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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. Wonder which party this morning is more worried about the LibDems doing much much better at the ballot boxes if Clegg continues to impress in the next 2 televised debates.
  2. Could prove very useful if Gordy returns to power
  3. I suspect Labour and their supporters to start attacking the LibDems at their earliest opportunity after tonite
  4. This pretty much sums it up Richard. If your a Red then the Tories are scum and do terrible things which are offensive, when pointed out that their very own party behave in exactly the same way then we ignore it or point out more wrong doings by the Tories. If your a Blue then Labour are scum and do terrible things which are offensive, when pointed out that their very own party behave in exactly the same way then we ignore it or point out more wrong doings by Labour. The very same people can go to the match last night and then post that they think Everton played well and were well organised, but wouldnt even consider watching the televised debate tonight and then post how well the other leaders did - they are so biased their own sense of common decency would prevent it. Meanwhile the rest of us feel even further disenfranchised by the main parties and look in vain for someone to support.
  5. Three pages I have read and I now remember why I dont drop in very often. I will pop in tomorrow to posters extremely balanced and not at all biased reviews on tonights debate.
  6. The fact is that he got the ball. There isn't a percentage of 'how much' that he has to satisfy before it's a penalty. It was a terrible decision by the ref. Whyohwhy couldnt he have been in charge for our game yesterday.
  7. Whats the point in having players on the bench. When does MON ever make an unusal substitution. We can pretty much call them beofre the game has kicked off. Ancelotti used his subs and the only one MON made was **** Heskey and that was with 10 mins or so to go. I have seen some decent managers down VP and some god awful ones too but I would struggle to think of any manager we have had who is worse at substitutions to try and change a game than MON.
  8. So he does tire in games but not as much aspeople make out. I read some stats on here tonight that some posted that point out we have conceeded more goals in the last 10 minutes than we have scored - I think it was 5, where pretty much throughtout the rest of the 90 minutes we have scored more than we have conceeded. Now not saying this is purely down to Petrov as its not but surely that stat tells you something. It should tell MON something. I thought Petrov had another decent game andcame out of the game with credit, however in the last 10 mins Chelsea players were running past him and leaving him for dead because he had given his all.
  9. **** nonsense. You complain that anything that he does which isn't perfect is due to 'tiredness'. You are specifically looking for him to do something wrong in the last 30 minutes of a game so you can repeat the 'Petrov tires' stuff. You say that he was 'excellent for 70-75 mintues' today. How would you have reacted to any other player being substituted by O'Neill after playing excellently for 70/75 minutes? You'd have panned him, wouldn't you? Snowy are you saying you dont think that Petrov tires on is dead on his feet after 70 mins
  10. Drat I see you have upset Davey C and he has got it in for you with his freeze on IT spending for government. Completely disagree that that is the right thing to do but if you promise big big savings.............
  11. I think you are probably spot on there. So who chose the questions on that site? Who owns that site and do they have any political affiliations?
  12. so OS4 when released will bring multitasking, but only if you have a 3GS or the next generation due in the summer. Apple really need to up their game as Android is gaining ground rapidly.
  13. http://www.votematch.org.uk/ Is that site run by BNP Supporters
  14. So am I the only one who is bored of it already
  15. Birmingham Symphony Hall tonight....
  16. Having just read the Generals post in his thread about MON makes me think there is something definitely up. He could have said there is no truth in the rumours..................but chose not to.
  17. Anyone fancy a bet on it being the lowest ever turnout and a hung parliament to boot
  18. Two Points. Why would he do it now, just over a fortnight from the FA Cup semi I would have thought that MON being the man he was would have only given notice to one man and that would be Randy and I would expect it would have been done face to face. I think this calls for Mysteryman to comment.
  19. Interesting question. 18 months ago I reckon Portsmouth fans thought he was the messiah. I wonder what they think now.
  20. If MON looks at the game on saturday and plays 4 5 1 in the semi then just maybe
  21. There isnt a manager who is better than MON who would ever consider taking over at Villa Park? A chance to work with Young, Milner, Gabby, Downing etc. Christ what on earth has MON done to us then?
  22. 442 or 451? Heskey isnt playing as a 2nd striker though is he?. I would much prefer to see Delph, NRC or even Sidwell play as the extra midfielder, making us more solid and build from there.
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