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Did a Scholo class run today, breezed through it as the group was another good one, even though our self appounted leader was a clearing in the woods. Kept having a go at the priest for not telling him he was OOM, and then didn't like it when everybody told him to have the occasional sneaky look at the mana bars. "I don't wait for you to tell me you're out of health before healing you" was the priest's (spot on) reply!

He then had a go at me for healing him when he was about to die, as that was the priest's job. The same priest who'd announced he was just off to the bog for a minute!

Oh and won **** all as usual, and all the decent drops were squishie stuff.

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Another Baron run, another load of old bollocks dropped. Did the whole run without a priest. I was back up healing the druid, and ended up out healing him! Only one death all run too, a lock, but you have to expect that from the squishies!

What is it with some group leaders? Insisted on master looting, and kept **** it up. Rolling on too many things at once, giving stuff to wrong people etc, clearing in the woods! Everyone in the group was sound, so there was no need for it.

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Its not the fact that it never drops riss.

Its that when it does drop (and it has three times) i lose the roll. Usually to a level 57 priest on his first ever run.

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For Onixya key (Horde)

Without further ado,

Walkthrough - Drakefire Amulet:

1) Go to Kargath and speak to Warlord Goretooth in the tower. Click his conversation item repeatedly to receive Warlord Goretooth's Command. Use this item to receive the quest, Warlord's Command.

Warlord's Command

Slay Highlord Omokk, War Master Voone, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Recover Important Blackrock Documents. Return to Warlord Goretooth in Kargath when the mission has been accomplished.

Important Blackrock Documents: 0/1

War Master Voone slain: 0/1

Highlord Omokk slain: 0/1

Overlord Wyrmthalak slain: 0/1

Rewards can be found at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=1359

2) You will have to five-man Blackrock Spire (BRS). The documents spawn randomly at one of the three bosses above and only one per instance can be acquired. This quest may NOT be raided!

3) Upon completion of Warlord's Command, you will receive the quest, Eitrigg's Wisdom.

Eitrigg's Wisdom

Seek counsel with Thrall's advisor, Eitrigg. He can be found in Thrall's chamber.

4) Speak to Eitrigg in Thrall's Chamber (speech bubble), then return to Thrall. He will give you the quest, For the Horde!

For the Horde!

Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Warchief Rend Blackhand. Take his head and return to Orgrimmar.

Head of Rend Blackhand: 0/1

Rewards can be found at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=4575

4) You will have to attend a raid of Upper Blackrock Spire (uBRS) to get the head of Rend Blackhand. Do so, and once again return to Thrall in Orgrimmar. All the occupants of Orgrimmar will receive a buff upon turn in.

5) Thrall will tell you to seek out Rexxar, who roams from north Feralas, through Desolace, and into southern Stonetalon Mountains. For maps of his route, see http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?s=rexxar . Find Rexxar.

6) Rexxar will give you the quest, The Testament of Rexxar. You are to deliver Rexxar's Testament to deliver to Myranda the Hag in Western Plaguelands.

Testament of Rexxar

Deliver Rexxar's Testament to Myranda the Hag in the Western Plaguelands.

7) Find Myranda the Hag near Uther's tomb, south of andorhal, standing on a tree stump. Map of the general area available at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?m=12670 .

Cool Myranda the Hag will give the quest, Oculus Illusions.

Oculus Illusions

Travel to Blackrock Spire and collect 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. Return to Myranda the Hag when the task is complete.

Black Dragonspawn Eye: 0/20

9) Once again, you will have to raid uBRS and collect the eyes off dragonkin inside. They drop 1-2 at a time and are common.

10) Return to Myranda the Hag with 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. She will give you an Amulet of Draconic Subversion and the quest, Emberstrife.


Travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh and seek out Emberstrife's Den. Once inside, wear the Amulet of Draconic Subversion and speak with Emberstrife.

11) Travel to Emberstrife's Den in Dustwallow Marsh. It is the cave along the cliffs to the very south. Map available at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?m=214014 . The Amulet of Draconic Subversion will transform you into a Black Scalebane once inside Emberstrife's Den. While disguised, speak to Emberstrife. He will behave as an NPC.

