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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. For the term of the government or for a set period
  2. mykeyb

    General Chat

    Now we have got the bloody election out of the way when are the Beeb going to put The Apprentice on and not this junior crap which was on tonight.
  3. Had 3 winmo phones before the iphone and although mobile 7 looks really nice Id be more tempted to go Android if and when I change from apple
  4. How long do you think the Tories will keep "targets" in the NHS Too much of a yardstick. Cant expect to give the NHS less money but still meet waiting list targets can they
  5. I wonder if any organisation are going to carry out polls on PR now we have some sort of government. It will be very interesting to see if the results will have changed one way or the other.
  6. Theresa May......She is only just slightly above Jacqui Smith on my scale of dislikable politicians. Is she the token women?
  7. android is severly overated While I dont think its quite up to apples OS just yet I have to say OS4 looks like OS 3 with a few bells on. It would have been nice to have a change of interface.
  8. It looks like both of the Milly Bros could be standing for the job.
  9. It will be very interesting how hard we get hit in the emergency budget. Hit hard and quick and they can lay blame at Labours door while the GBP and the government are still in their honeymoon period. Too hard though might kill any slight recovery we have at the moment.
  10. First emergency budget within 50 days apparently
  11. Are there 20 MPs in the HOC who would put their integrity above the gravy train they are currently on?
  12. Anyone bored of their Iphone and fancy running Android on it, some clever geeks have hacked it and are releasing it very shortly.
  13. Some clever bods have jigged Android to run on the Iphone.
  14. Since between them Tories and Libdems got 59.1% of the vote does this make the new government the most democratically elected one so far...... or as no-one voted for a Tory and Libdem Government is it the most un-democratic?
  15. Lets hope they bring in a 95% tax rate for Simon Cowell. He can either pay it or clear off and take BGT and X-Factor with him.
  16. They wouldnt not give it their seal of approval though would they. If something happens to Cameron (illness etc) and was not fit and healthy enough would we see a predominantly Tory Government with a Libdem acting PM
  17. Have I missed the announcement from the Libdems saying that they are behind the coalition or do we just take it as read.
  18. I expect it will be whoever Mandy wants it to be.
  19. Thats pretty much as I see it too. Wonder how co-operative the unions will be to change
  20. So in an outright Tory win who would have been a candidate for Deputy PM
  21. 4 additional Libdems in the cabinet as well. Honest attempt at trying to make the coalition government work or have they sold their souls for power?
  22. Anyone taking bets on when the first emergency budget will be called.
  23. This kind of thing gets said every time a government changes hands from one outdated concept to the next Yep, usually it goes like this.... "They spent all the money and left us in shit" and the other one goes "They destroyed public services and left us in shit" Well I agree with point one, not sure you could level point two at Labour though. Maybe that one can be used against the Tories when they get voted out..... That was the point he was making! Strangely the same point I was making as well....... OK, maybe when you stopped celebrating you'll see you misunderstood his post in the first place, either that or your not very good at making the points you make. Either way, your problem Firstly Bicks I am not celebrating, Im not sure one single post I have made tonight has been in anyway celebratory. I understood entirely the point he was making and not sure you are in any position to judge my understanding of said post. If you have a problem with something I have posted tonight may I suggest you do the decent thing and send me a PM as it appears there is a problem and Im not sure if its yours or mine. Cheers
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