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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Danny, we'll be retiring when we're 70. Not even kidding.
  2. Don't you use word removed with your Turkish students Sam?
  3. Don't forget to throw in "clearing in the woods" "I say old bean, I think we've seen this somewhere before!" "stfu"?
  4. Lovely stuff! I've used it loads. People have no idea what I mean.
  5. So you've presumably used "word removed" then?
  6. You can still get a straight red for a tackle eevn if you are on a yellow. Yes but he would most likely have been shown a second yellow. Anyway as I said, the consistency is shocking.
  7. Dunno, might be driving so won't be able to drink. I hope its a cracker though.
  8. Yee hah! Glad someone picked up on it! Anyway, I'm going out with a bird with eczema. Cracking tits.
  9. Oh i dread to think how many times you've been tea bagged young man. I don't pass out near my mates, if at all! I'm a light sleeper as well.
  10. One of these days some bright spark is going to have this as their avatar.
  11. I refuse to have normal pictures taken of me. I either have to be drunk or asleep for a picture to be taken without me sticking two fingers up at the camera or pulling a face.
  12. Oz, I can't help but giggle every time at your avatar. As for Makoun he will learn from it. The most frustrating thing is really he should have been booked for the first challenge as well as the second and therefore would only miss 1 game. And Palacios' tackle was appalling! How is that not even a yellow!?
  13. You may want to fix your computer, it's picked up a lisp. FWIW I agree, I have never had an iPod or any other Apple product but I went on iTunes on my mates computer and it's bizarre.
  14. Think of something else. Distract yourself from smoking. It's like if you're running out of steam on a hike, I get into an indepth conversation with someone, or if I'm on my own i think about something. Remind your body your mind is in control, not vice-versa. Above all good luck mate, quitting smoking is one of the best tihngs you can do. Set up a pot for money saved instead of buying fags, see how much you save. The financial incentives are there.
  15. Ah excellent, cheers fellas. Only problem is the cost of going up and back is around 35 quid in petrol. I might look at trains.
  16. Either way I plan to make a good day out of the game. If I am driving up, can anyone recommend a good car parks?
  17. I'm not sure. They are scheduled to go on GS on Tuesday.
  18. You got a ticket for the match then Paul? I was trying to find a bus, failing that I'll drive. Could do with a long haul trip.
  19. I could do I suppose, I'm not entirely sure what time I'll be in Bolton!
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