12) Emberstrife will begin a mini-series of quests titled The Test of Skulls. The first such quest in this series is The Test of Skulls, Scryer.

The Test of Skulls, Scryer

You must find the blue dragonflight drake champion, Scryer, and slay him. Pry his skull from his corpse and return it to Emberstrife.

You know that Scryer can be found in Winterspring.

The Skull of Scryer: 0/1

13) Travel to Winterspring with a good group of five* and enter the caves of Mazthoril, south of Everlook. Work your way in, and slay Scryer.

* Note: The drake kill quests may NOT be raided!

14) Return to Emberstrife using the Amulet once again, and get the followup, The Test of Skulls, Somnus.

The Test of Skulls, Somnus

Destroy the drake champion of the Green Flight, Somnus. Take his skull and return it to Emberstrife.

The Skull of Somnus: 0/1

15) Somnus can be found in Swamp of Sorrows, wandering in an arch up and down the zone between the Pool of Tears and the beach.

16) Return to Emberstrife as above, for the followup, The Test of Skulls, Chronalis.

The Test of Skulls, Chronalis

Guarding the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris Desert is Chronalis, child of Nozdormu. Destroy him and return his skull to Emberstrife.

The Skull of Chronalis: 0/1

17) Travel to Tanaris. Along the east edge of the zone (visible on map) is a mountain. Enter the area to find two low level drakes, and finally, Chronalis, guarding the door in the back.

1Cool Return to Emberstrife for the followup, The Test of Skulls, Axtroz

The Test of Skulls, Axtroz

Travel to Grim Batol and track down Axtroz, drake champion of the Red Flight. Destroy him and take his skull. Return the skull to Emberstrife.

The Skull of Axtroz: 0/1

19) Go to the Wetlands and enter the Dragonmaw Gates region, the curved valley area in the east side of the zone. Travel down the valley a ways and you will find Axtroz.

20) Return to Emberstrife to receive the followup, Ascension...


It would appear as if the charade is over. You know that the Amulet of Draconic Subversion that Myranda the Hag created for you will not function inside Blackrock Spire. Perhaps you should find Rexxar and explain your predicament. Show him the Dull Drakefire Amulet. Hopefully he will know what to do next.

21) This quest is to simply find Rexxar again. Rexxar will give you the final quest, Blood of the Black Dragon Champion.

Blood of the Black Dragon Champion

Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay General Drakkisath. Gather his blood and return it to Rexxar.

Blood of the Black Dragon Champion: 0/1

22) Return the Blood of the Black Dragon Champion to Rexxar, and receive the Drakefire Amulet, a necklace, stats available at http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=4829 .

23) Keep the Drakefire Amulet in your inventory to be allowed access into Onyxia's Lair when we raid! You need not WEAR the amulet, simply have it on your character.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now eligible to raid Onyxia, Brood Mother of the Black Dragonflight!

Now check what the Alliance have to do to get their key:

The Onyxia Key Quest String: Alliance

Step 1: Talk to Helendis Riverhorn


Helendis Riverhorn begins the Alliance Key Chain. He is a Night Elf NPC in Morgan's Vigil, in the northwest corner of Burning Steppes.

Step 2: Dragonkin Menace


Helendis will give you a quest requiring you to kill 15 Black Broodlings, 10 Black Dragonspawn, 4 Black Wyrmkin and 1 Black Drake. They can be found all around Burning Steppes, so just start killing stuff and you'll finish quickly. Return to Helendis when you have finished.

Step 3: The True Masters, Part 1


Helendis will give you a letter, which you must deliver to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire Townhall, which is in Redridge.

Step 4: The True Masters, Part 2


Magistrate Solomon will give you another letter, which you must deliver to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind Keep.

Step 5: The True Masters, Part 3


Bolvar will give you another letter, which you must delivery to Magistrate Solomon back in Redridge.

Step 6: The True Masters, Part 4


Magistrate Solomon will now send you to Marshall Maxwell, who is back in Morgan's Vigil in Burning Steppes where Helendis is.

