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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Ah! I'm in Block H, not entirely sure about my row! I know I'm in the red quadrant as well.
  2. Yeah Solihull-Moscow Moscow-Alma'ty Alma"ty to Vietnam, Vietnam-singapore. If it had been me I would have done Solihull to Moscow.
  3. Have you yried the fb chat trick yet?
  4. Yes we have. Although I didn't mention the GO60! Were you involved in that at all?
  5. Worked. There no longer, although my uncle still is. You remember GO60? My dad was on the 4th leg of that.
  6. Oh yeah, the fact I've got my Bolton ticket as well!
  7. Was it with the facebook beauty? Do I need to award you the +10 stalker exp?
  8. What are the delivery charges like when ordering a film from Outer Space? Astonomical? You are Drat and I claim my 5 pounds. The OJ is sans bits today.
  9. Not from me you won't. I despise BMW's, have done ever since my dad left Rover and joined Land Rover. Also they're ugly things and Mercedes cars are far nicer IMO.
  10. Yeah. Insomnia or over sleeping :?
  11. I need to sort out my sleeping pattern as well. Its ****.
  12. Sounds okay I guess! Go for it!
  13. Depends on what jeans you're going to wear. And shoes tbf. I wouldn't personally, go with dark blue bordering on black jeans, smart/casual shirt and black shoes. Boom.
  14. You got decent smelly stuff? Deodorant and aftershave, not Rohypnol.
  15. Make sure your balls are washed, your hair is good and you've got your swagger on.
  16. I'm immune from the system. I'm waving to you now.
  17. You should have told her it was goorash, which as well as sounding like she's got an STI, would be hilarious if any of your friends have a soft spot for Chinese-related racism. Just sayin'. Anyway, photos of me. I hate them, I changed my profile photo earlier and I've deliberately obcured all of my face except my right eye. Long may that continue. I am the least photogenic person around.
  18. I like your attitude, feisty, yet spineless.
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