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Everything posted by DJBOB

  1. Oh he’s terrible and is just a warm body out there. But not his fault we gave him the contract and wages.
  2. End of the day - good business decision by him. Not his fault we gave him these wages. Trains reasonably well, shows up on match days, doesn’t make a fuss and is professional. Everyone else is quiet quitting in the corporate world so I can’t really blame Chambers for doing the same.
  3. It’s funny and I may have commented this before but really doesn’t fit into City. I’d imagine the majority of their matches are like this - constant low blocks in the final third and you can kind of see the difference when him and Doku are on different flanks. Doku was far more direct and ready to take Digne on while Grealish drew out defenders for space between Konsa and the next defender. He’s wasted as a winger and his primary strength, carrying the ball through challenges, is hardly ever on display.
  4. Yes - Konsa's goal had a very low xG whereas Alt-Nouri's attempt had a very high xG. Funny hearing Gary talk about xG as Wolves are near bottom if that's the metric he wants to use. On a match by match basis - it's really nothing to judge ourselves by as there's loads of other metrics that can add additional context. As a whole - we're not undeserving of the place we're at. xG is a trending metric - not a match by match metric. Our rolling xG has us even in most of our matches - which is about right. We're not blowing doors off opponents - we're managing our way over the finish line and trying to turn it up a few matches at a time at this point. Tonight's match not included below - I don't think it changes much.
  5. I think he did well positionally and dropped into form a back 5 many times. Covered well with Konsa against Grealish and Silva. But there's a lot of confidence issues around him right now. The second Foden goal was a result of Luiz (which you can attribute some fault to him) coming way over to cover for Tim when Tim should have jumped out to stop the play. Also noticeable that the other players rarely pass it to Tim in tight spaces. Maybe instruction, but it's pretty visibly telling that Tim doesn't quite demand the ball either. Is there a player there? I don't think Unai would keep him, start him and play him over others if there wasn't, but needs some confidence boosting to get up to par.
  6. I'd imagine so. Nothing on yesterday's presser. Have a feeling he's still nursing an injury but not enough to keep him out of important matches.
  7. Can't fool me Unai! Had the feeling of countless cup matches - Unai rotating the squad to keep an obvious eye on Brentford and Lille. At the end of the day - I more or less agree with his implied assessment here. Despite the adage of aiming up and trying to take it to the title contenders - in no way shape or form is this current Villa side going to come close to replicating our levels vs City at home. That we must play 5 important matches (4 of them a must win) in the next 18 days would weigh heavily on his selection. Some valuable experience for a trio of youngsters (Tim, Morgan, and Jhon) with the latter two combining for an assist and goal away at the Ethiad. Playing Chambers and Tielemans in the midfield is more or less a concession of which matches he actually values. Olsen did as well as he could. Zaniolo I thought covered Digne well though the highlights will be letting one through the wall. Diego and Lenglet continues to be our worse performing pairing defensively at CB though we had little options to pick otherwise. And Diaby has picked up some confidence though he often had few choices in the box when he carried the ball there.
  8. At this point, just a rehearsal for his next club. Hope he grabs one more important goal. We've had a lot worse loans and a lot worse permanent signings than Zaniolo so hope he doesn't get too much grief at the end of the day.
  9. DJBOB

    Jhon Durán

    Thought he did okay, well taken goal. A tough assignment but he had plenty of 1v1 opportunities - some that went well and a lot that didn't. A good learning experience for him.
  10. He commends your ability to put a negative slant on things constantly!
  11. Takes some ability to make Tielemans look quick!
  12. Chambers-Tielemans in the middle. Sorry Unai, you can't fool us! Definitely not taking it that seriously.
  13. Would imagine some planned subs at the 60-65 mark. Chambers/Tielemans/Bailey for Luiz/Rogers/Diaby?
  14. Kind of match suits Olsen - hasn't had to make a lot of decisions to come out and sweep or claim. Reminds me of when we had to start him vs Spurs away last year. Was decent enough then (though I don't remember him having to make any saves).
  15. DJBOB

    Jhon Durán

    The prophecy has come true.
  16. Zaniolo, Rogers, and Duran at the same time? o2.5 Villa yellow cards might be the easiest bet all year.
  17. Pau, Bailey, and Tielemans on the bench. Might be one of the tallest sides we've put out in the league this year.
  18. Unai has been on the wrong side of some starting XI decisions for critical matches this year. At home vs Newcastle - the 4 CM lineup was too slow. At home vs Spurs - going 5 at the back was a disaster. Conversely, he picked the best starting XI against United twice and they still managed jammy wins over us. Best XI vs Wolves as well. The starting XI has usually portended whether or not we will be going for it, so I'm hoping for a predictable lineup!
  19. Lisandro Martinez and Lindelof now out of action for a month. Only ourselves to blame if we don't hold onto 5th.
  20. The lack of injury history works against a back up striker. You're going to pay a lot of money for someone to sit on the bench for what 35-36 matches a season? It'd be one thing if Ollie wasn't all that great but he's clearly been chosen (to the point of jettisoning out Ings) to start every match as long as he's healthy and he has a long track record of remaining fit. Duran is the ideal case, though not against the ideal opponent.
  21. This is Ollie's first missed PL start since away at Brighton (2-1, thanks Ings!) on Nov 13, 2022. He must have been injured as I couldn't find anything else on why he was out that day. An exceedingly rare occurence!
  22. Out again and in Unai's words - no hurry to rush him back. A shame as I thought he had a real stellar season last year and has not been fully fit in any way this year.
  23. Probably longer term view with the Lille matches too
  24. DJBOB

    Jhon Durán

    Cometh the hour, cometh the madman.
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