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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. It stinks to high heaven aswell. Horses piss me off just because of racing. This is funny. Sometimes on a day when I'm bored of wanking, I'll turn on the racing channel, mute it, and play 'Posh or Irish?'.
  2. Sorry to use you as an example AVFC_Hitz, but this annoys the hell out of me. It's constantly said at my work. It should be "one and the same". Duly noted and I stand corrected. Nowt wrong wit' bit of Education.
  3. They are all the rankest watches in christendom. Why don't you be a real man and buy a Tissot?
  4. Ahh I see. Well, I have this everyday. "Where did you go to University?" "Wales." "Is that north of England?" "No it's Wales, the country, part of Britain." "Wales is a country?" *Wishing to glass said American in the face.*
  5. Mind you i'm calling dibs on Tori Richards-Rogers when she hits the big one eight.
  6. Gareth why on earth are you trawling the 'net for shite like that?
  7. I'm lost. Can you explain the background? I'm reading this, then Chindies post's and thinking what? It went from wrestling to this...and I feel stupid.
  8. İmpressive. İnternal body parts trafficking.
  9. Are we to assume that Levi is dead?
  10. AVFC_Hitz


    I wouldn't risk the trauma on the achılles. Either swim or rest up.
  11. I'm not suggesting they do owt else, I do the same. I can't help but explain things with my hands.
  12. Another one. Head shot's with the hand resting on the chin.
  13. I also hate the Jonathon Dimbleby 'look over the top of your glasses and push forward your point with your hands'
  14. I alluded to this in an earlier post. It seems that all order stops at the TWM bustop. Exactly this. I went to Valetta to the massive roundabout where all the buses stop. It was hotter than the sun so I wandered to the trees in a small park not 50m from the bus. It came and the guys in line shouted for me. Amazed to say the least.
  15. How would you feel like when you are waiting for something in a shop and then someone just walks right to the front and buys their shit and walks off. You'd be fuming, ready to crush the can of coke on the guys face. It happens here in Turkey, it infuriates me. Cars beep AS SOON as the lights turn green. There's a attitude of impatience which is proper fooking annoying, and they don't shower. But, that's for another ignorant, bigoted time.
  16. Then to Jesus we must be truly thankful.
  17. Because its **** polite! We operate a first come first serve policy in Britain. (Unless you get the number 35 in town)
  18. Turks don't queue. I had to sink or swim to get on a bus. The funny thing is it's the old woman you should be weary of.
  19. All good so far, can somebody now give me the basic advantages?
  20. I initially want it because I wanted to buy a television. In Turkey you can pay in installments on your credit card at no interest.
  21. Can someone explain the basic disadvantages of a credit card? I'm getting my first one soon and I just want the basic pros and cons. I'm not interested in whether I can transfer my KNUSPA balance to my DPB allowance at a rate of 5.4% Thankyou all.
  22. AVFC_Hitz


    Providing you steer clear of the 'Rugby Boys' who are absolute knobs then you can have the craic in Cardiff. There's some nice side street pubs to settle in for the day before the real drinking starts on St Mary's street.
  23. Off to see this tonight. $55 million worth of Russians thwacking the Nazis. Apparently got a standing ovation at Cannes. Russians themselves, hated it. Translation: Burnt by the Sun 2: The Exodus.
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