Step 7: Marshal Windsor


Marshall Maxwell will tell you to speak with Ragged John, who resides near a cave in the northern area of Burning Steppes. Follow Ragged John's instructions, and you will be sent back to Marshal Maxwell. Maxwell will now send you to Blackrock Depths, where you must find Marshal Windsor.

Marshal Windsor is not hard to find, he is not far into the dungeon. To your right as you enter there is a prison area; Marshal Windsor is inside one of the cells. You will need the key dropped by a named MOB, who is conveniently enough located in a room not far from Windsor's cell.

Step 8: Abandoned Hope


Windsor will send you back to Maxwell. Do so, and the quest chain will seem to come to an end. But you are far from done; you must return to Blackrock Depths for the next part of the quest.

Step 9: A Crumpled Up Note


In Blackrock Depths, you must now start killing random MOBs. One of them will drop a Crumpled Up Note, which you should take to Marshal Windsor ASAP.

Step 10: A Shred of Hope


Windsor will now send you to kill General Angerforge and his Golem Lord, Argelmach. Each of them will drop an item, and once you have them both they can be combined to create Marshal Windsor's Lost Information. Once you have it, return to Marshal Windsor.

Step 11: Jail Break!


Now, you must escort Marshal Windsor out of Blackrock Depths. It is highly recommended that a strong tank and several healers be present; Windsor draws a shocking amount of aggro, and will need the backup. Once you make it out of the instance and the escort is completed (Windsor will say when you have gone far enough), return to Marshal Maxwell in Morgan's Vigil.

Step 12: Stormwind Rendezvous


Maxwell will send you to Stormwind, where you will meet up with Windsor at the entrance to the city.

Step 13: The Great Masquerade


Now, you and Maxwell will move into the city and have quite the dramatic confrontation with the guards. Once this is over with, go to Stormwind Keep and speak with Highlord Bolvar Fordragon. What happens next is quite the climactic and amazing moment (probably the coolest thing that can happen in the game up to this point, for either faction). I won't spoil it for you.

Step 14: The Dragon's Eye


Fordragon will now give you a "Fragment of the Dragon's Eye" and tell you to find another with Dragon's blood in his veins. This person resides in Winterspring. In the southern area of the zone, there is a cave called Mathorzil. Fight your way through it, or corpse run through it, until you reach a blue pentagram at the end of it. Step inside, and you will be transported to Haleh.

Step 15: Drakfire Amulet


Haleh will now send you to Upper Blackrock Spire, where you need to retrieve the Blood of the Black Dragon Champion. The blood drops from General Drakkisath, and luckily can be raided. He drops several bloods per run.


Once you have the blood, return to Haleh and she will give you the Drakfire Amulet. It is a semi-decent amulet, with good fire resist bonuses that will serve you will in Molten Core. It also doubles as the key to Onxyia's Lair, so keep it in your bank when you're not wearing it.

Is it me, or does the Alliance one seem a fuckload shorter and easier than the Horde one?

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What to do when you finish work at 1am and are not tired?

well, no instances going. So, as i enjoyed the barrens PvP last night with Riss and D1:


(i thought of you as it died Riss...)

That some more would be a good idea. Went to AB, actually spawned as a ghost, on the graveyard, and automatically ressed again within seconds, to be killed again instantly. Ressed again to see what was going on this time.


The Alliance had 5 bases. They had one man on each base, and 10 camping on our spawnpoint apparently. I wouldnt know, i ressed, saw a lot of red names, and died again within a fraction of a second. After the 3rd death (the first one happened before i loaded, the second within a couple of seconds of loading!) i just ran out of the respawn area and waited for the mark of honour. Took about another 60 seconds before the game closed automatically due to the numerical advantage the unwashed had.

