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Everything posted by Kwan

  1. Interesting line up and bench 451 in defense and 433 in attack probably
  2. Kwan

    Jed Steer

    We're never getting Hoolahan if that's how they drag out our transfers. They've really got a stick up their ass about everything concerning us
  3. Lol every single thread pops up with Lambert never doing anything right. Delusional.
  4. It wouldn't surprise me if he played left midfield. He has good skill, a good turn of pace, and a decent cross on him. Guzan Lowton Vlaar Clark Luna Bacuna Wesetwood Delph Bertrand Gabby Benteke Have double cover on the wings as that's where we've had most of our problems
  5. We're playing Liverpool this weekend
  6. I don't know. Clark's problems last year were that he tried to get too cute when he was on the ball, he didn't use his physicality well, and he got bullied by bigger forwards. He seems to be putting his foot about more and cut out his problems in possession. But he still read the game well, intercepted the ball and didn't let his man get behind him too much. Baker's strong and brave. Good in the air and at a last ditch tackle. But will he learn to be better on the ball? Can he improve more than Clark in reading the game and not letting his man get behind him (Long at WBA is a good example)? I don't know
  7. Kwan

    Grant Holt

    What? As opposed to Holt who couldn't get a game in mid-table Wigan? It was in reference to someone saying that they'd take Zat Knight over our defenders. Zat Knight could barely beat out Nathan Baker and Baker is a car crash waiting to happen
  8. http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~3622575,00.html I think they like CB just fine
  9. They went over and celebrated with him afterwards. If anything, they were just as relieved as he was that he finally scored.
  10. Is he categorically better than some of our players? Yeah, probably better than Tonev, Weimann, and Bowery so far. But I understand keeping him away and letting him continue at Notts. He can still improve and it might be better to keep him away from the toxic atmosphere at VP. Imagine if someone in our crowd started heckling him then. Plus, they boo you if you're not amazing within the first three games and while he has more skill than some of our playwrs, I would be amazed if he dominated games. He will be great but maybe best to keep him under the radar for now
  11. Grealish is obviously class above the rest of the team that played. But I can understand PL not bringing him in right away considering the toxic atmosphere at VP where if he doesn't set set the world alight in 3 games he's shite. He's still got some things to work on. That being said, you won't know until you try
  12. Really bad call against VIlla
  13. Thanks for reading the forums, Paul
  14. Jack's on the left a bit more, supplied that through ball that bounced around and almost had us through
  15. Wow, what a goal by Liverpool. Don't know his name but struck it sweetly on the half volley Daniel Trickett-Smith
  16. Not too good. Can't get a hold of the ball. Also can't help but think Jack is being wasted by being played in the hole. Think he wants it on the wings. He did release Sellars with a great turn and through ball early on though.
  17. Jack looks to be in the number 10 role behind the striker. Really needs some proper shin guards... Barely gotten the ball though, hope this isn't foreshadowing Saturday
  18. Kwan

    Grant Holt

    Lol Zat Knight. He who captains Bolton as they sit comfortably 18th in the Championship.
  19. Kwan

    Grant Holt

    He'll probably do a Habib Beye. Play in a couple games. Get a red card and then never see him again.
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