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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Utterly brilliant. :nod: Didn't know you were a fan mate. I've seen them numerous occasions live and they never fail to impress.
  2. One of the most polite, well spoken and intelligent blokes I have ever met (years ago, when they supported RHCP in Bham) But you certainly wouldn't want to spill his pint.
  3. And a nice pleasant ditty before bedtime... The delightfully named Bile and their radio friendly unit shifter - 'I Reject'
  4. Ah, good old M.O.D. speaking of Billy Milano... S.O.D - Kill Yourself
  5. I'm feeling in a bit of an evil industrial type mood so kicking off with
  6. Designer1

    Snow Watch!

    Belting it down here. I really wish it was this time next week though.
  7. What the bloody hell's wrong with you Ian! It's Friday you know.
  8. I shall be sinking a few of these in a little while.
  9. Only the good movies mate. :wink:
  10. You are William Munny and I claim my £5.
  11. Holy Cow. Check out No. 33 In part 2, that is. No sympathy for the git to be honest.
  12. Correct, the most problematic of which isnt illegal at all. Very true. Aye. I **** hate Lemsip.
  13. Profile Change Postnuke Profile
  14. Excellent news. Really looking forward to seeing how his talent develops as I feel he has all the tools to be a top pro.
  15. I see your and raise you :thumb:. What do you make of the new singles? Heavenward Grand Prix? I think...Wall of guitar noise crits you for 2,000 - You die. Yes, I really like it.
  16. Yep, one of my favourite directors too. I still think the Piano Teacher is one of the most beautifully sick and twisted movies ever, without resorting to cliche ridden violence.
  17. More people need to watch that series. It's genius.
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