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economic situation is dire


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How can one man have the power to sell a chunk of the nations wealth

What a mad system we have

Since Denmarks pitiful amount of gold is stored in London, I´m sure our gold was included in the sale and we have to go viking all over again. ;)

Gold up almost 50$ today. Is it the end of dip-buying for now?

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well thats a good thing isn't it. He's going after them. I'm sure they only put their money there when Labour left office

That's what he says he is going to do....!

Buy as you might have guessed with the Tories they say one thing and the other. I understand Danny Alexander is partly responsible for trying to get this money back. They said that were probably only going to be able to get 25% of it back.

If any one else in their Job only got 25% of money that they were owned back surely they would get the sack.

Their is no way Ozbourne will genuinely go after all of this money. As the majority of the money is from his friends and people who he represents.

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But doesn't that report also say this could have been done over a decade ago. But as you might have guessed with Labour, they moan about the rich not paying taxes but don't do anything about it. I understand Gordon Brown was chancellor at the time. If anyone else in there job got 0% of the money back, surely they would get the sack

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But doesn't that report also say this could have been done over a decade ago. But as you might have guessed with Labour, they moan about the rich not paying taxes but don't do anything about it. I understand Gordon Brown was chancellor at the time. If anyone else in there job got 0% of the money back, surely they would get the sack

Yes a lot of governments are in Bed with the large Co-Operates. Labour did a lot of good things but also a lot of things which they could have done better.

Who shut down a lot of tax loopholes and who introduced the 50 p tax...?

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I know labour did some good things. I think that not all that Tories do is good and not all that Labour do is bad. But you have to make a Judgement call on Election day and in the main I side with the Tories

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never mind the 9 billion in Gold what about the 100 billion per year we loose each year through tax evasion....?

What complete and utter bollocks. £100m - it's a fraction of that.

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never mind the 9 billion in Gold what about the 100 billion per year we loose each year through tax evasion....?

What complete and utter bollocks. £100m - it's a fraction of that.


Reduced it by a factor of 1,000, just with the stroke of a keyboard. That's accountants for you.

You have no idea what we lose through taxdodging. Or do you? And if so, how?

Do you have a view about the loss to the economy from tax fraud?

Come on, give an original viewpoint for once.

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I know labour did some good things. I think that not all that Tories do is good and not all that Labour do is bad. But you have to make a Judgement call on Election day and in the main I side with the Tories

Why is that...?

When a party comes in power and out of all the first policies they can come up with the very first is a tax break for the ultra rich, instead of saying the first thing we want to do is to improve Hospitals, School and Crime then you kind of know who they represent.

When you see a male dominant, elitist, super wealthy cabinet made up from Bullingdons finest, you know whose interests they are going to represent. Its certainly not for the majority of hard working citizens in this country.

When you here that they are not going to touch the NHS and then push through plans to privatize it....?

Students university fees increased from3k to 10k.

Record unemployment levels.

Double dip recession

ect ect

The unemployed, youth and vulnerable did not cause this recession the bankers did and yet who are paying for it the most.

All thanks to the Tories..!

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never mind the 9 billion in Gold what about the 100 billion per year we loose each year through tax evasion....?

What complete and utter bollocks. £100m - it's a fraction of that.


Reduced it by a factor of 1,000, just with the stroke of a keyboard. That's accountants for you.

You have no idea what we lose through taxdodging. Or do you? And if so, how?

Do you have a view about the loss to the economy from tax fraud?

Come on, give an original viewpoint for once.

Was that to me patterns...?

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I know labour did some good things. I think that not all that Tories do is good and not all that Labour do is bad. But you have to make a Judgement call on Election day and in the main I side with the Tories

Why is that...?

When a party comes in power and out of all the first policies they can come up with the very first is a tax break for the ultra rich, instead of saying the first thing we want to do is to improve Hospitals, School and Crime then you kind of know who they represent.

When you see a male dominant, elitist, super wealthy cabinet made up from Bullingdons finest, you know whose interests they are going to represent. Its certainly not for the majority of hard working citizens in this country.

When you here that they are not going to touch the NHS and then push through plans to privatize it....?

Students university fees increased from3k to 10k.

Record unemployment levels.

Double dip recession

ect ect

The unemployed, youth and vulnerable did not cause this recession the bankers did and yet who are paying for it the most.

All thanks to the Tories..!

No I think that Labour have good points. And I dont vote Tory just because it's not Labour. Thats blind bias in my opinion, just like my dad voted labour so I should. I dont care if they are in the Bullingdon club. For god sake man John Prescott was a local mp. He had no control over the english language, he was in a safe labour seat. He was elected time after time and became a multimillionaire, putting his offspring in government houses paid for by the tax payer. Having spoken to the man, without the unions he would have still been waiting tables on a ferry, so dont give me the Bullingdon club bit. I just think they are crap with the economy.

I am old enough, just, to remember

Wilson going on TV for the"pound in your pocket "speech

The Dennis Healy IMF grab,

The Dennis Healy, my mini budget

The James Callghan "crisis what crisis"

and the Gordon Brown and Prudence, whatever happened to her, "No more boom and bust (except it was the 5th biggest ever boom and the biggest ever bust)

I think that covers most labour administrations

Conservatives always lose power because people are fed up with them

Labour always lose power because they have buggered the economy

well thats my opinion

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The unemployed, youth and vulnerable did not cause this recession the bankers did and yet who are paying for it the most.

All thanks to the Tories..!

Were you cryogenically frozen in 1997 and have just been returned?

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But doesn't that report also say this could have been done over a decade ago. But as you might have guessed with Labour, they moan about the rich not paying taxes but don't do anything about it. I understand Gordon Brown was chancellor at the time. If anyone else in there job got 0% of the money back, surely they would get the sack

Yes a lot of governments are in Bed with the large Co-Operates. Labour did a lot of good things but also a lot of things which they could have done better.

Who shut down a lot of tax loopholes and who introduced the 50 p tax...?

More examples of the naivety of people who think that the 50p tax rate is a good thing.

It isn't.

Those who should pay it have enough money to avoid paying it, which leaves the poor sods who generate income for others, have all the worry, work hard (yes, people on large incomes outside the public sector do work hard) and, when the have a good year for their efforts, get screwed by the unfair 50p rate.

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never mind the 9 billion in Gold what about the 100 billion per year we loose each year through tax evasion....?

What complete and utter bollocks. £100m - it's a fraction of that.


Reduced it by a factor of 1,000, just with the stroke of a keyboard. That's accountants for you.

You have no idea what we lose through taxdodging. Or do you? And if so, how?

Do you have a view about the loss to the economy from tax fraud?

Come on, give an original viewpoint for once.

Says Mr Cut and Paste from UK Uncut.

Anyway, the thing about tax evasion is that it's illegal activity, so it's difficult to put a precise figure on as people don't tend to fill in a box on their tax return marked "tax evasion" and then put a figure of £2.5m. However, I think that something between £10bn and £15bn pa is thought to be a reasonably reliable estimate of how much the taxman has lost to tax evasion for the last few years.

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