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Everything posted by Osirus

  1. May as well go all out panic buying GET HIM IN, 5 year deal on 200k a week, the Villa machine don’t stop
  2. Welcome Leander, please don’t be s**t
  3. Sky now linking us to Gerson from Marseille if Dendoncker falls through. This can’t be the strategy surely? Just buy all the midfielder’s from the same team?!
  4. Critchley and Gmac looking like frightened little boys on the bench, how inspiring
  5. Ramsey needs to come off at half time, he's just jogging about doing f**k all and it's WINDING ME UP
  6. I'm just hoping that we show some sort of coherent plan + structure, I am no bothered about the result as we're bound get smashed. COME ON THE VILLA BOYS
  7. A striker who’s 6’7, and who might be able to convert one of Digne’s 45 crosses per game
  8. At this stage we can’t afford to let him go, he is quite obviously our best 8 and if he goes we’re back to McGinn and Ramsey. I’d rather he goes on a free in the summer than sell him now, especially if it is to NUFC.
  9. We should have been in for Kalajdzic, only £15m WTF are we doing?!
  10. I think the 2 up top can work but we need a more technical forward, someone who can trap the ball first time
  11. I can imagine we’re probably looking at Szalai or Viktor Nelson considering previous links, doubt either would be massively expensive
  12. He's quality, knows where to be at all times and uses the ball really well.
  13. Yeah he has to start over Coutinho, never thought i'd type that on a Villa forum
  14. Looks like they’re going 5-3-2, we should beat these they’ve got a load of dross
  15. We're having a good amount of the ball but doing absolutely nothing with it
  16. Good of Villa to kill all excitement for the season within 2 minutes
  17. Ah well, always preferred Ramsey anyway. Hopefully big Carlos gives him a fright when he comes back to VP
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