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Ratings & Reactions: FAC4: Chelsea v Villa


Match Polls  

158 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was your man of the match?

    • Martínez
    • Cash
    • Konsa
    • Lenglet
    • Moreno
    • McGinn
    • Kamara
    • Luiz
    • Tielemans
    • Diaby
    • Watkins
    • Carlos (Cash 82)
    • Zaniolo (Tielemans 82)
  2. 2. Manager's Performance

  3. 3. Refereeing Performance

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  • Poll closed on 29/01/24 at 23:59

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22 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

We're 7th in the away table which is higher than Chelsea are in the home table, fyi.

Fyi …….😂


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12 hours ago, villa4europe said:

I dunno, in the context of our recent Fa Cup history I think we kind of have to take that as an ok result 

Chelsea aren't as bad as people make out, fortunately they're still not great either 

They are improving....and confidence growing.

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Positives..............clean sheet away from home. Still in the competition. Goal Keeper in top form.

Negatives...........I'll leave that, up to you.

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12 hours ago, Django_Zooms said:

Happy with that. Yet another tough away tie in the cup and now a chance to beat them at home. Winning the FA Cup requires patience & resilience, as the last 67 years proves.



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12 hours ago, stewiek2 said:

Two goalless draws on the trot. Emery out!*








*As if I'd want that

was you just teasing?

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I missed the second half yesterday so watched it this morning. 

Is Cole Palmer the most over rated footballer at the moment? Another of the hyped up English youngster. Can’t wait to see him getting 10 mins on loan at Wolves in 5 years time. 

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12 hours ago, sheepyvillian said:

It really is worrying just how long Diaby has been almost a passenger for far, far too long. Aside from that one stray pass, Kamara was once again excellent. Cash was good. We miss Torres terribly, he brings so much assurance to that defence. 

Also, I thought the ref had a really good game.

Wonderful support too. 

Emi, definitely my motm.

Glad, somebody said it.....His confidence looks shot.

I can only speculate, whats gone wrong....but you are right sheepy, its concerning.

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12 hours ago, stewiek2 said:

The world's first 150m rated keeper. Yes Allison and Edison are up there but he has an arrogance, confidence and cocksureness they don't have. He's special. Very special.

hope it speads to the outfield players

Oh!!! hush my mouth.

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12 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

What do we reckon, 7th Feb, 8th Feb?


I thought you meant, where we will be in the league in Feb

silly me.

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12 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

I think the ‘no Pau’ is a bit of an excuse really. He’s a good player but he’s not the reason we’ve been this bad for ages. His return will help, no doubt, but our form has been poor and other players have been dreadful. 

what concerns me is.....the ease in which teams dispossess us......and that is not reciprocated by us....we in return, just stand off them.

They went after us in the first half, and suffocated any intention we had to play football.....but we don't do it back.......that work off the ball, is what I call working hard.

They had a game, 3 days ago, and we have had a long rest, that showed itself, by the second half performance.

Pau is surely a miss, but too many are "off it".......I am chuffed with a clean sheet, away from home at an Improved Chelsea, but I am equally concerned, with SOME aspects of our play....and that is based on not just one game.


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13 hours ago, imavillan said:

give your head a wobble....look where we are and where we are and in such a short time....your'e becoming, well, expectant  

I think you are confusing the point being made.....this current form, for whatever reason, is not what has got us in to 4th place.

We was playing much, much better, to get us in to that position.

I think the point being made is a concern over current form, and a forum is a good place to air your views, and see what other folk think.

Every Villa fan is "over the moon" with our league position....its the current form that prompts debate.

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13 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

I think they were sharper first half after playing Tuesday. Sometimes it can be hard to get back in to things after a long break. I reckon we’ll be a lot sharper Tuesday. 

Does that make sense or am I chatting shit?

No,.....its a reasonable response, but at least you acknowledged they was sharper, particularly first half.....second half their energy levels seemed to drop, and our rest period came to the for.

We do seem to play in front of teams a lot, where possession stats get enhanced, but effectiveness falters....just the way I see it.

