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They're just one of many bands I've every intention of getting into as some point, I'm just yet to get around to it. My current knowledge/awareness only stretches to an Editors' cover of "Lullaby". :oops: Any recommendations on a good starting point?

Disintegration is often considered Robert Smith's magnus opus, dark album mind and can be hard to get into, but got some great songs. It was their return to their darker earlier sound after having done a few more pop-y records.

I'd recommend looking at the albums Seventeen Seconds, Faith, Pornography, the Head on the Door and Disintegration. That ignores msost of their more popular pop style stuff, like Friday I'm in Love, and sticks to mostly their darker stuff.

Don't be surprised if you like the odd song off each album rather than the entirety, thats more or less what happened to me. They do have some cracking songs though.

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Mike Oldfield - Ommadawn


I can't listen to Moonlight Shadow without thinking of 'Dave Angel: Eco-Warrior.'

Heh, I agree

Must say I prefer Ommadawn to Tubular Bells..............

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I can't listen to Moonlight Shadow without thinking of 'Dave Angel: Eco-Warrior.'

"That's my missus Shirley, and we haven't had sex for twelve years".

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Rocket from the Crypt - On a Rope.

Ah, I have that album :-)

Useless D1 fact of the day - The album was named after 70's Blaxploitation vampire movie Scream Blacula Scream.

I own the original Blacula movie starring William Marshall and (unsurprisingly) Pam Grier and it's quite entertaining in a kitsch way (never seen the sequel).


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