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economic situation is dire


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Plus more people are actually left wing in this country than right wing if you take in to consideration all votes.

shame that the major parties in this country are neither

interestingly the Tory vote in 2010 was roughly the same vote that Labour received in the 2001 election to earn them 413 seats and more than labour won a majority with in 2005 (355 seats)

but ultimately past votes count for bugger all , 2010 is all that really counts and in that regard Labours scorched earth policies turned the voters away from them in record numbers

as for this working man bollocks as someone has already pointed out ..where you in a coma since 1997 ?

tony your argumnts are showing a support for pr and its fairness. Interesting that the tory party did not want that. Hmmmmm
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Tax avoidance scheme's are the problem, Google make billions in the Uk and pay less than 1% tax on it, that, IMO makes a 20, 40 or 50% tax on people who earn less than £1m very wrong.

Their not the only ones, every man and his dog are at it, even footballers......The Tories will stay well away from that one though, as did Labour.......

Round and round and round we go.

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I think I would have voted for the war if the government told me Iraq had WMD and could land missiles in the UK within 45minutes .

Interesting again that Labour supporters only defence of the war is to mention Tories , its as though you have no real belief that bunch of crooks were up to it hence the need to deflect

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So why have more people voted Tory in the last 50 years than have voted Labour, is that because they are all rich or could it be they may represent them better
What a totally ridiculous thing to say.

In the past 15 years more people have voted Labour then going by your flawed logic, and considering that most of the electorate are still alive as opposed to your 50 year "rule" that must make it more meaningful

The reality is simple and is being shown on a daily basis - we saw it again today re the advisor to Cameron who is advocating the removal of basic workers rights re dismissal - the Tory party is funded heavily by a lot of people who in anyone's world would be classed as wealthy. For that favour they are rewarded by a Tory Gvmt with preferential laws and policies.

Are you saying that it was also Browns fault for the economic collapse in Italy, Ireland, France, Germany, USA, China and pretty much all of the other countries in the world...!

The Tory party has always hated things like the NHS which they see as cost and favour the pay as you go model. Hannan is a voice piece for the real Tory supporters and we saw by his comments to the Americans what the thought process is.

This Gvmt is a shameful one because so many of the Tory right wing attacks are being propped up by the LibDems. The country did not vote in a Tory majority but by the actions of the LibDems and their shameful willingness to support the Tory led policies we are suffering from one.

On a more general note re economics, how much longer can Gideon keep his job? Again today we saw a lot of condemnation for what he says and his policies. These policies are now becoming dangerous

what a totally ridicoulous thing to say. Using your flawed logic you didn't read my earlier post when I was commenting on All of the Labour Governments in my Lifetime.

And why is it a shameful government. And why are the LibDems shameful. Just because you don't agree with them, doesn't make it shameful.

As for George Osborne if he screws the economy as much as Brown he should go.

As for policies which are dangerous, well the last lot took us into an illegal war, when British troops died, now thats dangerous.

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As for George Osborne if he screws the economy as much as Brown he should go.

So Brown was responsible for the economic collapse in Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal,USA,China and the rest of the world.

Also If Browns spending was so bad why did the Torries commit to his spending plan up until 2011...?

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Not all poor people vote and if they did vote for their interestd, they WOULD NOT VOTE TORRY.

So just to clarify, do you believe that people should vote for a party they want to represent their own interests?

I think that if ALL people did that we would have a genuine democracy.

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I voted for the Lib dems after hearing their policies, they never stuck by any of them and backed up the Tories to get their toe in in power, how is that right?

All parties break promises .. Accept this and then everything will be ok :-)

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I voted for the Lib dems after hearing their policies, they never stuck by any of them and backed up the Tories to get their toe in in power, how is that right?

Thanks to Clegg - His days are massively numbered.That deal between him and the blue noses were made long before the GE.

The Liberals will be smashed,we wont be fooled again.

Out of interest who will you vote for now..?

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Clegg used it as Leverage to get as much for his party as he could. He tried to start a bidding war between the two parties. Brown was having none of it.

Cameron and Clegg knew there was a strong possibility that it could be hung parliament. There was a 40 minute conversation on the telephone before the two of them which was many of them believe they made some kind of pact.

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Brown was having none of it.

nice attempt at trying to rewrite history , you are a deluded as Brown is

you ought to read some accounts of what went on ..it wont surprise you to learn it's nothing like what you claim

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Brown was having none of it.

nice attempt at trying to rewrite history , you are a deluded as Brown is

you ought to read some accounts of what went on ..it wont surprise you to learn it's nothing like what you claim

Which bit dont you agree with...?

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Brown was having none of it.

nice attempt at trying to rewrite history , you are a deluded as Brown is

you ought to read some accounts of what went on ..it wont surprise you to learn it's nothing like what you claim

Which bit dont you agree with...?

how about all of it

the thought that Brown was "having none of it" is just laughable ..The country had decisively rejected Gordon Brown and he was ignoring the will of the electorate by trying desperately to hold onto office by his fingernails.

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