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Everything posted by zab6359

  1. Early but don't seem we are at the races today, we need to switch on a bit!
  2. Bournemouth fans booing Mings small club mentality **** off bournemouth!!
  3. Watching from Oz I can hear the Villa fans above the ratchets of Bournemouth love it!!
  4. Agree on both very surprised DD isn't even on the bench!
  5. I know where you are coming from but psychologically a win would be massive. Someone posted yesterday that anyone from 11th down is in the relegation mix I think that is garbage no one outside the bottom six will get relegated we need a win and other results to go our way.
  6. I think you are way off the mark there i'd hazard a guess this guy was not even on the long list at the start of the window, he's come in simply because no one is available at a price we can afford it's highly likely he will never make the bench if Samagoal and Davis stay fit, purely a if it all goes pear shaped through injuries signings. That said if he impresses DS in training you never know but I feel barring injury we won't even see him play. (watch him be on the bench today!!)
  7. A fairly reasonable 11pm kick off for me, I just need to try and not have to much vino before hand!
  8. Don't think so looks to be out of contract in the summer.
  9. Pretty uninspiring very much another 'one eye on the Championship type' signing which is sensible in our position. Beggars can't be choosers and all that. Surely signed in case it all goes pear shaped with injuries.
  10. Explain two at the back please? A flat back 4?
  11. Midnight here in WA so off to bed good night folks!
  12. No nothing at all apart from defensive pair is working!
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