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list of current bugs waiting to be addressed. No "comedy" mage whine thread, but genuine, blue text from Blizz staff:


Spells, Talents, & Abilities

# Moonkin Form does not have a shapeshift sound.

# Leader of the Pack does not activate when forced into Cat Form by Nefarian.

# Incorrect voice over sounds are applied when shapeshifted into Bear Form.

# Moonkin Form is not displayed correctly in the character tab.

# Cripple, cast by Jadefire Felsworn, is not removed from druids who shapeshift.

# Barkskin is being displayed incorrectly on the druid when shapeshifted.

# Thorns can break the effects of Hibernate.

# The attack power adjustment applied by the Predatory Strikes is not updating the Cat Form tooltip.


Spells, Talents & Abilities

# Casting Aimed shot while under the effects of Feign Death causes the hunter to appear to cast while lying down from the hunter’s perspective.

# Using emotes while under the effects of Feign Death causes the hunter to animate from their own perspective.

# The drawback sound of a bow is only triggered for the first draw and not any subsequent draws.

# Surefooted does not give a resist message when the player resists a spell.

# Bestial Swiftness will not work if a pet is outside but was summoned inside.

# Arcane Aberration will aggro when affected by Flare.

# The Frost Trap aura is centered around the hunter rather than the area of the trap, after the traps initial tick.

# The proc rate on Entrapment increases as the number of affected targets of the trap increases.

# Hunters will remain standing for several seconds when casting Feign Death, if the camera location is not on the character at the time of the cast.

# Revive Pet returns more than 15% life if the player has the Endurance Training talent.

# Eagle Eye is ending early when targeted far away from the caster.

# Freezing Trap is not being affected by diminishing returns. huzzah! - Nayson

# There are animation issues with Frost Trap when combined with Clever Traps.

# There is a period after casting Eyes of the Beast, before gaining control the pet, that will break the spell if players attempt to move.

# If a Hunter is using Eyes of the Beast and is Mind Controlled, his pet will not leash back to him.

# Hunter's can feed their pets even while the pet is dead.

# Using Feign Death while your pet is still in combat can cause the hunter to gain less experience than the kill is worth, loss of looting rights, and loss of quest kill credit.

# Scatter Shot is not dealing its damage if the target is immune to the Scatter Shot confuse effect.


# The tooltips of pet abilities refer to the player rather than to the pet.

# Hunter pets may change color when revived, summoned, or when zoning.

# Greater Stamina (Rank 10) and Natural Armor (Rank 10) are both out of place in the Beast Training UI.

# Natural Armor ranks 2 through 10 do not add the correct amount of armor.

# The boar’s Charge can miss or be dodged, parried, and blocked preventing the boar from closing distance.

# The pet abilities, Claw and Bite, are causing additional threat.

# Scorpid Poison can only be used once in combat.

# Claw and Bite are not initiating auto attack.

# Pets do not have animations for several abilities.

# Great Stamina and Natural Armor do not apply to a pet when it gains a level until you logout, zone, or dismiss the pet. - Future Patch


# The 3-piece Dragonstalker Armor set bonus remains after pieces are unequipped.

# The Field Marshal's Chain Helm appears dark in direct light and bright in shadow. - Future Patch

# The 5-piece set bonus for Giantstalker Armor is preventing players from crafting multiple items.


Spells, Talents, & Abilities

# Stacked Ignite debuffs from different sources are assigning all ignite damage to the first mage who proc'd the debuff.

# Counterspell is not resistible.wonder who will cry "Nerf"?- Nayson

# Casting Polymorph on a player that is currently immune to Polymorph due to diminishing returns does not display the Immune flag over the target's head and the 15 second cool down for diminishing returns is not reset.

# Using Blink while in lava causes the player to go to the deepest end.

# The debuffs from Fireball and Pyroblast are not considered magic..wonder who will cry "Nerf"?- Nayson

# Improved Frost Ward is not restoring mana to the caster when absorbing frost damage.

# Arcane Missiles will continue to channel when the target moves out of range..wonder who will cry "Nerf"?- Nayson

# Arcane Missiles occupies a debuff slot.good news for PvE groups.

Pussy Bubbler

Spells, Talents, & Abilities

# Combat log messages generated when a player gains mana from Seal of Wisdom or Judgement of Wisdom do not attribute the mana gains to any particular source.

