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Everything posted by blandy

  1. From Disk Jockey to Desk Jockey - How the mighty have fallen
  2. I was expecting the Flaming Lips singing a song I didn't know, called "Spearmint". Now look wot you gon an dun
  3. It's too long, he speaks too slowly, the deep tone makes you have to actively listen to understand the words, it's too movie-trailer like, slightly too self-reverential and too short on information.
  4. Yeah ikwym on the trail. He does have good musical taste, mind. Heard one he did maybe a year or two ago, and it was good.
  5. This. The lesson is surely in the first referendum - never ask a referendum question unless you know the outcome will be the right one. Cameron broke that "rule". Brexit will be bad for the UK and for the EU. No one wins. Another referendum for which the answer (never mind the question) is unclear will not solve anything. I get that it's a hope that will mean the whole Brexit clusterpork gets canned, but a "hope" is an inadequate reason to hold one. What if it re-confirms the disaster? The threat of a referendum is useful as a weapon against the brexit idiots - "carry on as you are and the whole thing you most want could get cancelled". Most MPs think remaining is best, May and Catweazle think leaving is required so the major parties are pro Brexit. The solution is a soft leave - it always has been and still is. Stay in the single market, be like Norway. yes we'll be a bit worse off, but not calamitously so. No Irish border, no trade problems or people movement problems. We'll get there, eventually.
  6. See the clouds are darkening With wings of chickens They're coming home to roost I'm telling you my friend Pictures of poodles Chickens coming home To sit on your shoulder bone
  7. No ball! Bowling a googly, if you don’t mind. Over.
  8. There’s one just round the corner from me. Mahoosive. Must be interesting to park or to drive on narrow roads and tight corners. Incongruous in a Lancashire town, great in the sunshine and desert, no doubt.
  9. Only 2 blocks of the 3 were sold when that "sold out" went up, I think.
  10. iPod on shuffle, this cover came up. Ambulance LTD were one of my favourites of a decade or so ago.
  11. Yoko Ono just did one, and she's 85 apparently,. The track I heard was pretty dreadful, mind.
  12. All the riffage, plus the blacksploitation video put me in mind of Vulcanella.
  13. I assumed Chris meant how old when they released or performed something. I know he sadly died a couple of years ago.
  14. They told me I'd never be any good at poetry because I'm dyslexic…..but so far I've made three jugs and a vase.
  15. Um....in an otherwise “right on” post about feminism and minority oppression etc. That phrase looks a tad incongruous. ”mansplain to the little ladies what they’re doing wrong and why they need to stop” this post is sponsored by the holier than thou, safe spaces for snowflakes and sjw troll co-operative.
  16. I took it to relate to the shockingly disgraceful way Ellis treated Rose Barton and her family after the death of Tony Barton.
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