidwalker tanking on elites.

He has nearly 5k armour, he can be buffed with all buffs players can get, and in theory the limit on the amount of aggro he can pull is infinite as long as he has mana and isnt silenced. His taunts can carry on forever, unlike a Warriors which are capped (however, he cant really do any physical aggro generation like a warrior, so aggro generation will be slow but effective..)

I read its possible (may be bullshit, but i cant see why) for a Voidwalker to tank Scholo, as long as he is kept buffed, healed and never runs out of mana. Ok, the Lock who did it had shitloads of epixx. (5/8 felheart for 15 stamina and 100 resists to all schools of magic) and the black book trinket for bossfights.

Ok, i aint going to be tanking Scholo any time soon. I think the slowness of it all, and my non epic gear would just make it boring and annoying. But i wouldnt mind trying some elite tanking with him. Takes time to get Aggro, but he should be able to hold it given chance (3 taunts should take 11 seconds. Instant, then 2 five second cooldowns) so id like to try an elite quest i have in Silithus Into the Maw of Madness

Anyone up for it after i get in from work?

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Someone should kick all these guild leaders/officers in the balls. There is something embarrassing in the way they act like their guild is an actual registered company or organisation.

But lets be honest, we all know why they're like that in a game...

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Someone should kick all these guild leaders/officers in the balls. There is something embarrassing in the way they act like their guild is an actual registered company or organisation.

But lets be honest, we all know why they're like that in a game...

Its a joke, apply to the Dashers and get questions like "What do you expect from the Dashers? Why did you decide to apply for us? etc etc"

Because theres a **** vacancy you clearings in the woods!

The way these guilds are run are probably the reason I won't be playing much longer.

Dan (guildless wonder)

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and a really nice addon

Its for bags/bank items, and it makes things a lot easier to sort out.


when you load it, you should get a little bag in the middle of your screen. You can drag that anywhere you want.

Click on the bag, and it opens up a menu (screenshotted) of all your stuff.

You can have them listed in alphabetical order, quality order (like i have in the screenie), quantity order.

You can move and trade and equip items as you normally would with regular bags. You can open your regular bags normally too.

After you have been to the bank for the first time, it remembers all the crap you have in the bank too.

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