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Everything posted by GlobalVillan

  1. The jealousy levels are off the scale over on SHA. A thread about the amount of days since we won a trophy.* . It reminds me of the old adage that if you want to know how the Villa got on, ask a Blues fan. They literally live to hate us. They even think we are worried about their shitty new owners. Lolol. A stain on the name of the city. Embarrassing. *Ignoring the fact that the only thing they've ever won was in the same season they got relegated
  2. I predict we'll be last on MOTD. Whatever the score.
  3. I agree completely. Clear and obvious error to not give that as a pen? Oh, and who was it against that Brighton got screwed multiple times? Disgraceful how the sky 6 bias continues to disrupt the game. The integrity of VAR is shot to bits and the sooner it either gets in the bin, or is controlled by a competent independent body the better. That penalty could still cost us massively, despite the fact we won the game.
  4. Fantastic win. Much needed after the last couple of games. Europe or not, this has been an incredible season thanks to Unai. Excellent.
  5. Ok it's not valid to ever mention recent form against another team and its not reasonable to suspect we WON'T hammer Spurs. Gotcha.
  6. Yes it's true. I don't believe that we will beat Spurs by 3 or more goals, after the recent performances and not beating them at home for 15 years. What a crazy thought that must be.
  7. No we would have to hammer them by 3 goals or more to go above them. And even in the extremely unlikely event that happens, we would be back behind them the following week after we go to Anfield.
  8. I thought we were level on points with Spurs and still thought we'd finish below them. I've just realised they are 3 points above us. Even if we beat them, they will probably still be above us. Then we go to Anfield. We won't finish as high as 7th. It's just too much to ask. Think we can hold on to 8th tho.
  9. There's modern football and there is Man City. I wish people would realise what they are and why they shouldn't be discusses in the same way as any other club. I have no problem with modern football, it's great, but that club is an evil and corrupt organisation and I'm stunned that so many people don't care.
  10. Ok. Football to me can only be enjoyable in context. I couldn't care less how good a player is if he plays for Man City. I have never (since 2012 or so when they were taken iver by a deplorable oil state) and will never watch them. Watching them supports and validates them. As far as advertisers go etc.. They are part of the reason we missed out on 4th under Lerner and that started a decade of decline that we are just waking up from. I won't be gawping at their skill and ability, calling them "City" or referring to their prick of a manager by his pet name. . They can f*** off.
  11. I don't think you understand what moral high ground means. I am pointing out facts and that has nothing to do with morality.
  12. You absolutely do not have a problem with those clubs because you literally just watched both of them play each other. Those players PLAY for that club. And that's my point. You don't care that thy are cheating the club you support and are willing to watch them do it. It's exactly why they are getting away with it and why they will continue to do so. Its a real shame.
  13. Tough one to call. Its absolutely our last chance to grab 7th and a place in the Conference League. But tha same goes for Spurs. We absolutely have to win the game to have any hope, but they only need a draw, given the remaining fixtures and goal difference. I'll be expecting a tight game and a raucous atmosphere but ultimately I doubt it will be a classic. Recent performances have been poor and we never beat Spurs at home, and whilst I think we will fall short here, I am confident we can nick a point. Which is far better than any home game against this lot in many years.
  14. Why oh why do people watch those cheating bastards? Didn't even now they were playing and would NEVER watch them. There is sooooo much football you can watch without resorting to watching them. No wonder they are getting away with it when even fans of the clubs they are cheating are watching and rewatching their games. Man City do not exist as far as I'm concerned and as long as everyone keeps being mesmerised by them and tossing off over their goals or over Haaland or any one of the players they bought through CHEATING, then they will continue to grow and grow and push Villa and evry other club even further back. Who cares how good their goals and players are? They are not valid!
  15. And we will be probably be favourites in 1. And that's against them so not exactly Southampton.
  16. Oh here we go. The same I told you so rubbish that people came out with when we beat Newcastle. PM me and I'll bet you whatever amount of money you like that we will not be finishing above Brighton. They've lost a game. We've lost the last 2 and are behind them with 2 less games to play.
  17. If they get one point from those 3 games, and then beat us, that's 5 points ahead. Assuming we beat Spurs and they beat Southampton. They would finish 5 ahead.
  18. I have absolutely no doubt that we will not beat both Brighton and Spurs, whilst Brighton lose those 3 games. That's just wishful thinking. Which you are entitled to do of course.
  19. We have looked off the pace for several games now and have 3 horrible fixtures. I said 2 weeks ago that we would finish between 5 and 8 points behind Brighton. I stand by that although closer to 5 after this. Its all about finishing above Spurs. As it has been for a while now.
  20. The odds of us beating Spurs AND Brighton losing 5 of their last 6 games would be astronomical. Have a punt on an accumulator if you fancy it. Lol
  21. Of course not and it's even more bloody infuriating that we lost at Wolves. We needed to win every game and hope the teams around us dropped points. Looks like the 2nd part of that is happening. Shame we didn't do our bit. Could still catch Spurs though, but would need everything to go our way.
  22. I agree. He is a good player and can improve. People calling other posters entitled and embarrassing for not thinking he is a great player at this stage, is in itself, embarrassing. (Not you btw)
  23. He isn't a great player is what I said. A good player I'll grant. And I've seen some very good performances from him and many shockers. And since you mentioned Liverpool, there's no way they would be "trying so hard to sign" Ramsey in the summer. And that's my point. JJ is a good player but a long way from "great" and I'd say doubtful to be a regular starter next season imo. Especially with no European football.
  24. Mason Mount? He isn't a great player either. Bellingham is a great player with massive potential. Or Kamara of we are looking closer to home.
  25. I like JJ but he isnt a "great player with massive potential." A decent player with good potential would be more accurate imo.
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