# Judgement causes characters to sheathe their weapons.

# Consecration and Hammer of Wrath do not expend a Zandalarian Hero Charm charge.

# The Scorpid Hunter’s Slowing Poison is not removed by Blessing of Freedom.

# Paladins are immune to environmental damage when shielded.

# Retribution Aura is not receiving the additional threat bonus from Righteous Fury.

# Holy Light is reporting twice in the combat log to enemy players.

# Certain ranks of Improved Seal of the Crusader are giving inconsistent values for its attack power bonus.

# Judgement cannot be used while under the effects of Divine Protection or Blessing of Protection.

# The added armor effect from Improved Lay on Hands is appearing on the character sheet as a permanent armor value.

# Improved Blessing of Might has an inconsistent value when you put 5/5 points in it.

# The attack power gained from Improved Blessing of Might is 1 less than what it should be on the character sheet.

# Improved Devotion Aura has an inconsistent value when you put 4/5 points in it.

# Blessing of Might does not affect the damage of guardians.

# Hammer of Wrath is affected by spell interrupting abilities.

# Consecration sometimes does not deal any damage.

# Reckoning resets the auto-attack timer.

# Eye for an Eye is not reflecting damage back to the caster on spells that are a killing blow.

# Eye for an Eye is not reflecting damage back to the caster when stuns proc from the spell.

# Seal of Command will occasionally become unable to be cast and result in a "Spell is not ready yet" error message.

# Seal of Command cannot proc while the paladin is silenced. - Future Patch

# Blessing of Light buff icons from different paladins will stack on a player (The effect does not stack). - Future Patch

# Eye for an Eye shows a casting animation when reflecting spell damage. - Future Patch

# Improved Concentration Aura is not increasing interrupt resistance.


Spells & Abilities

# If a Horde Priest cancels Mind Control that is on an Alliance player who was previously attacking a Horde guard, the guard will become hostile towards the Horde Priest (this works from Alliance to Horde as well).

# Touch of Weakness can be stacked up to 6 times.

# Shadowform does not reduce ranged physical damage by 15%.

# Mind Vision does not cancel when the target becomes invisible (stealth, vanish, shadowmeld).

# Mind Vision rank 2 does not work if the target is outside of area of interest unless chain cast from target to target.

# The graphic for Power Word: Shield does not display properly when in Shadowform.

# Casting Mind Flay consecutively can cause the second Mind Flay to cast with no spell animation.

# Mana Burn does not interrupt flag captures.

# The Starshards animation is playing backwards in between each falling shard.

# The mana regeneration on the item Prophetic Aura is generating threat.

# Levitate does not work after becoming submerged. - Future Patch


# The 30-minute cooldown timer activated by transforming Anathema/Benediction is not functioning properly.


Spells, Talents & Abilities

# When a rogue dies, they can retain combo points on their target.

# Failing to use an item will break Stealth.

# Threat reduction modifiers such as Blessing of Salvation and Tranquil Air Totem are applied to Feint, making it less effective.

# You receive an improper message when attempting to stealth while under the effects of Faerie Fire.

# When a rogue with the Improved Sap saps a target, it sometimes appears as if the character exits stealth.

# Slice and Dice is breaking the character's run and walk animations.

# Mobs can attack you before they are stunned when using cheap shot.

# Slice and Dice is able to miss its target.

# The Slice and Dice animation is not working correctly.

# The Diseased Slime debuff from Forest Ooze is not removed by vanishing.


# The Bloodfang Hood does not display correctly on Undead males.


Spells, Talents, & Abilities

# Water Walking is produces the wrong sound when running on water.

# Grounding Totem does not absorb the Haldarr Trickster's Curse of Mending.

# Improved Self-Reincarnation does not affect the Reincarnation tooltip.

# Chromaggus's Brood Afflictions will target totems.

# The Windfury Attack graphic is not playing consistently.

# Fire Nova Totem is damaging players in neutral towns without drawing aggro from the guards.exploit while you still can in Rachet!

# The Stormstrike buff is not removed from damage caused by Lightning Shield.

# Skill points earned in Two-Handed Axes and Maces are lost when unlearning talents.

# Grounding Totem is not preventing the mage spell Counterspell.


# The 3-peice set bonus from the Earthfury set is not granting the 10 yard bonus.

# The Lightning Shield granted by the 8-piece Ten Storms set bonus is not consistent with normal Lightning Shields and does not behave as its tooltip describes.


