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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. I just want a manager with a good understanding of setting the side up to be attack minded. Not to just counter, but have a bit of guile and creativity going forward rather than a manager soley intent to relying on pace, being happy to sit deep and ultimately put pressure on the defence. Something that has happened all to often this season. I wouldn't mind a bit of culture down the Villa for a change. I believe given time Houllier wouldn't have done to bad. Brought some good players in however just couldn't sort the senior players out(Dunne,Collins). I would like someone like Klinnsmann, Martinez, Rijkaard, Benitez. Poyet or Di Canio I think would be brilliant for the kids coming through however it might be a little early in their respective careers to give them the Villa job. I wouldn't be to sure about Lambert being the right fit for Villa. For me he is good for a club like Norwich but Villa? Most teams who come up play out their skin first season and although they've done well I think we made them look good yesterday as we have done with many teams this season, especially with how shit we've been. Will they be as good next year? I have my doubts.
  2. I think if your right we all might as well get a rope and do the only thing that will ease the pain- SUICIDE!!
  3. I know how you feel. Norwich took the piss out of us today, 70 min before we have a shot on goal-desperate! Fair fuks to Norwich though had some good banter with them and the highlight of the day singing " Blues stayin down and their going fuking bust....!".Apart from that and the weather the rest was shit. Thank god it's over. Get the ginger tosser out!!!!!!
  4. Henry is not worth a wank. Can't pass for shit. We'll end up with 10 men at least 4 or 5 times a season.
  5. Now we are safe for this season a concerted effort should be made at Norwich tomorrow to leave no doubt that the fans want this clown out! I will be doing my bit with the all time classic tunes, " He's scotish and red, if he stays we'll all be dead, Alex Mcleish,Alex Mcleish...". What about, " He's ginger and white, His tactics are **** shite, Alex Mcleish, Alex Mcleish...! or the all time favourite "Mcleish out M'Lord, Mcleish out". The clearing in the woods needs to go and take faulkner with him.
  6. Totally agree with this. Too many idiots would rather stand around doing nothing saying 'give him a chance'. What a load of nonsense!Most of us knew how this would turn out and even if we survive who wants it next season,we should've been protesting from day one.We do have an element of fans at this club however that are so concerned about doing the right thing that they do nothing. PEOPLE SHOULD PROTEST TO THEIR HEARTS CONTENT, have a voice,call for MCLEISH OUT! Let people know that we may be shit, but not all blind. MCLEISH OUT M'LORD,MCLEISH OUT!.......
  7. What **** game plan? keep smashing the ball from defence to attack?? biggest load of garbage I've seen. He spends more time worrying about the opposition than how we play. What a clown!! What concerns me is if we do manage to stay up. He will completely decimate the team in the summer by getting rid of the creative players for completely average championship players that will play his tune and I for one will not support this clearing in the woods anymore-not that I ever truly did. And for all those saying 'It's not his fault,Give him time, blah ,blah.blah'. Your all sheep and part of the problem!!! This prat will not wake up tomorrow and turn into Fergie or Moyes. THIS IS IT, ASK THE NOSES!!! Can someone please post a poll on Mcleish in or out and lets see the percentages?
  8. I dont think it is any coincidence that we've looked more solid at the back again since he has come in at rightback. Much better than Hutton anyway who for me is just a liability. Also bringing Clark into the midfield has added a bit more strength. About time though!
  9. What about the nice approach? Banners reading " please leave Alex"? Might work! ;-) My biggest issue with this whole debacle is that I honestly think the majority of fans who watch the villa week in,week out, know the players better than the manager and also could pick a team that would be far more attack minded than what's been served-up! It's a scary feeling that I haven't felt since o'dreary nearly screwed us up.
  10. I agree with most of what your saying but look at the last paragraph. The problem being that the players will have a shit attitude if what their being told is to be negative in their game. It will only breed a negative attitude. At least 4 or 5 midfielders will be questioning his logic and I'm sure you could possibly add our forwards to the list. He really needs to stop undermining the players with shit tactics and selections.
  11. Totally agree with this ^^ I know N'Zogbia has been off the boil recently but leaving him on the bench to play Hutton on the right is just amazing IMO. How the hell is the guy supposed to develop any kind of confidence when a poorly performing right back is selected to play in the position he occupied full time last season? McLeish put the emphasis on defence last night, which is the weakest part of our team. He should have played to our strengths and played a forward 4 of Gabby, Zog, Bent, Albrighton and gone at them out wide to try to push their full backs back towards their own goal rather than letting them have the freedom to attack ours instead! Heskey is just a non-starter for me. He offers very little and for people to say he gives us a phyiscal presence is laughable because he gets knocked over more than a shit boxer. I couldn't agree with this post more! Last night showed that he has no balls, blaming players for his own errors takes the piss. Tactically inept! He even looks like the naughty kid when interviewed, saying "it wasn't my fault, it was them". It's pretty embarrassing.
