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Everything posted by mjmooney

  1. Religion is a successful meme. So far.
  2. I haven't played a banjo for years, quite fancy getting one. Especially as my daughter is thinking about getting (i.e. dropping hints that she would like me to buy her) a mandolin.
  3. Hi Grandiin, welcome to VT. Thanks for the info - looks promising. Do stick around to follow the Villa next season!
  4. My new toy arrived yesterday. Some fun to be had:
  5. This had better be a joke.
  6. Seems to be momentum building behind the idea of a female doctor. Joanna Lumley? Helen Mirren? Grace Jones? Jo Brand?
  7. That's why I went for my Gibson Sonex back in the 80s - it was clearly an attempt to get the best of both worlds, effectively a Les Paul crossed with a Telecaster. Two pairs of humbuckers, but with a coil tap switch to get that trebly single coil sound when you want it. Schaller machines that stay in tune through anything you like, and the whole thing is built like a brick shithouse - very heavy (in the actual weight sense!), so it's hard work on the shoulders, but it sustains like a bitch. I would ideally have liked lower profile frets, but I've got used to the neck after all these years. I love it. This should really be in the VT Musicians thread.
  8. "CD"? What is this "CD" you speak of? In a few years time they'll take over from the cassette tapes you're still using. You say that, but...
  9. mjmooney


    Except in extreme cases I'd prefer to see depression treated with non-drug methods (CBT, etc.)
  10. mjmooney


    My missus would be massively in favour of medical cannabis for her rheumatoid arthritis (she doesn't want to get back to smoking, as it's a gateway drug to tobacco).
  11. I normally go for the kiss on the cheek. You have to go for it though. It can get really awkward if you half heartedly lean in. I'd never shake hands with a girl i'm being introduced to in a social situation. That's just weird. But what about work? Meeting, business suits and all that. Has to be a handshake. But not a bone crushing man shake.
  12. I quite like that. Dunno what the pub is though. There's a "Stone Roses Bar" (original, eh?) And The Yorkshire Rose (just down the road from me in Guiseley) has occasional gigs, but I can't see it being hip enough. The Dunwells (Yeadon's answer to The Eagles) on the Jay Leno show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY0kEna_Fkk
  13. Sam used to be in a band from Leeds called 10,000 things... Never heard of 'em! Next Big Thing from Leeds are probably The Dunwells. Fairly unimaginative US-radio-friendly dadrock, but a nice bunch of lads (went to the same school as my kids).
  14. You know him well? Fairly well. But we hadn't seen each other for about a year, and he's one of those "Hail fellow and well met" types. Nice bloke, but you sort of have to fit in with his way of doing things.
  15. "Cornpone" is one of those quintessentially American words that make British people smile.
  16. Church of England. Famously wishy washy and (some would say) more about socialising with like minded people than any deep religious conviction. I've known C of E vicars who admit they don't believe in the literal truth of virgin birth or resurrection, but regard it as all being allegorical and being nice to each other. Not true of all of them, but there's always been that undercurrent.
  17. There aren't many that genuinely believe that to be "fair". The stuff they genuinely do believe is mental enough without stretching the argument. If they believe in god then they MUST believe in the bible.It is supposed to be god`s word ?! If you're C of E it's all optional...
  18. CD. cd. cee-dee. Seedy. si-di. Hmmmm.
  19. mjmooney


    Whatever the drug of choice, there seem to be different mindsets at work. Those that like the occasional mild high, in a social context. And those that want the strongest shit possible, with the express intention of getting as wasted as possible, as fast as possible, for as long as possible. I'm the former, have never understood the appeal of the latter. I guess I must be boring.
  20. "CD"? What is this "CD" you speak of? That's why I added the mp3 bit. Or I expect you could do some clever shit with Spotify and a timer.
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