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Everything posted by Kwan

  1. Kwan

    Grant Holt

    I really really hope this doesn't happen I definitely think PL will start him as soon as he can
  2. Kwan

    Grant Holt

    Easy. Not sign Holt. Play Bowery. Sign me up for the staff, Paul!
  3. Kwan

    Grant Holt

    I'm just going to tap my heels and try to make all of this go away
  4. Good game Ron. Please stay healthy
  5. It is a shit, horrible signing if it comes true. I would have rather signed no name McGee from League 2 than Holt. We know what we get with Holt. A fat, cheating, target man that is a complete antithesis to whatever "plan" that was here in the first place
  6. You should be upset about it as it is PL taking a flag and staking it to the ground in "I have no other ideas" territory. I honestly would not have cared about playing Bowery the rest of the season, but signing Holt is an intent that he's abandoning this so called plan to the wind for something familiar and comfortable. I would have been 100% behind him if he kept sticking to it and playing the squad he has and trying to get someone with promise. It might be a loan for 6 months and Holt might only play 20 minutes every other game, but I have never been more disappointed in PL than right now
  7. There are no good things about signing Holt I would rather have Bowery spinning his wheelchair down the pitch for 90 minutes instead of Holt
  8. Outlast coming to PS4 in February for free
  9. If we do sign Holt, that would place me firmly in the apathy category. I just can't anymore.
  10. I would rather have Barry Bannan back over Holt
  11. Just saying. Every single person who has watched him extensively in the Danish league agreed that he's not ready yet and they would be incredibly surprised if he got extensive game time this year. So yes, I'll take their opinion over yours.
  12. Think the people that have watched him extensively would know more than us
  13. Just do a repeat of last time. Get one of them sent off.
  14. 2-0 Arsenal. Deflected goal and then a free kick. We muster one shot on goal after Sagna slips on a counter attack. 23% possession
  15. I was going to leave early to watch in on TV, but I'll just glance at it on my phone now
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