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Everything posted by Rightdm00

  1. We just fired a manager who spoke gibberish half the time. I could never make out what Steven was getting at half the time. Unai is fine.
  2. Played well but his weaknesses are on full display when you put someone like Pau next to him. Second time we have tried that pairing agaisnt a good team and been picked apart. Ezri is definite starter on the right but the choice for LCB is wide open right now.
  3. Some truly horrific away kits on display.
  4. He came off without complaint. No bottles were kicked like a certain someone .
  5. I agree that was the reason I just struggle to see what tactical change was made. I get Baileys frustration, wasn't good but neither was Watkins or mcginn yet he gets the hook.
  6. Desperately need someone to fill the energy Buendia brought in the press. Trent in the first half had all the time in the world.
  7. I didn't see it as a lack of fight. We conceded 4 minutes in off a horror show from Pau. That will drop the shoulders of even the best team. You can tell this team misses Buendia badly. He's the type of player that always brings 100% no matter the situation. Need someone to fill that role this season.
  8. Both of those managers have a level of quality that Villa can only dream about. In the end a manager can only do so much.
  9. This is a good switch. 3 at the back was not the right call.
  10. Our midfield is well clear of there's. Also, with Fabinho gone they don't have that large DM that usually gives us problems. Only way we keep them out of our goal is by keeping the ball. Dougie and Bouba have to deliver an amazing performance for us to have a shot. I think they have that in them. Going to be an exciting encounter.
  11. As long as we are allowed to call out/laugh at overly critical posters then keep on posting. Gotten some good laughs from a few who find it to painful to compliment a Villa player when he is playing well.
  12. Since the Big 4 has been busted up a bit you would hope they have lost some leverage there. Although, I think any cap will help. You would have to put in a floor so clubs can't just refuse to spend (Looking at you Luton). The number would have to be sustainable for all PL clubs which would put a brake on the big spenders. Maybe base it off of the fixture load for the upcoming campaign. I'm sure people smarter than us can think of a way. Right now it's just pure greed allowing this silliness. Countries owning clubs, its comical when you think about it for a couple minutes.
  13. Easy ways to solve this. Set a hard spending cap. No league spends anywhere near what the PL does every year so a hard cap would set the upper limit for spending in Europe.
  14. What a shocker from Pope. Put him and Pickford together and England still don't have 1 whole keeper.
  15. Love Ash and everything he's done for Villa but he is not an everyday PL starter.
  16. He looks the part. I know it's Everton but his quality is obvious. The real question if we are to activate the buyback is if he can lead the line. I am still unsure there.
  17. Everton are truly awful. Dyche first to go. His defense is getting carved open with a hoof and a knock on. Wouldn't have worked 20 years ago playing the way they do.
  18. This is exactly what he needed. Starting every game. No way he grows to this level coming off our bench. Also, Everton are awful.
  19. Add Sander Berge to the players that Diego has bodied to the ground. He is a freaking unit.
  20. Trying to butter him up so he gets the pass next time.
  21. We have a sneaky physical front line when he is up top with Ollie. I like that, last season I felt we got bullied to easily at times by physical CBs.
  22. Didn't look for his cutback to Cash so that assist doesn't count.
  23. Definitely not a great 1v1 defender. Won't be the last time he gets easily moved for a goal. Passing and progressive play makes up for any defensive frailties for me.
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