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Everything posted by mjmooney

  1. So do I - avoid it like the plague. TERRIBLE series. Footballers' Wives in Togas.
  2. I thought Delfouneso was away with the England U19's, rather than on the bench?
  3. I love the fact that her name is "moron" spelled backwards.
  4. Looks like the only way he's going to get into the shirt.
  5. Come on then.... EDIT: Let me guess. One of the little kids on "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day"?
  6. For the record Drew, your first loves Chelsea beat Leeds (in a replay) not in 1971, but 1970. It instilled in me no love for Chelsea, but an (entirely rational) hatred of Leeds that survived me moving to the city as a student and living here to this day. My Villa credentials are almost entirely the inverse of yours: I have been a devoted Villa fan since my first day at primary school (1958 - which makes this year my Villa Golden Jubilee!), BUT, I have never had a season ticket and rarely been to more than five or six live games a year (some years none at all). As Lancs says, we're all part of The Family.
  7. Original, all the others are superfluous. I HATE white chocolate.
  8. And a stunning female streaker pls Shit, yeah, forgot that. And keegan to return, only for him and 15,000 newcastle fans to have simultaneous heart attacks and die right there and then? Now you're just being silly.
  9. And a stunning female streaker pls Shit, yeah, forgot that.
  10. 1-0 win to the barcodes by a blatantly offside goal in extra time, in a game which has seen three players on each side seriously injured and another three each sent off. Fighting in the tunnel. Crowd disturbances. FA disciplinary action invoked. I think that should do it.
  11. I've mentioned this before, but my only experience of corporate hospitality was perfection itself. At Leeds for a League Cup game against Villa. Provided by a brewery. Free food. Limitless free beer. Brought to me by miniskirted young women. Surrounded by Leeds fans, with me cheering for the Villa. And we whupped 'em. It just doesn't get any better.
  12. I'm afraid it's the wheels that will come off if we get AC Milan.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGTnmd98ALA, then?
  14. Monday is pub quiz night. Three pints - no more, no less - of whatever the guest ale is in my local. Unless it's something I don't like, in which case three pints of Black Sheep bitter. And as we've won the quiz for the last two weeks, it's free.
  15. Labour supporters of my generation would like the old Labour party back. Tory supporters of my generation would like the old Tory party back. (shudder) In those days there was at least a clear-cut choice.
  16. Labour. Out of sheer bloody-mindedness. I'm a child of the postwar welfare state. Once upon a time the Labour Party stood for socialism, trade unionism, state ownership of industry and public services, free health and ediucation provision for all, equality of opportunity, opposition to privilege, the works. Things I believed in. Things I still DO believe in. It hasn't meant that for many years. "New Labour" is basically "Tories Lite". But **** it all, I will never, EVER vote for the **** Conservatives. Labour are down and reeling, largely through their own ineptitude, but I'd vote for the underdog, perhaps for all the wrong-headed reasons, but mainly out of defiance to the lying scum that make up Cameron's gang of reptiles. But I'm sad that it's come to this. People have short memories, and will get the government that they deserve.
  17. You're supposed to wear it, not eat it.
  18. I'm not mad keen on it. It's not too bad if you fry the **** out of it. Like most things, really.
  19. perception or even in the head ..maybe it stems from what you are fed as a kid ?? I'm reliably informed that if you eat something your taste buds will adapt to it so something that you hate , like celery ,will as you get used to it become OK and palatable for you ... of course the drawback is that most people if they don't like something won't keep eating it That's what my wife keeps telling me, but it's simply not true. At BEST I find I can get to tolerate something, but never to actively enjoy it. This is what's happened for me with most green veg outside of the aforementioned spinach and spring greens (which are utterly beyond redemption) - I've learned to eat stuff like broad beans, runner beans, broccoli, courgettes, lettuce - as a sort of medicine, because I know they're good for me, but I make sure I get them out of the way first, before tucking into the only NICE part of a meal, i.e. the meat and potatoes. But she actually finds that stuff mouthwatering, as I would only for a steak, a chip butty or a big bar of Dairy Milk. It just baffles me how this can be so.
  20. Can't believe I'm the only one who has voted for the loathsome spinach. Oddly enough, raw as a salad it's not too bad, but once cooked it becomes truly disgusting. I honestly don't understand how anybody can think it's edible - just a hint of the smell makes me feel physically sick and I start gagging. The only thing worse is that dark green spring cabbage, which has the same effect but has a horrible leathery texture (rather than the mere sliminess of spinach). Red and white cabbage are OK-ish though. I also agree that celery is nasty - way too bitter, but - bucking the trend - I LOVE brussell sprouts. I wish I understood what drives these likes and dislikes - I'd love to see some scientific research done into it.
  21. Well I'll tell you this for a fact, they **** hate you. Perhaps even more than they hate the Baggies. Chim-chiminey chim-chimeny chim-chim-cheroo.... Maybe so. I've only ever really known two Wolves fans at all well; one when I was at Uni (35 years ago!!!), he was a good lad, and had no particular dislike of the Villa; and one now, at my running club. He's OK too, but I must admit he seems very bitter and twisted about Villa - I tend to stay off the subject of football because we can't have a sensible conversation about it. Funnily enough his brother is a Villa fan.
  22. Disregarded Walsall completely as we're never in the same division. SHA are clearly scum. Coventry and Wolves are similar in that the sad bastards actually think we are their rivals (like they even register on the radar - as if). But I've got good mates who support the Baggies, and have been to The Hawthorns with them many times. So Albion.
  23. wow! would love to be a fly on the wall at cadbury's factory in bourneville! I'm glad I only eat the above-average ones, then.
  24. Well, I did watch the second half on a dodgy internet stream when we got back. And, yes, it was pretty impressive. But I'm still not that fussed about England anymore.
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