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Everything posted by birdman

  1. Attack: 100 Defence: 0 Predictability: 0 Workrate: 0 Deception: 100 Coachable: 0 Location: Unknown
  2. Be a better person... Don't kill Spuds players.
  3. They simply typed "spawn us a football manager" into Chat GPT
  4. Yeah although a Liverpool loss would have been tasty and the fact I hate them it really isn't a bad result for our top 4 ambitions.
  5. VAR continues to be a joke. Blatant dives should not rewarded. Who knows when its incompetence or corruption? In any case Liverpool deserved the win!
  6. Is the commentator a Liverpool fan ffs
  7. Newcastle please pull your collective fingers out and score 7 goals.
  8. Come on Newcastle! That's a yellow for VVD surely?
  9. Amazing isn't it. Man completely free in the box and not a single newcastle player charging back to cover/challenge
  10. I have some sympathy for onfield refs as these penalty shouts can be very tricky but then you get "helped" by VAR who make some unbelievably bad calls. It's the inconsistency that needs addressing.
  11. It is the sport these days because you get the blatant shove on Ollie that was deemed no penalty! You can see why players go down easy.
  12. Their tiny brains can't comprehend seeing Villa in second so simply pretend its not happening
  13. No denying we've leaked goals but I don't think that's because Emi is below par which is what you are suggesting. The defence being suspect on occasion I can agree with but then that's an area where we are a weaker player wise than our rivals. Injuries have depleted the squad and those coming back are not up to speed. Of course we want to concede less but that's where we're at at the moment.
  14. One of the best dribblers in the prem and his first touch is always smooth. A joy to watch in full flow with his footwork and trickery. A defenders worst nightmare currently!
  15. Have to disagree. He's made countless unbelievable saves and leads from the back. There's no way we have the points total we have without him.
  16. He's not up to speed for sure just like JJ. These long lay offs really take their toll! He's been fairly decent considering though.
  17. birdman

    Jhon Durán

    Yeah exactly. Rival fans may whinge about it as do we when it happens against us BUT when you think back to that blatant hard shove on Ollie and nothing given....
  18. I was watching the sky pundits for the penalty and the guy was describing the goal like he was extremely fortunate to have scored it. Just seen it again on MOTD and its a more a brilliant pen than lucky. Come off the underside and landed at least a foot over the line. Cold
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