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Everything posted by AVFC-Prideofbrum

  1. Exactly what they need, scores plenty of goals from midfield. Good footballer also.
  2. Yup from 'villa fans'. How did he do for Villa at Stamford bridge again? 4-4, great result! And.... 1-1
  3. Yup from 'villa fans'. How did he do for Villa at Stamford bridge again? 4-4, great result!
  4. Who mentioned Houllier touching the sign? I wasn't even aware until I got back from Anfield that night that he had even done that. It was his disrespectful behaviour in front of me and the rest of our fantastic supporters of this great club that pissed us off. Anyway as others have said thank **** he is gone and we don't have to put up with any more of his gutless tripe and disrespectful, embarrassing behaviour. We were starting to head in the right direction.
  5. He really didn't. 2nd half Luiz started to nick the ball off him more often but I put that down to tiredness, he worked extremely hard all game.
  6. Chelsea was a brilliant result but no doubt right now, Man City, even at home is a much tougher game than Chelsea right now. IMO anyway.
  7. Quite rightly so.. because as the commentator on Sky yesterday remarked (can't remember his name used to play for West Ham & he's one of the best cos he's always fair and complimentary about Villa when it's due) We've bucked the trend and not been afraid to blood our academy youngsters and turn them into regular Premiership players like Bannan, Albrighton, Clark and Gabby instead of buying elsewhere. We had 5 academy players out on show yesterday, so what's not to be proud of? We should be proud and I tell you what, when someone a youngster puts in a performance, rightly so we are excited. However to label a 12-13 minute performance where that player touched the ball rarely a 'brilliant performance' is just insane. It was brilliant to see him get on the bench and make his debut. To another post below, I'm also delighted to see biggest youth prospect make his debut, in fact I tell a lot of people that don't support Villa that he is the one to watch. I am just pointing out it's stupid to call his debut a brilliant performance and a 'great debut' ... clearly it's wrong. unless the definition of brilliant has changed.
  8. When AM touches the SHA sign, then after losing claps their fans, ignoring ours, then and only then will Houlllier's disrespect for our fans pale into my memory. Whole lot of differences. Anyway, what he did at Anfield was wrong but **** me, he didn't kill a baby, he apologized, move on. I was more concerned with the performance and result.
  9. Maybe he's not as quick thinking yet, but he's still learning the trade, I think he's gonna be a brilliant midfielder, give him 2 more seasons and there wont be any debates. You're right, Barry will still be better.
  10. How have we gone from O'Neill to McLeish for **** sake.
  11. You've not watched the same games as me then! well maybe work rate isn't the right word, I'd say maybe desire. Anyway I hope he can start performing, we'll see!
  12. I think he's been excellent this season. In a system that does allow him to play to his maximum.
  13. He's not as quick minded or as good on the ball as Barry though. Doing a good job though and maybe be his full time position in the future?
  14. He's not that prolific, he's around a 1 in 3 goalscorer these days if he played upfront all season but I think he adds a lot to a team when he's up front, I watched the game on Football first last night and he looked very good. Holds the ball up well, was constantly running the channels and providing an outlet for our players on the break. He's as good as we're going to get really. If he was scoring 18-20+ a season, he wouldn't be at Villa I imagine.
  15. Err yes it was, apart from the first 1 minute vs Spurs, I think we had about 2 more shots on goal after that all game. I think you're blinded by a real hatred. At very worst, they were the same piece of shit. How you got to 'wasnt a patch' I'll never know. Tottenham was truly shocking as well as the team selection made it all worse. At least the Liverpool game we had a lot of injuries, Petrov/Young/Coker ...Gabby was playing through injuries. We didn't have Bent at the time. Heskey was probably most in form striker and he was out.
  16. We really do get over excited don't we about our youngsters? I'm excited by Gardner, I hope he gets the chance, apparently he could become a bloody good player but it's embarrassing labeling his performance vs Chelsea, "brilliant" .."great debut" he played what, 12-13 minutes and touched the ball 4/5 times!
  17. Given our injury problems last year, that's debatable. For a 2 month period our midfield was between Clark/Hogg/Bannan and we had to use Heskey as a lone striker because Gabby was suffering a lot of injuries. + I've never seen worse performances as a Villa fan, both Man United and Tottenham games were a joke.
  18. my only concern is that he impressed again at right back. Against the likes of chelsea we know he can do a job there. against the likes of swansea then i believe hutton can offer us a better option going forwards. Hutton isn't a Kyle Walker to be fair.
  19. Same defence. Petrov has to play. Ireland has to play. Gabby has to play. Bent has to play. Then two places out of Albrighton/Zog/Clark ... would it be wise after Ireland performing well, scoring and creating a goal, to then limit his role? as well as Petrov who's scored goals this season. Hmm I'd maybe play Clark and then N'Zogbia/Albrighton. Whoever did better today, which I didn't see.
  20. Hahaha aha pull the other one, to lazy/happy to pull up your old quotes Was a joke.
  21. Always loved him, always rated him. Criminally underused by the last two managers. No surprise to see the defence tighten up with his presence.
  22. Best manager we've ever had. What a man! i kid of course, although great result. Just now need to start picking up points consistently and my opinion will change. Come on Alex.
  23. Never doubted his quality. World class.
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