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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. Sorry BG wasn't meant to seem like an attack on you, besides have you ever seen this website? http://zapatopi.net/belgium/
  2. I'm beginning to think Belgian Guy has been tapped up and wants to hand in a transfer request to support a better team.
  3. Oi, stop making me feel old. I've missed the professional football boat haven't I? Mate every time I kick a ball I feel like I could make it for Villa and a little fantasy builds up in my head, then I suddenly realise they stop taking on youngsters when they're dangerously close to thirty.
  4. I see. So in the circumstances you describe, not only will Villa pass up on getting £19m (let's say), you'll also voluntarily deprive yourselves of your best player. In other words, in your scenario you end up with no incoming money and no player either. On a scale of 1 - 100, I'd give that possible outcome a zero .... which is one reason amongst several why all of the bargaining chips are NOT in Villa's hand, despite the many assertions on here to the contrary. What bargaining chips are in Tottenhams hand? It's closer to Arsenal?
  5. No not that one, it was a superb clean challenge but super hard all the same.
  6. I see. So in the circumstances you describe, not only will Villa pass up on getting £19m (let's say), you'll also voluntarily deprive yourselves of your best player. In other words, in your scenario you end up with no incoming money and no player either. On a scale of 1 - 100, I'd give that possible outcome a zero .... which is one reason amongst several why all of the bargaining chips are NOT in Villa's hand, despite the many assertions on here to the contrary. Words fail me.
  7. götze was on 80k a week lewandowski idk Yeah, last summer he upped his contract by 4 years until 2016 and was on £76k. However, by that time Götze had already won two League titles. true but a little hard for benteke to win 2 league titles with aston villa huh.. Spurs for the title next season?
  8. Exactly, we should just keep the attack aimed squarely at Benteke. The spurs fans have as much say in things as we do... virtually nothing.
  9. They are supposed to be Spurs ITKs so it's unsurprising that they wouldn't know about the goings on at Aston Villa. Having said that, I would be very surprised if they had any clue about the goings on at Spurs either... I think he was referring to the villa ITKs, nobody is ITK.
  10. Think it was the chelski match at home Thank you, I need to go see it again.
  11. Anybody know of the game where Nathan performs the perfect tackle on a player that goes flying in the air, then Nathan gets up and walks away like nothing happened? It was beautiul but I can't think of who it was on.
  12. what do you mean? Im guessing hes saying that a certain player we all used to love, may be on the funny stuff if he believes his agent has his career at heart. I took it to mean Lukaku was unfeasibly big at sixteen years old. It's not just Lukaku, his physique would take around 3 years of body building training without help.
  13. I seriously think there needs to be better drugs testing in football.
  14. As much as share your annoyance I hope he doesn't quit, he just needs to move back to 205. Last time I saw him in person he must have weighed ~230lbs and he was in good shape. 185lb is a ridiculous weight for a guy that size, he looked at death's door during the weigh ins. I think he wants to fight at MW because he doesn't think he has the chin for LHW though so it's probably catch 22 in his mind. If he's scared of facing people his own size I don't have much faith in his (supremely world class) grappling skills.
  15. The only comparison I can think of is it seems like avtv is produced be EA games.
  16. I presume they're paid. But it's hard to hold onto someone who's been offered a place at a more famous club. Plus read the spoiler of the OP.
  17. Danny Crowley, 'The Next Wilshere', moved to Arsenal for a measly £200k. Cheers, I've just read on another forum that he's bossing an U21 game even though he's 15, picking up two assists. Kinda makes me feel sick.
  18. Yeah someone said that the other night to. Always funny that one. Have a beer mate. Its a pre season knock about. We can have a few lols But it just gets so boring. If we were at a game I would give you some chips to cheer you up! Maybe Lambo will give us a wave? Ok you've cheered me up, sorry for being a miserable git! Lambert out!
  19. Yeah someone said that the other night to. Always funny that one. Have a beer mate. Its a pre season knock about. We can have a few lols But it just gets so boring.
  20. Yeah someone said that the other night to. Always funny that one.
  21. Do you guys have an ounce of originality?
  22. And also probably doesnt work.
  23. I wouldn't want us to sack him but I'd say 'foreign guffs' generally do as well if not better than British managers. So didn't quite understand that comment. Just stick by Lambert, he's a great manager.
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