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Everything posted by AVFC-Prideofbrum

  1. I think when people say 'he isn't a racist' it's meant in the term that he doesn't actually hold racist views. To brand someone an actual racist is pretty big and it's not something I'd do. The lady on the tram ...that's a racist. Luis Suarez? No.
  2. Can you remember that 2 month spell last season when he was awesome
  3. We will lose obviously. I'd like to see ... Guzan Cuellar Collins Dunne Warnock Clark Petrov Albrighton N'Zogbia Gabby Bent.
  4. Firstly, a player shouldn't always need momentum, obviously a run of games help but there are plenty of players at this club who don't play, come in and do a very good job. Or at least have an impact. If he had the quality, it would have shown by now. Whether from the bench or starting, he's just never done it. There is a reason he doesn't get a run of games, he's not good enough. Especially mentally.
  5. I hate both teams. Both are also shit.
  6. Carrick is a weird one for me, sometimes I think he looks excellent then other games he looks poor. He's a good footballer though and I think if he played at Villa every week, we'd like him. Maybe he falls into the category of Gareth Barry, if Barry hadn't of played for Villa and we didn't know what a quality player he was, I imagine a lot on here wouldn't rate the guy. I know lots of neutrals that don't rate Barry yet he's a permanant fixture in the City side and was our best player IMO. I'd certainly have Carrick in the Villa side that's for sure.
  7. I think I had the best Christmas day I've had in a long while, happy days.
  8. Proud owner of the current Barca top with my hero on the back. 8)
  9. LOL, so the guy who runs with the ball, beats players and gets the perfect cross is made to look good by the person who puts it in from 6 yards? How does that work? Even if Bent wasn't there on the end of the crosses, we'd all be praising Gabby's work and saying 'Gabby played well, we need someone on the end of his crosses though' without Gabby this season, Bent wouldn't have more than 3 goals. You say 'Gabby hasn't done much for the last few games' ... In his last game before Arsenal, he set up the goal for Albrighton! 2 games before that, he was given Man of the match.
  10. Guzan Cuellar Collins Dunne Warnock Petrov Clark Albrighton N'Zogbia Gabby Bent / Albrighton ----- Zog Bent Gabby ... 2-0 Loss though I think. Sorry.
  11. Shocking attitude. Of course he can win us over. It's not deluded at all. I hope he wins me over because if he has won me over then it's very likely we are winning football matches and playing better. I can't see it mind but it'd be stupid to say he can't win us over.
  12. JWow, obviously slightly before my time, I do remember that goal though and heard he was meant to good. I had never before this moment actually looked at anything like videos the Gareth shown or even wiki'd him (to look at stats) he seems like he was actual class and those goals he scores, bloody hell. What a shame.
  13. I eat meat, not a huge fan to be honest, Don't like Pork, Turkey, Chicken. Purely taste. Quite frankly, I don't even think or care about the animals. It's just food, natural.
  14. I'm not going out this year but I think at this age, Christmas ain't a big deal really is it?! open presents and have a dinner, apart from that, don't do much. I guess if you've got a big family gathering and it's going to be a long day then probably not great idea but most people I know don't get up until like 11-12 on Christmas anyway ...plus it's usually one of the best nights out. Oh and 2. I don't get hangovers.
  15. Completely disagree with Bicks, obviously. I wish I could go back 10+ years, the excitement was awesome. Christmas was the best day of the year, the days leading upto Christmas was the best time of the year and that's because it's a fantasy, because of Santa coming. I guess if you've never experienced it, then you'll never quite know that feeling. Like most kids I imagine, I found out the natural way, I got older like 10 I think I was, questioned it and parents told me the truth. I don't think I was disappointed, even at that age, I 'got it' the way Father Christmas is made up. Honestly, I feel sorry for the kids as they have missed out on something great and sorry but to me, it just seems quite selfish. Anyway, no real traditions, this year ...I'm waking up, open up a few presents, then my Dad is picking me up, taking me to see my Grandad at his home for an hour, then back to my Moms, make dinner together and eat it of course, then nothing apart from that until we go to families on Boxing day, watch the football etc... Oh and bollocks, I've got a game 11am boxing day
  16. I don't get how anyone would put him outside the top 5 strikers in the Premiership IMO... Van Persie, Suarez and Aguero. I do think those 4 are a level above others at the moment. Balotelli also as the 5th. Rooney works very hard, is very clever on the ball, is disciplined when it comes to his actual positioning and doing a job for the team (as he's had to play central midfield a few games this season) an extremely assured touch, he links really well midfield to attack. For example, if you actually watch next Villa game, every time the ball goes into Bent, his first touch is backwards and then he pretty much lays the ball off back 10 yards to where it comes from, where as someone like Rooney manages to find the space so he can look forward or lay clever first time ball off to then go forward. Most of all, he creates chances and scores goals. 13 goals, 2 assists this season in 16 games. He is an excellent player. He is way off Messi though, as is Suarez IMO.
  17. Because I'm questioning the way you come to conclusions and considering that's a topic that's been talked about on here, it's an easy example. You have always maintained the stance on here that Bent is a great striker (one of the best in the league, if not the best) because he's a better goalscorer than Rooney. (When we debated this point, Rooney was the in form striker) You claimed Rooney was average because he didn't score that many goals as a striker and it's a strikers job to score goals first and foremost. Now you have just said that Suarez is close to the likes of Messi because of his all round game as a striker, despite the fact he doesn't score that many goals. Can you see why it's being questioning? Oh and by the way, I really like Suarez as a footballer, I think he's fantastic, he'd walk into any side in the Premiership .. but I'm just questioning how you come to the conclusions you do. Contradictions.
  18. There's a lot of things mentioned in here that I don't like but I get .. but some definite things I just don't get are. Metal and that type of music. What!? Why would anyone want to listen to someone screaming at the top of their voice. I don't get what mood it puts you in? I don't get how people can like the sound? What do people get from it? like relax you? makes you happy? To be honest, same with jungle/dubstep etc .. as well. Just why? Cars was nearly another one but I think I understand why people may enjoy both taking care of it, improving it and driving. Beer/Lager .. The taste, I geniunally can't drink more than sips at a time. I'm pretty sure no one likes Vodka but people drink it to get quickly pissed which therefore makes it understandable but like people actually enjoy the taste and relax by drinking it at home. Also the same with wine. don't get it, the taste is just that bad.
  19. So if Suarez is better than Rooney despite Rooney's clear higher goalscoring record because of his all round game, then why is Bent above Rooney, despite similar goal records yet Rooney clearly has a much better all round game. You make no sense. and please, if you were at VP when we lost to United 0-1 a couple weeks, you'd see the quite clear difference between Rooney and Bent in their games. One was excellent in his all round game and touch, the other is just a goalscorer who has very little else to his game.
  20. but he's a striker SGC, you know, a striker is judged on goals is what you told us all. Which is why Rooney is just average according to you ... funny. Yet Suarez as a striker is close to Messi, even though he's only scored 6 goals .. what? How do you justify the things you say when you completely go against what you previously said.
  21. Great game of football, love Reo-Coker. Wish he was still here Man has unbelievable engine on him.
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