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  1. Really interesting...especially after being complemented with better players to improve the side that finished 11th, which is pretty much middle of the table. Just like last season, being complemented with a better manager for a team that was languishing in 17th. Very interesting indeed.
  2. I've watched a few Luton games and he's been okay for them. So what. Move on anyway and understand others have a different opinion to yourself ffs.
  3. Crazy..... I thought I said a number of.... not all.
  4. Mark, do you know if the renewal prompt will be via post or email? I'm sure we've had letters in recent seasons but can't remember if I'm honest.
  5. No.... I'm not all over the place at all. Yes there are several midfield positions however, they're still in midfield which is what you initially dismissed with the silly gif rather than come back to me with a more sensible response. As for him changing roles, he may well have done, and yes, it may well have aided in the apparent upturn in his form at Luton. However, the standards he showed last time he was here were in no way at the required level required in the team we are now. We were at best a middling side with a number of bang average players that would never make it in the current set up. Now Barkley if signed may well have a genuine positive impact in the current set up, nobody is denying he hasn't talent in some ways. Can he apply that talent at our level.... imo the jury is very much out. As for taking in, what Luton fans see, I'd rather not tbh. The same fanbase were absolutely raving and put Nakamba on some sort of pedestal last season, and let's be fair, we already knew how limited he was/is. Look I'm not trying to fall out with people on this issue, quite the opposite, but I have do have reservations based on what I've seen previously and for the fact his impact, although positive this season has been at a pretty shit Luton Town who now find themselves back in the championship. We've a massive season ahead of us and I think most if not all the fanbase realise that we need to upgrade the squad for the challenges ahead, now we can say we need more depth but imo that depth will come with injured players coming back and improvements in the starting 11 if we can recruit the right players. Is Ross Barkley one of those, time will tell.
  6. So you agree it's midfield position then? Not in goal, in defence or up front. One of the multiple MIDFIELD roles a player can play in. Unbelievable
  7. Take a look into the Zaniolo thread and read the hypocrisy. That isn't to say from you either. Another player that has hugely divided opinion on this forum regardless of Emery's magician like status. Now all of a sudden it's Barkley people can't have an opinion or question the logic. If Barkley does come in and do well then everyone will be happy, especially if it's a reasonable deal and we also bring in better players elsewhere. That goes without saying. But this idea people can't question or have concerns based on his previous/background or injury record(just like Zaniolo) is silly. Also, the idea that those questioning a deal for Barkley would rather see Chambers, Dondoncker or Tim play is laughable. They need shifting on period.
  8. Is 6 a midfield position? Or "Nah". Because your previous post in response implied he wasn't even going to be in midfield. From other previous posts it seems many don't know what position he'll play. Some say a deeper role, some say not. Do you know or are you speculating?
  9. It's 100% relevant. He's a midfielder and still plays in midfield. Unless of course you know exactly what Unai has planned for him..... IF he comes back. The link is purely speculative at the moment but everyone already seems to know how Unai will utilise him. "Off the bench, to rotate with X, Y or Z." That's not a go at you personally but nobody knows tbh, everyone is speculating and coming up with their own conclusions. He may not even return in which case this is all pretty pointless anyway. I don't have no problem with those that see potential merits in bringing him back, I just don't see it the same way that's all.
  10. I was just pointing out his age tbh, but yeah, he was out for quite a while before coming back in fairness. Still was a piss take and highlighted how bad the HW division was at that time.
  11. Nobody is "shook" so don't talk bollocks. Some just don't so any merit in bringing him back after his previous stint, or that it really improves the squad. It's hardly reinventing is it, managing to last a season after years of doing nothing playing in a Luton side that have been relegated.
  12. Foreman.... 48 when he eventually retired.
  13. It may well be only in Brum but they have been selling both home and away shirts, plus some of the retro shirts.
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