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13 hours ago, ender4 said:

Strangely earlier in the season we were scoring loads of goals for fun but just couldn’t keep clean sheets.   And now we are keeping clean sheets but struggling to score.

The essence of being a top side......when we score goals, we open up, and create space, that the opposition thrive on....hence the highline, except we create an oasis, to land long balls, behind our defence.....when we don't shut down the kicker.

so imv it comes down to, who wins the ball off who, the most, is most likely to win the initiative, which leads to controlling the game, which leads to scoring goals, and not conceding them.

IMO we we haven't got the ball, we don't go after the man in possession, enough.....we just wait for mistakes, and interceptions, which is fine, but the better teams , make less. We have to make things happen, not just wait for them.

but Hey! UE is the man, what do I know?

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Am I the one to put the spanner in the works.

I thought we were poor, where has the football gone we were playing last year, we don't do 0-0 games. Players seem to be getting into comftable mode like they did before Emery came in. The amount of time we were dispossed by a team, who wasn't really pressing that well. We had 12 days off, Chelsea had 3 days and we were playing like we had no rest, no intensity, no real goal threat. We seriously need to pick it up, or else we'll be lucky to get 5th at the end of the season.

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11 hours ago, AV82 said:

It's really hard to pin down why it isn't clicking at the moment. I thought McGinn was poor, when our backs are against the wall we really need his hustle. Safe to say we're sorely missing Pau's ability to break the lines and give our midfielders a chance to receive the ball, turn and run at the opponents which in turn is cutting off the supply to our forwards and might be why Diaby and Watkins seem off the pace.

Hopefully we can work this out quickly as being so reliant on one player is a risk.

admitting it, is a start.

I don't think its 1 player, its a collective issue....Having said that, teams need weapons, pace, physicality, football IQ, whatever......but if a team is lacking some, they have to rely on what they have......when too many players are lacking the same weapons, it becomes samey.

A team can have great players, but if they are all the same...ish.....they lack the weapons to open opponents up....thats why diversity is key.

Opponents, will always try to work out, the weakness of another.....thats why we see so many long balls dropped behind our full backs.

Just as one example, where many can be raised.....balls in to the box, where we do not have a player, dominant in the air.....whats the point?....maybe 1 in a squad of 25, might be a thought.

I am sure UE is racking his brains, to fix things, but with FFP hovering like a stalker, his hands are tied to a degree.

He has still not made his mark in the transfer market, yet and Diaby's form must be a disappointment to him......I will just wait until the timing is right for him to get some diversity in to the squad.

It isn't clicking right now, but I must confess, I do like the clean sheets....signs of resillience.


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1 hour ago, Herman22 said:

I missed the second half yesterday so watched it this morning. 

Is Cole Palmer the most over rated footballer at the moment? Another of the hyped up English youngster. Can’t wait to see him getting 10 mins on loan at Wolves in 5 years time. 

He missed a hat full of really good chances yet the commentators were obsessed with him and shocked City let him go. Very bizarre. 

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12 hours ago, villa4europe said:

But theres so little out there that's better... 

Brentford, moved pretty quick for Toney, when Ollie Left...not bad eh!

They are out there, its just having the savvy, confidence, the eye.....to spot them....and not worry too much of making mistakes.

We ourselves have made some steals over the years, with the likes of Platt, and McGinn, Alan Evans, etc etc

They are out there, but half the battle, is knowing what you are looking for, to make that difference.....for example, they don't all have to be ball players.....Rice is not a ball player, but Football IQ is pretty handy too, and as Toney has shown, that bit of aggression, can take you places.


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11 hours ago, Ponky said:

To be honest we could still be playing and Chelsea wouldn't have got the ball in the net, despite literally gifting them three one on ones in the box. Martinez was impenetrable.

Had Doug's goal stood it might have been a completely different outcome, but I think the main thing missing is that little bit of crispness from our mids. Poor first touches leaving to turnovers were the order of the first half. It's impossible to beat a full high press when that happens.


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11 minutes ago, Genie said:

He missed a hat full of really good chances yet the commentators were obsessed with him and shocked City let him go. Very bizarre. 

still a good player...and still learning.

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