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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. It might not be popular but he was a shit as everyone else, I don't know where this idea that he was playing well or the only one to be comes from. Running around like a headless chicken flying into challenges doesn't change that. He rightly got sent off for being reckless and completely finished us off when only 2 nil down and over 30 mins left to play. Forcing us to forget any chance of getting back into the game. Then to listen to the crowd chant his name after being sent off like some warrior was utterly cringe. He's one of the main reasons we lost that game or at least had no chance of getting back into it. But yeah.....well done.
  2. It shouldn't make any difference regardless of loan or otherwise. In fact I'd say spunking nearly 50m on someone is as good a reason as any to expect more. FWIW I think they both have been used incorrectly, Zaniolo as he's had very little game time to find any form the last 3 months, basically becoming as waste of a loan and Diaby because he should have been used more as a wide player. Especially when teams started to change tactics against us. He's just not physically strong enough in the 10 role against centre half's and imo and needs space to operate. Similar to Bailey. As for Zaniolo, I think the die is cast already, he won't be staying come the end of the season imo. That being said, I don't think it's all his own fault because we've not helped him very much to settle or find a role for him. I think that frustration shows in his body language at times. He's nowhere near as bad as people make out considering the circumstances though.
  3. Like the moment he chased back at 80 yards, won the ball back and got a FK? You need to sort your effort when spelling before calling others out. SHOULD never post again
  4. Considering what we've spent on him we could've spent half and got more for our money. Unbelievable, how bad he looks compared to earlier in the season. It's not like he's got injuries to fall back on as an excuse.
  5. Should've started imo and gave us the extra body in midfield. Looked okay when he came on.
  6. Had a poor game today but him and Ollie get a pass from me. Both were massively isolated due to the system and it was obviously Spurs intention to clatter them both every chance they had.
  7. Shocking player. Slow, too many touches, poor awareness and no physicality. All I'm seeing is a player wasting a spot.
  8. I don't know what people are talking about. He was the only player in midfield to play any threatening ball forward. When you've got McGinn who best attribute is his arse and Tielemans whos about as much use as a chocolate fireguard no wonder we got overran in midfield.
  9. Idiotic tackle it look bad from the Holte like a bull in a china shop. Just got back and seen it on TV, it was a red all day long.
  10. Absolutely bottled it today. To concerned with Spurs and not conceding rather than try to win the game. Left us massively overrun in midfield and once we went behind it was game over because we always look bad when we start slow. He's been brilliant since he arrived but had an absolute shocker today.
  11. Don't want to be disrespectful, but that's because you're a casual watcher. Go down the the divisions, domestically and internationally and there are great fighters and great fights happening. The HW division is the pantomime but the rest of it isn't.
  12. What a shit fight tbh. HW boxing is dull asf more often than not. Hope Parker pulls this off because Zhang is lazy asf.
  13. Parkers up against it now. Got a much better output but 2 knockdowns leaves him with a lot to do in the final 4 rounds. He needs all of them imo, even though he's done all the work.
  14. Think Zhang might have to much power for Parker late on. He's technically far better than Wilder too. Parker needs to stay busy and move, keep Zhang missing.
  15. Yeah, I feel like we've wasted him tbh. He's definitely struggled to settle but I just don't think we've helped him either.
  16. Without doubt but considering his early season form he needs to get himself together, because atm he's becoming very passive in the games he starts.
  17. Not wanting to be too critical, but I'm just not a fan at all. Great playing the through balls but has zero physicality in the middle.
  18. I wish we'd given him more minutes the last few months tbh. I feel his time has come and gone now, but there he's definitely a better player than we've seen.
  19. I don't think he's really ready tbh. I'm sure he'll be better next season but I'm not sure we can't replace him with better either. If we get CL I expect he'll make way. Not a bad player but he's got a long long way to go to be up to the standard required imo.
  20. So disappointing watch him play at the moment. Looks devoid of confidence, Strength and other than the cross to Digne last week has literally produced nothing in 2-3 months.
  21. I agree. I think we've got a very tough run in and will need to seriously be on our game to grab 4th. If you look at last season and how we finished our final 10-12 games to close the gap on Brighton, it's a possibility with 33 points still up for grabs. I keep hearing that will be a shoe in for CL if we beat Spuds but I think we need to do far more than that. 11 to go I think we'll need another 15 points. City, Arsenal away, Liverpool at home. Brighton away, WH away, Wolves is always a tough fixture..... We've still got plenty to do imo.
  22. Ref's been sniffing a bit of the Albanian snow, cut with Ajax. Lost his mind
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