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Everything posted by birdman

  1. I think there was one moment when he was defending his bro? Might have been that?
  2. Indeed. The big Manure resurgence....here we go!! Season starts here! Needless to say very happy with the current scoreline
  3. .My feed is about 3 business days behind play
  4. For sure. The type of player we need to combat those low blocks!
  5. It's irrelevant whether people think we're in the mix for the title or not. We are where we are and teams around us losing only strengthens our current position.
  6. Diaby is overthinking his play rather than relying on instinct. Blatantly second guessing himself. It's confidence mainly as seen with past Bailey struggles. If he played with same no fear attitude he could get back to his best. Just needs time to settle.
  7. Bailey v2. Hopefully he'll come good
  8. Weirdly don't feel too bad about it today. Horrible missed opportunity but then I look at the table and it's all good! We'll smash Burnley and get back on track
  9. He'll get there but obviously we'll off the pace. Actually looks a totally different player to what we know he could do!
  10. Thought Emi did great tonight. Not much more he could have done. Brilliant tackle on Rashford when through in goal.
  11. I also feel we should have embarked on a game management phase when they started to turn the screw. If we can't score another then we have to shore up to protect our lead.
  12. birdman

    Away Form

    5hit happens. Silly to roll over 2 nil up but sure Unai will admit mistakes with subs. Badly needed that 3rd goal. Onwards I say.
  13. Yep. We go again! Will have players coming back. Mistakes have been made but no disaster as far as I'm concerned.
  14. Yellow for Carlos is a joke!! Just a good old tussle ffs
  15. How can that be a pen anyway when you're allowed to shove someone over in the box?
  16. Police have been called and will wait in the changing rooms.
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