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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. Seat68

    General Chat

    I pass them twice a day on my school run. Hednesford.
  2. A few things about what I am about to say may ring some alarm bells. When I go to the barbers, for a haircut, which is every 3 weeks, I always tip the barber. He must think all of his Christmases come at once. I am technically bald, he just makes me feel even more balder.
  3. Tipping in the UK brings out the strongest of opinions, it splits families. I am a tipper, a good tipper as well, so I would have tipped the level of service dictates the amount, but for me, it's never zero.
  4. That's one view, but the accepted view is.....
  5. I don't like everything they have done, I do like a lot though, and this as a move from McCarthy to Stereolab was a nice surprise.
  6. Seat68

    General Chat

    Good people defending the study.
  7. A reminder if you want to see Eddie Vedder gargling pebbles, you have to pre register with Ticketmaster, you can't just log on and try to buy tickets.
  8. Anyone have any views on Liverpool being proud of itself?
  9. I remember the first time I heard These Days, it was the Nico version and I thought I was the keeper of secret information. I told a musician friend, thinking that he would be quite impressed I had discovered this obscure hidden track. He wasn't, its a well known song. Its also magnificent.
  10. You can watch it by clicking on this link Petesbigcashgrabaffiliatelink.com
  11. I watched One Day on Netflix this week, 14 episodes randing in 19 minutes to 38 minutes. Its based on the David Nicholls book of the same name, previously there had been a film starring Anne Hathaway. It was pretty good in my view, but I loved the book and this series was a lot closer to the book than the film, not that the film strayed too far. Ambika mod was excellent as Emma, believable, and so far the online critics haven't had an issue with her ethnicity. The male lead is Leo Woodall and I would say he is the only weak point in it, not a great actor, but the whole thing carries him anyway. The soundtrack is excellent, lots of indie hits, so if you like a bit of main stream indie, this hits the right notes. As an aside when David Nicholls first released One Day, on his website he had a list of tunes called the Emma morley mixtape, which was a lot better but I suspect they couldnt get permission for it all. Regardless, if you like David Nicholls outside of Us, this is the best adaption of his work and worth a watch.
  12. Painted women in leotards? I only see space aliens.
  13. The right spirit is using it as a frisbee into the grand canyon.
  14. Steve Wright the DJ has died.
  15. Yes. Exactly. Been to Southport loads and never seen it reach the promenade.
  16. I have been going to St Annes for about 13 years, multiple times a year. Went up yesterday to give my dog a run on the beach and have a wander round. The first time in 13 years the tide was right in, I mean right up to the promenade, zero beach available. It may be like this daily, but even normally, for me, high tide means that its only a mile away. That pissed me off, and then the return on the motorway, yes, the M6 was closed so it took us 5 hours to do an hour and half journey.
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