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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. That was the AQA one, mine was on OCR. It was still an absolute **** farce though.
  2. There's two now! Here And Here
  3. Buh. I had a bitch of a Biology exam yesterday. There's even a FB group about it. Possibly the worst written exam I have ever sat. It was so loosely based on the syllabus. **** joke.
  4. Serious maths fail here. She is 136kg. I can assure you that's more that 1.75 times 54.4kg, I'm a top scientist. She's 300lbs, that's 21st 6lb. Imagine Ashley Young with Delph on his back holding one of Dunne's legs. That's how much she weighs. 1 is next to 2 on the keyboard...
  5. He was 8 stone, she was about 14. She must have destroyed him in the bedroom.
  6. Hmm, some real lump in throat moments in the series. Seeing Winters (the real one) and the other soldiers break down, nearly brought me to tears. And the episode when they find the Concentration Camp is very powerful.
  7. Can see and a nice, shit 0-0. I will take that.
  8. Just saw an advertisement from SkyMovies for it. Anyone know the exact date the series starts here or in the US?
  9. Where are other peoples coaches stopping on the outskirts of London? Mine is stopping in Rickmansworth, I think.
  10. How far is the train station to the Wolves ground?
  11. Or.. similar to the Nakamura song. Carson Yeung ate my dog, ate my dog Carson Yeung ate my dog, ate my dog He sliced it, diced it, put it in a wok Carson Yeung ate my dog, ate my dog
  12. Final whistle at OT, it was amazing. 2nd best away game I've ever been to. Blackburn (1st leg) just pipped it though.
  13. My coach is stopping in Rickmansworth, and then getting the tube in. Where is everyone else stopping?
  14. Johnson and Hart (even though he technically isn't a Blues player).
  15. I agree. Dunne is only marginally better than Collins I'd say. But with Cuellar's form, you can't drop him.
  16. Don't understand this whole physical thing about Cuellar/Luke Young. Luke Young is 6 foot. Hardly a dwarf.
  17. I was 2 when we beat Tranmere, so yeah, Blackburn it is.
  18. Why the hell was everyone taking a picture of this? Have they not seen it before, its been up on the telly before tonight ya know... It says Wembley instead of exit, yeah..?
  19. Doner Kebab in Naan Bread. With chili sauce. I don't care if it clogs my arteries, its **** unreal.
  20. What the ****? Were you watching the game or was it with your eyes closed and you just wrote what you wanted to happen? His link up play was superb all night, he took his goal exceptionally well, could have had a second apart from a world class save from Robinson and his pass to Gaby for the penalty was exceptional. MOTM for me.
  21. I wish we'd sing that more. Its a good'un.
  22. £6 return on Megabus for me, awesome.
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