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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. Well if we try to deliver a little late they may well lock the door and not let us in
  2. We print a magazine every 3 months for The Association of Electoral Administrators. The next issue will be a **** humdinger.
  3. Snowy are you having a bad night mate because if you read your posts over the last few pages they are a little on the aggressive side.
  4. talking of which , wonder what the expected outcome is in barking ? or was Griffen never in with a chance ? From what they showed a little earlier he is on a hiding to nothing.
  5. How varied though Bicks. BNP varied? Or only varied in a "good" way. On the results so far a PR system with 651 seats would give the BNP over 20 seats. Scary!! Just goes to show that no one system is 100% sound
  6. How varied though Bicks. BNP varied? Or only varied in a "good" way.
  7. Well, it might be an idea to look at how those ways of voting are going 'at the moment'. If one is asking people to rely on a comment of how something would happen 'in the future' then I think it ought to be treated with more skepticism than a Mandelson small ad. When you typed that did it make sense, because I cannot understand what on earth the point is that you are trying to make.
  8. Well Im not sure I actually said "at the moment". I believe I said it was the future, no mention of timescale.
  9. So says anyone with a real interest in electoral fraud. Well we could always do postal voting......oh wait
  10. Its a bit of a farce in some places. Electronic voting is the future...
  11. So it looks like Mandy is up for a Lib/Lab pact. Where does that leave Gordon?
  12. Well nearly 12 months in to the contract and its free upgrade time. 3GS, X10 or Desire. ?
  13. Very disappointed to see the Teresa May the BBC have on is the Tory MP rather than the glamour model
  14. I wonder how keen Mandy would have been on electoral reform had Labour been around the 326 mark on the exit poll. I guess not so.............
  15. So where would you draw the line? Which markets do you subsidise and which do you leave to get on with it. Are the ferries to europe subsidised, what about eurotunnel? I can see what you mean but at what level of usage would you say a service is untenable?
  16. Shocking stuff , and no place for people like him (or his party) in Politics saying that it will be hard for labour supporters who didn't condemn Prescott's street brawl to not appear a tad hypercritical if they now condemn this bloke Come on, completely different! Prescott did not kick or hit a man on the floor Perhaps he wasnt quick enough.
  17. There is a slight difference in banking and running a ferry though. If the ferry company sinks.........
  18. Sounds like Tory heaven. Whats the alternative?
  19. Surely its supply and demand. The marketplace dictates the price.
  20. Does anyone know Woodgate Valley? There was a company there, a big one called Birmetals used to be part of the Birmid Qualcast Group. The unions took the workers out on strike, not sure why as I was a bit too young at that time. The management said if you dont go back to work we will shut the place down. The unions said that management was bluffing. Management then shut the place. Now that was a company that before the strike was making money. Those people lost their jobs because they believed what the unions told them, the blame lies solely at their door. I can remember the minor strikes and the Thatcher / Scargill battles, I cannot remember why it happened although the consensus of opinion was that Thatcher wanted to squash the unions so picked a fight with Scargill knowing he wouldnt back down. So If people say that Thatcher was worse I will have to take it that you know what you are taking about. Does that mean that Scargill can be absolved of any blame?
  21. I may have missed something here but have Labour got some magic wand to wave at the economy. The tories have said they will have to make cuts...........they wont be the only ones either. Criticising Tories for saying they will make cuts is a little naive.
  22. He must be a woman........really its the only answer that makes sense.
  23. I think in all honesty as long as the tories get more seats than Labour he will be going anyway. The worrying thought for everyone then is who the **** would run the country, and even worse for Labour whowill step in to Gordons shoes. Despite what Bicks thinks I think I am tempted to vote for Labour because I genuinely feel sorry for Brown. He has been royally **** by Blair who buggered off so his best mate could have a go. I think he passionately wants to do his best fro the country and believes he can get us out of this mess better than the others can. He has been let down by some of his fellow party members and you can bet they will have the knives out ready on Friday morning should he come anywhere but first. I think the next term of office for whoever gets in could be their one go as the public will punish them for the massive taxes, dirrect and indirrect that they will have to pay, and there is no way a minority government will be able to be as hard as they will want or need to be to start getting us out of this debt.
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