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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. Let's hope its not too taxing.
  2. I see user "Gadzooks" has just joined. Hmmmm... My challenge to you, is to use these words in the VT section. Within a cohesive and valid sentence to the subject. Bonus points for use on matchdays after a game.
  3. Sounds like the homebrew vodka is working its magic.
  4. You got used to it though. Joystick ruined the skin of my thumb though playing F1 97.
  5. What is your emulator called? Just so I don't pick a dodgy one and my computers ends up feeling like a fortnight in a bad baloon.
  6. Where ? was it free and virus free??? and AND PM me the link !!! Get me in on this! Do you need a controller?
  7. Mine is absolutely terrible. I pay 50TL for this! (£20)
  8. Took me a while, but yeah, a little bit of sick came to the back of my throat.
  9. Far far too much time on your hands Gareth, but I salute your effort and award you a Union Berlin shirt from the 93/94 season.
  10. According to my mate, you can get these little spiky ball type things from vending machines, that clean your teeth when you chew them. Bonza!!! Yeah..but they're crap. They're basically plastic with crystalised mint/sugar shit on them. Not worth it and they dont clean your teeth just make your breath smell like you've chewed a toy soldier.
  11. ...and you say mine are awful!
  12. I use Tresemmé It's expensive but is it eco friendly? Chindie will shout I know but I have been told that it is suspected that the foaming agents in shampoos etc DEAs are cancerous & that we can absorb chemical agents via our hair & scalp. Shampoo ingredients Fair Companies TBF my Mum told me about vinegar making dark hair shiny when I was little, so I have used it before. For no other reason than my hair definitely looked nice after using the baking powder & it's dirt cheap then I will try this again. Isn't it just a big kerfuffle?
  13. The Times ran this story 11 months ago after the last strike: Full article. Quite an absurd amount ın my opinion. Even if there are high stress levels.
  14. The 'Being a Dickhead is Cool' songs springs to mind when I think of those kinds of people. People like this also begin to hate bands they've 'discovered' as soon as they become popular. Which pisses me off no end. Just like what you like.
  15. It's a bit much to hate cricket. I mean, by all means ignore it but hate it, why? Another point, whilst Britain and Europe freezes, i'm enjoying the balmy temperatures of Istanbul. It's 4th of December and I'm in my shorts and t-shirt.
  16. Need a cheeky apostrophe in there, or else it won't go down too well.
  17. Take the Skinheads Bowling - Manic Street Preachers (cover).
  18. On another note, where are Mike and Levi? I am fearing for Mike's safety after the apocalyptic post a few days back. I hope he's not decided to end it all on the fact he doesn't know Ant n Dec from Anton Du Beq (?) I'm sure Levi is plugging himself into some sort of life source socket for the next generation.
  19. Is this any old 11 year old and... did you show him yours?
  20. He's the black dude in the background, you can just see his teeth Will I shit bricks?
  21. Eddie Izzard once said that he sees himself as more European than British or English. I lean more towards this view aswell. If I wasn't such a dunce at languages I could quite happily see myself hopping around Europe, working and living, for the rest of my life. I think the downside is the differing cultures from the Eastern Bloc and the general bigotry towards people from there. The sooner we phase out the 'rugged individualism' that the Americans taught us, the sooner Europe can establish itself as a more powerful entity. The economy can be strengthened if more countries traded for the good of Europe and less for the good of themselves.
  22. Best. Song. Ever. It's seriously not I hate this song, its drunken rambling lyrics really piss me off. Everyone who equates this with Christmas pisses me off. Same as the Coca-Cola advert. Too many facebook status' saying "Coke advert is on, it must be Christmas LOLZZZ" Christmas arrives for me when the Telegraph wine box is delivered...although sadly not this year.
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