  12. I think it would be stupid of Villa to let Makoun go, he's the one top class CM we have. Step backwards if you ask me!!
  13. It will be a disgrace if we let him go. I never minded ash going as I'd become tired of his constant whinging, he'll fit right in at utd. But to let downing go would be an admission that we've no ambition at all.
  14. The only thing that was wrong yesterday was the lack of a good chant for darren bent. Any ideas? I'll kick off with this cheeky little number. To the tune of, 'please dont take my sunshine away'. Darren bent...Darren bent...Darren bent he's on the ball...and if you give him a sniff of gooaal,then he'll go on and fuukkinn score!! (Repeat)...
  15. General, welcome back. Now that players such as sidwell, carew, davis, shorey etc have left the club. Do we still need to reduce the wage bill now that we have added to the squad?
  16. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but although its a massive amount. It is only the money from the milner sale and I would think that the makoun money has come from sidwell, shorey, davis leaving etc.Possibly others leaving. Are we really splashing out or just spending whats in the pot?
  17. Fukin pandemonium when we scored! Our support yesterday was quality unlike the noses who u couldn't hear boo out of until they netted. Spoke to a few of them and to be fair they even agreed their support was embarrassing! Empty seats my lord, empty seats!..
  18. Seriously. What quality players are going to join a club in free-fall, a club where the players clearly dont want to play for the manager or cant because of how he's asking them to play? I just cannot see any decent quality player wanting to walk into this mess. On top of that the players he will possibley be frogs and we all know what they are like if its not going well-lazy bstards!
  19. He has got to go now! Tonight was sureal. In fact it was completely the opposite to the semi against blackburn last season. I'm still in shock! The damage that has been done since this clown came in to our beloved club is imo irrepairable while he is in control. From 6th last season, loose 1 player and now relegation material. Blame the players but the bottom line is they are being directed by an incompetent manager. What I witnessed tonight was not even championship standard football. He persisted with young behind heskey when gabby would have been a better option with ash out left, or even better downing who is more natural there. also what fukwit waits 87 mins to make subs to try and get something from a game when after 18 mins its clear as fuking spring water that there need to be adjustments. This cock will take us down and not lose one bit of sleep over it. I think after tonight his position is untenable. With the games coming up against sma and wigan if this isnt straightened out we could be right in the proverbial! Get jol in now before its to late or kev mac and sidney cowans until the end of the season. Then we can re-evaluate and rebuild.
  20. I wouldn't mind klinsmann, but I'd much rather see us go for van gaal, rijkaard or a manager of similar ilk. We need to go european now. imo.
  21. Rather than kiss ass like a lot of so called fans.can you answer this question: Is it the boards intention to dilly dally appointing a top manager, to in the end appoint someone with no european football experience ie,(Bob Bradley). Thus screwing this great club up? absolute disgrace if this is the case. If this indecisiveness continues then be prepared to lose the fans support! Most of us really fans want action not words or BS.
  22. If you don't ask you don't get. Does anyone really think that managing a club like villa or managing in the premiership isn't an atractive proposition- even with constraints? There are loads of managers out there who would be willing to come to england. Maybe not the 2 I mentioned but why not any other top level manager rather than the bollox being mentioned?
  23. And you know he will be crap how? He is tactically sound, by topping our group in the WC and beating Spain. Nothing to be frowned at.
  24. And you know he will be crap how? He is tactically sound, by topping our group in the WC and beating Spain. Nothing to be frowned at. Dont want to piss on your bonfire but topping the group stages during the world cup wouldn't have been to difficult, given that england were crap. for me that doesn't qualify anyone for the managers job at villa, especially a manager with no european football experience. Seriously villa need a top manager. The names that seem to be mentioned on a regular basis at the mo, don't feel me with any confidence at all. We need to be looking to bring in the likes of Huudink, Ranieri etc. Someone to instantly get the respect of the players, steady the ship and start moving us forward again.
  25. Dunne excelled in some truly woeful Man City teams. Totally agree. Not disputing that. I've seen him play before coming to Villa and he was quality then. But I've seen enough manc fans slag him loads at times. I really believe he has moved up a gear since joining us and I hope he continues to. He's definitely made a believer out of me.
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