Spells, Talents, & Abilities

# Master Demonologist doesn't reapply the buff in the battlegrounds if you die while your pet is banished.

# Summon Felsteed causes the character model to sporadically go invisible and the minimap switches to the exterior (outdoors) view when the character is going up certain stairs or ramps in terrain.

# Curse of Agony causes spell casting interruption to both regular and channeled spells each time it ticks.

# Creating Health Stones with all of your normal bags full will result in a Soul Stone being consumed and no Health Stone created.

# If you or your party members are in the area of effect for the Inferno spell, you and/or your party will take damage.

# Patches of the Dreadsteed's hooves are transparent.

# The Dreadsteed of Xoroth summoning encounter will sometimes spawn imps that do not move.

# Players can keep the Demonic Sacrifice buff along with a pet if the pet was resurrected.

# Curse of Agony does not deal damage if the caster dies.now thats a nice buff when its changed. Insta cast 1000+ dmg just before i die? im taking you with me mate.

# Infernals can be stuck when summoned.

# When dying for the first time in a battleground, you may come back with a different pet type.

# The tooltip for Life Tap (Rank 6) is incorrect after putting talents in Improved Life Tap.

# Rank 2 of Improved Firebolt is not consistent with its tooltip.

# Inferno does not stun or damage enemies within the drop radius.

# Curse of Agony is not dealing damage when players stealth while under its effect. FINALLY!

# The self inflicted damage taken from Hellfire is not breaking First Aid effects.

# When casting Ritual of Doom, players can break the channeling during the summon and cause the spell cooldown to activate.


# Warlock pets are not centered on pet stat screen.

# The Succubus can despawn before it can be resurrected.

# An Infernal's Immolation does not draw aggro.


# The 5-piece set bonus for Felheart Raiment is preventing players from crafting multiple items.

# The 5-piece Felheart Raiment set bonus does not always grant the Demonic Ally buff.


Spells, Talents & Abilities

# Warrior talent Anger Management causes rage generation while in combat mode.

# Flurry does not proc off special attack crits unless 5 points are placed invested in the talent.

# Sweeping Strikes can hit a player four times instantaneously when used with Whirlwind.

# If Intimidating Shout is resisted by the targeted player, the player will still be under the "cowering in fear" effect.

# If a player changes Warrior stances while dead, they receive an incorrect error message.

# Warriors are able to change stances as a ghost.

# Whirlwind increases weapon skill when not attacking mobs.one to remember/use now before its changed?

# Shield Bash and Pummel sometimes can both hit and miss the target at the same time.

# Retaliation is not properly countering attacks at maximum melee range.

# Defensive Stance is affecting environmental damage.

# Death Wish is inconsistent with its tooltip description.

# Sweeping Strikes allows warriors to Execute nearby targets with more than 20% health.

# Heroic Strike will sometimes show that it is queued when it isn't.

# Warriors forced into Berserker Stance by Nefarian's Warrior class yell do not correctly return to a stance. - Future Patch

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^^^And still they ignore the most important bug of all, the bloody charge and intercept one. Total bollox to be honest, God knows how many people (including me) have complained about it.

Basically, when you click charge/intercept the game charges you to the point the mob/ally is at when you clicked it, NOT where the mob/ally actually is when you finish charging. So on short charges its not too bad, but intercept over a decent length and you end up with a **** big overshoot and a mile away from you target.

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Spells & Abilities

# If a Horde Priest cancels Mind Control that is on an Alliance player who was previously attacking a Horde guard, the guard will become hostile towards the Horde Priest (this works from Alliance to Horde as well).

