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Everything posted by Ulver

  1. If we get battered tonight as we all predict, Hopefully the bell will be tolling for the useless sod by midnight
  2. Most of this season and last.
  3. Well if Mark Bright says we're in for him, it must be true
  4. Yes there is, this reason. Luckily our TV revenue is HUGE like everyone elses
  5. Naugton ? WTF is going on. Talk about ignoring the OBVIOUS areas that need sorting NOW
  6. Harsh, and unfounded. He's a top bloke Your lack of self-awareness and irony is staggering. I'm afraid you'll have to explain that love
  7. Can I ask when you met and formed this opinion of him ? Always been quite the opposite when I have. Maybe you met him on an off day.
  8. Harsh, and unfounded. He's a top bloke
  9. Steer gives me the heebie jeebies already You need two able keepers, Given was perfect competition for Guzan.
  10. Time to stop dreaming, If Randy had loosened the purse strings we'd have made some moves by now I know we're only 9 days into the transfer window, but we've known for MONTHS what's been needed so the quietness just points to we still haven't got a pot to piss in. Despite an expected near 100m turnover
  11. He'd walk into our side on one leg. Can't see what possible good it'd do his own career mind
  12. Done. Always feel good to vent some spleen
  13. what's that got to do with the price of bacon ? Wells is hardly old himself.
  14. It doesn't set my pulse racing either, but it's hard to deny he's EXACTLY the kind of player we need to link midfield and attack. So as far as i'm concerned GET HIM IN Whether it's Hoolahan for 3m or some fancy foreign bloke i've never heard of for more. At least the glaringly obvious hole in our team has been noticed at long last by Lambert.
  15. He's MILES better than Bowery as a striking option. But Lambert obviously likes Bowery as nothing more than a plank that will barge around the pitch I've never understood the hate for Nathan. If he'd had a good run and flopped maybe, but he never looked that bad to me. Perhaps a little nervous but not much else
  16. I doubt Nakhi Wells would anywhere near a starter, but if we've been watching him and know other clubs have to, we've probably decided to get in now while we can. This summer, who knows which strikers could leave, Benteke almost certainly if his form picks up, Weimann, if he continues in this dire form, Gabby, HUGE wage packet and plays maybe 10 good games a season Might be a complete clear out on the striker front.
  17. If half his wages are say 45k a week, i hardly see how that's not affordable especially seeing as (a) we have current first teamers earning more than that and ( we have a estimated income of 100m a year
  18. 1. Maybe Lambert doesn't think Vlaar is good enough ? (jury still out for me despite better form this season) 2. Maybe Lambert thinks 3-5-2 or a formation with 3 centre backs is preferable 3. Maybe Lambert sees Lescott as a left back option who knows.
  19. Not much alleged about it (allegedly). But it was done and dealt with way back then from what i'm told.
  20. I have Palace supporting family so have watched Zaha a fair bit. But I have to say i'm not convinced, despite all the hype around him when at Palace i struggled to see it. He was very much a highlights player, and was incredibly frustrating too watch in my humble. He's got that really, really annoying modern day trait where he'll go past a player and instead of putting the ball in the box he'd stop, check back and try and do it again for no logical reason. I suspect this is exactly why Moyes hasn't taken to him too. If that can be knocked out of his game, and if he can understand its a team game he might stand a chance at progressing. If not he'll disappear without a trace pretty sharpish. That said he can also be superb in brief flashes. I'd love Lescott, for 5m and a subsidised wage i'd snap their hands off. I like these rumours, along with the Defour one as it tells me the two L's have realised what a mess we're in. If there's any truth in them of course.
  21. we wont get him for anywhere near 1.5m, so the question then becomes how much are we prepared to invest in a 31 year old
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