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Totally useless information/trivia


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China is the largest country with a single time zone.

Technically that's not right!

What is the technicality?

i cant figure that one out either... unless the internet is wrong (god forbid) the whole country operates in gmt+8

It's the Chinese that's decided they wanted one time zone for themselves. The earth actually got 24 timezones, where every zone is 15 degrees and equals one hour. So I guess China ends up with 4-5 time zones.

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Wasn't Nuneaton used as a testing ground for double roundabouts? I'm sure it was so it was the first place to have a double roundabout.

Dunno. There has been one in Bulkington for at least 20 years though. There is also one about a quarter of a mile from my house, I have to brave it every single day. **** thing that it is.

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How did I get into train driving? By getting sacked from my welding job for going to the Reading Festival instead of going into work. I would imagine phoning in "sick" from the festival, with pretty obvious music festival noise in the background and a bunch of drunk mates shouting that I was in a field in Berkshire rather than in my sick bed might have contributed to that sacking, but I console myself with the thought that I probably earn 25-30% more a year than the bloke who sacked me these days. :D

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I'd imagine the same you get into any job..

You apply. Probably do some courses or something, a bit of training... then off you go.

My brother knew someone when he worked at Birmingham Uni who now does all the stats for the cricket for Sky Sports. He goes out the West Indies and whatnot and whenever you see the Wagon Wheels and other such graphics on Sky, that's him.

He works with that Bermange (sp?) fella too, and they supply the commentators with the facts about the game.. run chases on that ground, previous highest scores, etc.. Sounds a pretty cool job to get into, and my brother has no idea how he did it.

Downside is, when there's not cricket on, he does it for the darts too... slightly less glamorous :P

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The traindriver from Reading to Nuneaton fell ill as he was also at the festival that year, and when Rev realised this, he took control in a drunken coup of the said train and drove everyone home safely.

When he get there, the Fat Controller said 'Congrat Rav Nayson, for your big skillz on da trainz there, work for us fulltimez bitch'

To which Rev replied 'Oh yah bredbin'.

The previous traindriver is now a welder somewhere. Ying and yang eh? Funny things.

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That doesn't explain anything.

Well, after getting sacked I decided to be part of the short term unemployed. As I was a teenager, living with my parents for **** all and it was the back end of quite a nice summer, a month or so without a job would suit me fine. I would just enjoy the warm days and get a job when it started raining.

Probably six weeks of that passed by before I got bored, and my mum was bugging me to get a job, so I told her I would go down the job centre. I got on the bus into town and while on the bus I thought as it was early October time then bar work might be a good idea as pubs would be taking on to prepare for Christmas.

So instead of going to the job centre, I went to the pub that was nearest to the bus station in Nuneaton to ask them if they were setting on. Ill admit that half of my reasons were that the pub was closer to the bus station the job centre is, and I fancied a pint. As luck would have it, they were setting on and I could talk to the landlord about the job. He was out at the cash and carry and would be back within the hour. I decided to wait and I just got talking to some bloke who was also in there on his own. Turns out he worked for Central Trains and was setting up a catering depot at Nuneaton and was looking for staff and he offered me a job if I wanted it. I thought the job sounded like a laugh so I took him up on the offer. This way I didnt have to give up my Friday and Saturday evenings, which was fantastic news.

Once I got on the railway it was easy really. Did a year or so selling sandwiches on trains, heard about vacancies in the ticket office. Applied for that job, got it, did a year and a half in the ticket office. Decided I missed working on trains, applied for a job as a guard (aka, ticket collector) and got that, then as soon as driver vacancies came up I applied for that job and got it again. So I went from sitting on a bus thinking about bar work to selling sandwiches, to selling tickets, to checking tickets to driving trains in about four and a half years. All of that because I was unlucky enough to get sacked from a welding job and lucky enough to have a chance meeting with a man who worked for Central Trains in a pub that I only went into because I was too lazy to walk to the job centre.

I did want to be a train driver when I was six though. So I guess it was fulfilling a long term goal. :lol:

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I did want to be a train driver when I was six though. So I guess it was fulfilling a long term goal. :lol:
When I was a kid all adults assumed that all little boys wanted to be train drivers. They used to really piss me off: "Hello little man, what do you want to be when you grow up. I'll bet I can guess - a TRAIN DRIVER!" when I couldn't conceive of anything less boring. Stuck on two rails, with no steering? No thanks.

I wanted to be either a cowboy, a fighter pilot or an astronaut. As I'm scared of horses and won't even go on rollercoasters, that turned out to be rather unpractical. :(

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I wanted to be either a cowboy, a fighter pilot or an astronaut. As I'm scared of horses and won't even go on rollercoasters, that turned out to be rather unpractical

You know what job doesn't involve horses or heights?... Train driving!

I have no idea what the fascination with young boys and being train drivers is... I always wanted to be a musician, sportsman or David Attenborough.

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When I was six, I wanted to be a trolley driver for the MBTA.

I probably should have followed up on that, tbh. Retirement after 20 years service with the average earnings of your last three years in the job? Where do I sign up?

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*Story about becoming a train driver*

Well there you go. I was browsing a website the other day that was selling DVDs on how to get a certain profession i.e. Fireman, Policeman, Army, and Train Driver! I wonder if the DVD tells you to go to the pub until you bump into someone.

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