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Everything posted by trillvillan

  1. Who can we genuinely go after? Is Tuchel completely out of the question?
  2. I'd take a risk on him - but if he wants to leave because he's simply being criticized too "harshly" then idk if the Prem is the league for him... Can we just stump up the cash for Mykhaylo Mudryk!
  3. Even if we sold him and they offered Ox on a free - I'd still stay well clear of him. He's well past his best and another player who spends his time in the training room.
  4. No chance for us - but this Murdyk fella is class. I could only dream of seeing him in a Villa top.
  5. His play style just reminds me of David Villa as he is Spanish too. But I get where you're coming from.
  6. We need to keep an eye on Ferran Jutgla - that could be a shrewd buy.
  7. Sign Edson Alvarez and Marcus Edwards asap. They would add so much to our squad.
  8. I wish. I'm trying to work on my Uefa B currently. A scout at Villa would be a dream.
  9. @messi11I must say - Matthew O'Riley from Celtic looked a GOOD player! Wouldn't be opposed to someone like him running around in front of Luiz/Kamara.
  10. Future - we need to go raid Sheffield United and sign Anel Ahmedhodzic and Iliman Ndiaye. I keep raving on about these - but they're realistic signings for us.
  11. Oh I have... But that recent performance was blatantly obvious and should've opened up his eyes/mind - that Luiz and Bailey have to start everygame. Against the top team in ManCity - if he reverts back to his stubbornness for a final time - all hell will break loose for Stevie.
  12. If he drops either Luiz/Bailey than he's thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. Same team and we need to go at Leicester. If Gerrard keeps getting results and turns draws into wins - then he buys himself more time and deserves it.
  13. We need to do everything we can to sign Iliman Ndiaye and Anel Ahmedhodžić - They keep proving they're quality and they would add a lot to this squad.
  14. 1. Immediately set a tone of culture within the club - also meaning a philosophy and style of play from the get go. No nonsense and straight to the point - " we live and die by this standard- work ethic, class, loyalty" (example). Bring that "Prepared" motto back with HIGH REGARDS and build off of it. 2. Immediately revamp and overhaul the scouting/data analytics/sports science department - heavily invest in all. 3. Hire a proper #2 as then I'd want some experience to put together what a real professional manager does as I feel I could do 1 & 2 myself along with a team, but 3rd - not a chance, so Potter or Poch will do
  15. Watkins needs to do everything he can to harass Gabriel all night - always an error for a goal in Gabriel.
  16. I see your point. I just wouldnt expect Gerrard to want Buendia ever as the "CF" unless he wants to gamble with a "False 9" type or a fluid front 3. But I can't see Gerrard ever actually implementing that successfully in training to have it put on match day
  17. The opposite - Buendia being played out left to drift centrally more and cut in on his right. Similar to what Coutinho did/does. Not my ideal winger and prefer Buendia as the "10", but its more then likely the Gerrard Christmas Tree...
  18. I'm more worried about Odegaard and Martinelli. Martinelli is about to have a pen today
  19. Makes more sense with Gerrard... Still can't get over how Luiz isn't in the starting lineup. He's had to have pissed Gerrard off behind the scenes, off the pitch.
  20. Is that a 4-3-3? The formation I've been wanting us to play with wingers - but no Luiz in the starting lineup!? He's probably going to be sold? Annoyed still.
  21. I'd think a big shake up would occur this up coming summer - especially after the World Cup year.
  22. Reminds me so much of Liverpool the years where they had Daniel Comolli and Dalglish splashing FSG's cash. Then finally realizing they need to quit clowning around and brought in a proper Technical Director and then Manager (Klopp).
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