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Everything posted by abdomlahor

  1. If I was paid 50k a week for as long as Ireland has, I'd buy a much bigger fish tank that that to be honest. I'd probably just buy a swimming pool and put a Great White in it.
  2. I know it's only a few seconds of footage but Ireland seems like a nice guy. Seemed to enjoy interacting with the fans. A bit more than Bent and Bannan at least Maybe it's just the Irish accent.
  3. I've given this second season syndrome stuff some more thought. You would think that teams would had began to formulate plans to foil Benteke by the end of last season. Ironically, that's when he was playing his best and scoring most regularly. This gives me hope that he can keep that up next season.
  4. Guzan Lowton - Okore - Vlaar - Luna Westwood Sylla Delph Weimann Benteke Agbonlahor
  5. I have to say, this has crossed my mind a lot recently. Although, to be fair, Carroll has been alright this season (when fit). I'd also like to point out that when running with the ball, Benteke isn't exactly graceful either. (Aside from his goal against Chelsea). I remember laughing at that run he made against United at home when he KO'd Smalling, because the ball came off his shins like three times but somehow managed to keep the ball. Don't get me wrong, I love Benteke, but whether he can be as good next season remains to be seen. I take reassurance though from the great improvements he made last season. He was being slated after his first few games, and looked a bit lost in all honesty. But as soon as he got his confidence up and settled in, he showed remarkable improvement in a very short space of time. If he continues his development at the same pace he has been, he'll be one of the elite Premier League strikers. If.
  6. The bit about a £3.5m release clause is surprising. Can't believe he's still only 25. edit: Forgot to put his club in the title. Mods?
  7. What a load of bollocks. It's clear that we have to shift people before we can get anyone else in.
  8. Where the hell was the keeper on Westy's free kick? Awful positioning.
  9. Bottom right, press the volume/speaker icon. Switches it off. It drives me insane as well.
  10. LOL. "Sorry about the stream, in the mean time listen to our audio commentary while we get it fixed" *Switches to audio commentary* Still shite quality.
  11. Mine's just a black screen with a rotating circle as if it's loading. Been like that for ages.
  12. Not working for me, either.
  13. Disappointed not to see Tonev again.
  14. I'm all for optimism, but I'm wary of people getting carried away. We'll still do well to finish top half, there are other teams who already had better squads than us who have strengthened as well. I'd be very happy with a top ten finish for this season. Top six is crazy talk, in my opinion.
  15. I don't think Sylla had that much of a bearing. He'll have had good friends at Genk too but that didn't stop him leaving there.
  16. Or maybe he meant to post in the Lowton thread.
  17. This is what boredom does to me. His name's Yacouba, Yacouba Sylla With yellow highlights in his hair, and his death-inducing stare He drives Benteke, and hates not winning And while he's playing like a star, Tonev hit them from afar He always wants the ball, his tackles break the bone He is young and loves the Villa Who could ask for more? His name's Yacouba , Yacouba Sylla Signed from Clermont by Paul Lambert His name's Yacouba, Yacouba Sylla Tackling and passing were always his passion His name's Yacouba He loves Villa.
  18. From what I can gather, he rather likes it at Lyon. I read something the other day about how he won't be forced to leave. For that reason alone I don't think he'll be joining.
  19. Someone asked him on Twitter if it's true about Gomis and he replied "It's not wrong" or something to that effect. @JM_Aulas
  20. *bump* That's the sound of Kismet's heart hitting the floor.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mdFGIzXFPc Some really good goals on that video.
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