# Touch of Weakness can be stacked up to 6 times.

# Shadowform does not reduce ranged physical damage by 15%.

# Mind Vision does not cancel when the target becomes invisible (stealth, vanish, shadowmeld).

# Mind Vision rank 2 does not work if the target is outside of area of interest unless chain cast from target to target.

# The graphic for Power Word: Shield does not display properly when in Shadowform.

# Casting Mind Flay consecutively can cause the second Mind Flay to cast with no spell animation.

# Mana Burn does not interrupt flag captures.

# The Starshards animation is playing backwards in between each falling shard.

# The mana regeneration on the item Prophetic Aura is generating threat.

# Levitate does not work after becoming submerged. - Future Patch

1: I didnt even know that!

2: Cant see the point of fixing that. The graphics of beeing in SF, will be ruined by having a shield there.

3: But this one i have been waiting for! Nice

Maybe they will fix the Mind Control thing, were the caster get aggro when you break the channeling. Especially when attacking neutral bruisers.

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^^^And still they ignore the most important bug of all, the bloody charge and intercept one. Total bollox to be honest, God knows how many people (including me) have complained about it.

Basically, when you click charge/intercept the game charges you to the point the mob/ally is at when you clicked it, NOT where the mob/ally actually is when you finish charging. So on short charges its not too bad, but intercept over a decent length and you end up with a **** big overshoot and a mile away from you target.

After three, aaaaahhhhhh! The above sounds about right to me. The ONLY chance most classes have of beating a warrior is to kite them. If a warrior can guarantee to charge to their exact position every time, then you're going to win every single fight, every time. At least with the above, players have got a slight chance of gaining some distance. There's no point me casting frost shock when you're toe to toe with me and I'm hamstrung (WHEN is that going to be made diminishing returns by the way?!) as I can't do anything to get away.

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Nothing too alarming in the shammy list, proving once and for all what a beautifully balanced class we are! The 2h axe/mace thing is a clearing in the woods though. If you respec, your skill gets rest to 0 even if you kept the points in that ability, meaning another few hours of skilling up. Not that I have it any more, since I respecced to resto goodness! Already knew about the fire totem, same goes for earthbind which REALLY pisses ally off in Gankistan and Booty Bay.

After a slow start, really enjoying my new spec. I can still deal out some fairly decent shocks, but can heal much more efficiently. After my Scholo run yesterday, I got asked by one of the members to join a UBRS run as the back up healer, which was nice. Didn't have time to do it though.

On L59 now and am just going to enjoy this last level. Reckon a few Scholo/BRS runs should do the trick.

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The ONLY chance most classes have of beating a warrior is to kite them.

LMAO!! We are by far the WORST class for PvP until we get Epics in every slot. We have been nerfed practically every patch and a Shammy is saying we should have our only decent chance of winning (hamstring after intercept) diminished.

Even after becoming quite proficient at PvP (I've had enough practice!) it's sooo obvious that we are no longer a balanced class.

Priceless mate.

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There was I last night, doing a bit of Grinding up at Gallows Corner, near Hillsbrad to get the xp up a bit. Well, one of my chief reasons was that I'd just aquired 1h axe skill, having spent most the game with a 1h mace, and happened to buy a nice 1h axe in the auction house. So Ive taken on one of the Ogres up there, and getting the axe skill up from virtually nill, and missing with it most of the time, so I'm getting a bit of a beating every time, but its ok, I expect it. So Ive taken on this ogre, one on my level, and just as I'm about to kill him, theres like *boom* from behind, and I turn round and an ally warrior 1 level below me (35) has crept up on me, taken adviantage of my diminished state to sneak a quick kill. Now, I am no great shakes at pvp, but Ithought this was unfair. So I quickly finished the ogre, picked up the drop, laid a magma totem, and crucially stepped back. Ally follows, (they always forget about the totems!) so he's getting hit from behind by this.

Then Frooossst sshhooockkkk! - bang, enough to get a few yards from him. A quick glug of health potion, and fffrrrooossst sshhoocccckkkk again. And again...... and down he goes.

Now. Im feeling a bit good about this. I dont do fighting very well, and was surprised this guy took such a beating from me. Especially as I couldnt even find the time in the panic to change my weapon, so my axe swings were virtually useless.......

