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Everything posted by Rustibrooks

  1. I have a gut feeling it'll be a former player that may miss out on managing in the lower leagues (Sol Campbell or someone along those lines), I know people have to start from somewhere but I'd much prefer someone a bit more experienced.
  2. I was going to mention Gerrards contacts, he'll probably recommend some top coaches he once worked with or knows
  3. I'm only assuming, but since we were told there were going to be some changes to the staff I'm sure we've done our research/put feelers out for some coaches that we would want on board. This could be a blessing in disguise and if I'm honest I had no clue who Beale was before Gerrard joined lol
  4. Do you think this is what the club/Gerrard meant by saying there was going to be a bit of a shake up with our coaching staff? Delaney is gone and now Beale? All the best to Beale I hope he does well.
  5. @Sam-AVFClinked the article a couple of pages back, tbh I just saw it while scrolling through twitter on my commute back home.
  6. Seems to be all done now, his agency have confirmed it.
  7. 15m offer according to the Mirror
  8. Chelsea and Tottenham want Bissouma as well, it’s harder to compete with them because they can match what we offer him plus have Champions League football. I know Kamara came when he had the Atletico offer, but for the last year or so we’ve heard noise from Bissoumas camp that he wants Champions League football.
  9. I was a huge fan of his before he signed with Bayern, but he's played 72 in 5 years. His health is a bit of concern though, saying that Martin Laursen barely played before signing with us and stayed relatively healthy so...
  10. Great if we sign him we are sure to get abuse from Roma fans lol
  11. I have some Ghanaians in my family and already they hate me/us because of Suarez potentially signing lol. But yeah a lot of them are not over the handball, there was growing belief they could've been the first African nation to win a World Cup that year (to be fair that Ghana team were really good and had all the momentum a that point). It's funny because 2 of my cousins are Liverpool fans and they still loved him despite the handball lol.
  12. Ha! Maybe 'friends' is the wrong term for them they aren't my closest by any means. My closest know a lot about us because I forced them to know about our plans lol.
  13. Exactly that, a lot of people still have a certain view of us. There's always something with us, when we got promoted it was 'you're going down anyway' 'You're doing a Fulham'. Then we survived then it was 'Hawkeye failed and saved you' then Grealish left it was 'Villa are getting relegated'. I'm just making mental notes to the people who have said something along those lines... I just have this gut feeling they will be eating their words soon.
  14. 'But you will still finish 14th' 'You guys are going to get bankrupt' 'Why are they not investigating you guys' 'They only came for the money' 'You only got him because nobody else wanted him' Just some messages I got from colleagues, friends and family lol.
  15. So I went into a late meeting and saw that we were close to an agreement, I thought that meant it will take another day or so for Diego to sign. And then I've just come out and we've made it official? This club man, the way we are going about things is incredible.
  16. £26 mill for him? We are starting to become quite good at finding opportunities to sign quality players for less eh?
  17. Eintracht Frankfurt signed Jerome Onguene as well so all signs point to him leaving them this summer potentially. Would be a nice signing.
  18. It's hard for any teenager to impact a team, there's obviously some examples like Rooney, Owen etc but right now in the top 5 leagues there's barely any teenagers that can influence a game. Off the top of my head it's really only Bellingham and Camavinga. Chukwuemeka is just finding his feet and I think for his age he is ok, like others said it's similar to where JJ was in his development. For me its clear that he has people ear telling him the wrong things, he had an interview not long ago talking about how he admires Gerrard and he hasn't got a problem with going out on loan I swear? So I doubt all of this noise about him wanting to leave comes directly from him.
  19. Looks like Targett to Newcastle is a no
  20. Blimey 19 points we've dropped? That's shocking.
  21. £10 mill for him is not that bad to be fair
  22. Do you know how nice it feels to walk into work or wherever really and have people compliment us on how we handle our business. I remember when we signed Rudy Gestede in 2015 and walking into work being laughed at. Now I get comments about us not being far away from being a good top 8 side. What a time to be a Villa fan.
  23. For the record lads I’m ok with us being interested, I just thought it was funny that those stats came up after our interest in him was announced.
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