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Everything posted by WhatAboutTheFinish

  1. Probably the most generous phraseology I've read all week.
  2. Cowardly, weak and vindictive. Whilst of course being snarky on Twitter is the very embodiment of courage, strength and benevolence? Let’s be honest, the level of political discourse all round is pretty dire!
  3. There is no legal requirement to do so and headlines of just this week suggesting that there were more than 100,000 voter registrations in 48 hours, suggests that not every person does. Could it become compulsory, yes. Is that a good idea...?
  4. The point being that every German also has to register their address with the government. I agree there is nothing stopping us doing it, but history shows that Britain holds civil liberties pretty high and if thought through, isn’t (for many) a desirable solution.
  5. It can reclaim the charges but the stats show that they don’t. And probably rightly so, do we really want hospitals asking people to show ID before receiving treatment? Again you are right that the UK could adopt methods of tracking where people are and what they are doing, but they are not able to single out EU citizens so it would have to apply to everyone. Remember the Blair government trying to introduce ID cards? How did that work out? Correct again that we could solve the issues as they stand but a non-point seems a little dismissive. It becomes a non-point if we want to become a nation of card carriers, under government surveillance that is refusing medical treatment to those without orderly paperwork and rounding up and deporting the unemployed.
  6. I like the way, just as you thought he'd nailed the spelling, he retweets himself to get it wrong again.
  7. In the next sitting of parliament will the Tories have to play with some of their benches closed after Boris’ No surrender chants?
  8. I thought Incontinent Mendacity was a new Bournemouth to Spain rail link?
  9. I can understand their anger and if it had been the other way round I'm sure I'd have been livid. Seeing Hawkeye makes it look like an absolute shocker of a decision...but you know what, I can actually understand why the Umpire didn't give it. He can see two full stumps, the bowler is going round the wicket, the ball is full and he has very little time/distance to assess how much/if it has turned If the blue portion of the line isn't there, I still might say it is only clipping leg at best! Benefit of the doubt to the batsman and all that, good decision!
  10. Legendary innings, great to watch and even had a tear in my eye at the end. Kudos to @PaulC for his unwavering optimism over the last couple of days too!
  11. Haha! All that and then dance down the track and play complete across the line. So so England.
  12. I've been trawling through some Finnish language tv and movies over the past couple of weeks to try and hone my language skills. Caught a good one last night. Can highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of war epics/history/foreign drama. Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier)
  13. Ah Jason Roy, I really rate him as a batsman but a test opener he isn’t...and never will be. He plays at every ball. Leave the bloody thing alone!!!!
  14. 7 months to rebook an appointment and then 2 years to put the letter on Twitter. This woman is living life in the fast lane!
  15. Beforeigners; Scandi-Noir descends into Scandi-Farce...quite looking forward to this in a staring at an accident type way!
  16. I'm backing Roy to go and get a run a ball century tomorrow. England to reach 180-1 to make everyone think "We just might win this"... then collapse to 230 all out. It would be the only true English way of doing things! Either way, it's been a good match so far and one in the eye for those pushing for 4 day tests.
  17. I'd be interested to know where all those people who have actually read it came up with Romeo's age as 17?
  18. Well quite. And just as well because if we we were to put those regulatory protections into law we wouldn't be able to hear JC shouting his beloved 'Bargain Basement Economy' at the dispatch box another 274 times.
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