So, I find a quiet place and, still being in potion cooldown, decide to build mana/hp by sleeping for a few mins ro recharge more quickly. And lo, the warrior reappears, and wants some more. Bang, hits me whilst I'm down on the ground. So up. Magma totem, more fffrrrooosssstttt ssshhooockkkkk, and depite this guy having had the jump on me twice, goes down again, and loses to me twice. Me, the worst pvp'er in Deathwing! When he appeared the third time, I chased after him and boy did he run! Woo!

All this without even a decent weapon in my main hand........

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^^^And still they ignore the most important bug of all, the bloody charge and intercept one. Total bollox to be honest, God knows how many people (including me) have complained about it.

Basically, when you click charge/intercept the game charges you to the point the mob/ally is at when you clicked it, NOT where the mob/ally actually is when you finish charging. So on short charges its not too bad, but intercept over a decent length and you end up with a **** big overshoot and a mile away from you target.

There is a difference between a bug and something purposefully put in there to stop warriors **** you over constantly...;)

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This from the official forums:

warrior can lose duel against any class

almost every class has some counter build which helps them kill warrior in 9/10 cases

I am an epic geared rank 14 warrior and my duels against other epic geared clasess with cheasy builds looks like:


seduce during charge - 2 trinket - shadow bolt crit 3.500dmg


second shadow bolt for 3.900 dmg before my intercept reach the warlock


charge - * few moves here like blink, frost nova, etc * - sheep

2 trinkets frost bolt for 2.000+ dmg

presence of mind frostbolt next cca 2.000 dmg

cone of cold 1000+ dmg


stunlock + adrenaline rush + blade flurry + evasion + bloodfang (aka dodgefang) = i cant hit rogue, only thing i can use is demoralizing shout (i have imp. demo 5/5), piercing howl, overpower

thats not enough and i die


retribution paladin is not that hard, they begin usualy with Hammer of justice - trinket out - bash them to death and win

holy or protection or whatever paladin with shield and 7.000 and 9.500 armor with their defensive aura

no chance, no fking chance unless i have lucky crits and paladin dont make big mistake


when i fight rank13 druid with BWL epics i dont have much chances, around 10.000 armor, more HP than i have (i have 5.500 unbuffed) and pvp set gives them some +movement speed bonus

feral druid with this set bonus lagz like hell, impossible to hit becouse of lag

gg blizz


i was chain trapped 6 times during one duel

i resisted one trap thx to my anti-frost dmg trinket (engeneering) but it still not enough

btw our rank14 hunter has 5.800 HP unbuffed... yes.. thats true


this is probably only one duel where i think i will win more than lose

only chance to lose is lucky crits for him, unlucky noncrits for me and his elemental spec + natural switfness with chain lightning


shadow priest - no chance, i dont wanna write more, but N.O. C.H.A.N.C.E

SW:P + devouring plague + trinkets = +/- 4000 dmg during 24sec iirc

And thats pretty much how it goes for most of us.

So maybe we do have a chance against some classes according to situation and whose playing the char, BUT generally speaking we are NO LONGER A BALANCED CLASS.

The good thing is that it teaches you to become better at PvP when your class isnt that great, there is no 'easy mode' killing so I've become more efficient at finding ways to take other classes down.

Most of the Warriors who i've spoken to say that we now do less dmg in PvP with Epic gear than a Green/blue Warrior did before 1.6 patch. Thats just wrong.

And as far as the charge/intercept thing goes, Its a bug and it should be corrected. Particularly as Its one of our only chances at getting a good start on our opponent.

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The ONLY chance most classes have of beating a warrior is to kite them.

LMAO!! We are by far the WORST class for PvP until we get Epics in every slot. We have been nerfed practically every patch and a Shammy is saying we should have our only decent chance of winning (hamstring after intercept) diminished.

Even after becoming quite proficient at PvP (I've had enough practice!) it's sooo obvious that we are no longer a balanced class.

Priceless mate.

Hamstring after intercept, what more do you need?! Tell me how a shammy is supposed to respond to that? Priests and Locks can fear you away to gain distance, mages can sheep you, what can we do? In battlegrounds I can kill warriors, but not one on one. I can self heal, but once hamstring has worn off, bang, you do exactly the same thing again!

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