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Everything posted by Ulver

  1. Absolute bollocks. Say what you like about Doug but he loves the Villa
  2. There's not even a debate here. It's Sir Sidney Of Cowanshire by a country mile. Not only the best Villa midfielder, but the best Villa player of all time too. Genius, 10.
  3. Hoolahan (2m tops) or a back up ... the mind boggles as to which creative/number 10 could be cheaper than that #ambitious
  4. I'd rather they sent Luna back and kept Joe tbh. Luna started ok but has gone backwards Joe had started to pick up his form at the end of last season lets not forget
  5. Oh to dream, he'd probably only keep this rabble Lambert's assembled midtable, but i've no doubts he'd mould them into a unit capable of playing some actual watchable football. That would be delightful
  6. It's enough to make you weep
  7. The problem for me is made in your first point. The fact our manager has to play this way. The fact he can't utilise a squd he's put together without having a target man up front. Just confirms his limitations and what our football will be like. Yup, says it all for me.
  8. If nothing else, Grant Hart walking into our dressing room with his two years premiership experience will earn him respect. His fellow pros will look up to him as a leader, due this unequaled top level experience, his winners medals and of course his ability to keep himself at peak level fitness even at 32. He's a proper role model and has done so much in the game it's hard not to be awed by his mere presence. Or maybe they'll just think 'what the **** is this signing all about' like the rest of us.
  9. In what possible world could we need ANOTHER striker ?
  10. Hard to argue. Then again I never did understand this 'he should be in the England squad' nonsense
  11. Terry Butcher and Steve McManaman no doubt
  12. 28k a week wasn't it ? BARGAIN (Bucket) We might as well have resigned Carew
  13. There are NO positives to this signing other than it could be the end of Lambert Small positive but one i'll cling to as i to hold back the tears
  14. whereas our Holt couldn't get in the WIGAN team
  15. **** me, if that's how he looks when hungry i'd hate to see him full
  16. Whereas bringing in Holt ... does what to help our youngsters or first team ?
  17. Why do we need cover for cover ?
  18. Yeah shout that from the Terrace.......that will bring out the best in him...... Yeah shout that from the Terrace.......that will bring out the best in him...... Hopefully he'll never get on the pitch.
  19. Crap apart from the 30 seconds that led to the goal. Before that, toothless, clueless and shapeless. After that HOOF
  20. He's fat He's shit He'll eat our **** pitch Grant Holt, Grant Holt (Fade to end)
  21. Why not ? Lambert doesn't like having a midfield so why not just have 5 strikers to aim at ?
  22. I seriously cannot believe the shit some people fall for on here. Unbelievable
  23. Tranmere (H) Inter Milan 2v0 (H)
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