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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Ankles **** Robert, can't walk that far. I would attempt to beat up that bloke but have you seen any rogues gallery pics of me!? I'm not exactly a bloke who goes round beating the shit out of anyone.
  2. I remember Shaggys child porn mate story, does no-one else!? Then again it was in my thread. I'm bored. Anyone got any ideas for me to undertake? From making origami to killing a man, don't mind.
  3. I propose we ban gingers from this thread. Its an offence to my eyes.
  4. a) I just copied and pasted the Understudy's previous work and updated it (he's called the understudy for a reason;-) *gives him a slap* *hangs head in disgrace* In fairness I could have sworn he said he was badparking as well.
  5. How long before tickets go to you if you have a passing interest in sport?
  6. I hope tehy draw Barcelona in the next round, but you know they'll draw Shakhtar or someone.
  7. At the minute, I'm re-reading The Doomsday key by James Rollins.
  8. Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk is a good wake up song, you can't help bobbing along in semi-conciousness.
  9. Mike. Heard it before, but it's still one of my favorites. EDIT - Unfortunate typo.
  10. And wake up in a blind panic? Nah yer alright I meant in reference to sleep with one eye open!
  11. I watched Paul yesterday. It wasn't as bad as many have said tbh. Not up there with Hot Fuzz and SOTD, but still worth a watch and good entertainment.
  12. Get a brake and accelerator as well.
  13. Had a good night out with a few friends at the cinema. Got back before 11, lovely stuff.
  14. Apology accepted. On another matter, I have over 50 followers, most of them you lot. Cheers for that.
  15. Actually Laura, that first list is copied of Nays further up thread! Pp
  16. @Nayson (The_Rev) @Bicksvilla (Bickster) @tomcoe (NulliSecundus) @nickclarke_ (Stato) @alexwier (not sure) @TheKidLewis (TheKidLewis) @SimonSpark (no sure) @MrTrim (Trimandson) @LaurasiPhone (even though she has an Android phone ?) (AVFCLaura) @Qwpzxjor1 (Qwpzxjor1) @martinrissbrook (Risso) @SimonGuest50 (Designer One) @Glastonspur (GlastonSur (fake account I think)) @Kevnmur (KevMur) @cmnee (not sure) @dannyh321 (ED) @bozzystuff (not sure) @badparkinguk (TheKidlewis) @blandyp (Blandy) @dirk1978 (darrenm) @anttix (Anthony) @hutchavfc (not sure) @Der_Wanderfalke (theunderstudy) @AVFC_Beefy (not sure) 24 people so far. I'll keep the list updated in this thread. Probably. ----------- Add @Magic_Marlon (MagiMarlin) @niblett79 (Nibblypig) @brain_sauce (dont_do_it_doug) @lord_warner. (NurembergVillan) @Allan_LV (LancsVillan) @IanMSanders (drat01) @Lolleyj10 (AVFC-prideofbrum) @dvinice (dudevillaisnice) @Cheesy_Combo (cracker1234) @avfcdj (Dodgyknees) @I2yann_W (Milfner) @PaulShilham (Shillzz) @awhimsicalurl (CarewsEyebrowDesigner) @jonaldinho1989 (jonno2004) @deanmoulder (PompeyVillan) @DaleMCox (Dale) @jlo_villa.(not sure) @gazoaks (Oaks) @Son_of_Sam (djdabush) To name but a few.
  17. Good-oh. Added him. Also DDID is now on, I think I forgot to mention him earlier.
  18. Yeah just Twitter stalked him and found him through your account Bicks. I'm assuming IanMSanders is Drat as well?
  19. Who are you on it Lancs?
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