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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. The irony of this post isn't lost on me.
  2. Pretty sure Harry Kane had a decent effort that was saved after a deflection too. Still though our style is boring.
  3. A white chocolate lion bar is peculiar at first then bloody addictive shortly after.
  4. Clothes are the problem. Just cover your dignity with a small dog.
  5. I find it interesting how Starner has lifted so much from the Brexit/reform party lately.
  6. I hate this keeper can't come off the line rule. Just allows players to stutter the run and make the keeper naturally move forwards.
  7. Everything in this thread is a repost but nobody is going to go through every page to check.
  8. Supermarkets bring greater variety with regards to imported fruits we didn't have access to before etc. The flip side being local producers/traditional products being pushed aside.
  9. I don't think size of room is important, as the boiler heats the flow temperature to a set temperature no matter what. I.e. 60 degrees. I think only when the thermostat/smart meter is set to a specific room temperature is when the room size would be considered.
  10. So I've been trying to do some heating calculations but there doesn't seem to be any advice regarding different temperature settings etc. For example our boiler has an output of 25kW and our rate is 10p per kWh, which is £2.50 per hour to run the boiler. Surely this must vary depending on the temperature settings or how many radiators we have turned on right? I would've thought there would be a conversion chart for different temperatures somewhere?
  11. I might be late here, but he also directed the first episode of Columbo.
  12. Tbf the same people also claimed Gerrard was going to do the same with us for his inevitable move to Liverpool... Like yeah who wouldn't leave us for Liverpool?
  13. I mean if that's true then that's on SA not necessarily FIFA, you shouldn't be bidding if this is the consequence.
  14. I'm curious, how exactly are the majority of workers dying? Is it the extreme heats or the working conditions in general like health and safety regulations?
  15. Bud is far superior to Fosters, Carlsberg and Carling.
  16. That's always annoyed me, the girls they zoom in on are always planted there
  17. Probably more to do with the fact that they agreed to serve in the grounds and a few days before the tournament is due to start reneged on that promise where FIFA don't have much choice but to except. But on the other hand I can see why Qatar might be a bit pissed as that they're being criticised left, right and center on all manner of things even after relaxing their drinking rules to try and appease us, so they're probably like sod it.
  18. One of the goals of FIFA is to increase the popularity of the sport around the globe, which we should all support. So I couldn't give a toss if a country is small compared to another more established country. Every world cup should be different and have it's identity whether it be South Africa's Vuvuzelas or Diana Ross missing a sitter.
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