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Everything posted by CarryOnVilla

  1. Can’t believe you didn't ad the ol the classic, “PrEmiER LeaGuE exPriaNce”
  2. Tbh, he’s been pictured several times with one of his calf’s strapped up, so it could be true.
  3. Nobody will, but from Brentford’s POV worth a punt, as they see some prem club thirsty for him.
  4. They will drop their prices are we near the end of the window. Easy to start High, because you can drop the price
  5. I’m currently in Cornwall and I ain’t seen him here. I guess Truro City are out of the running now. At least that improves our chances
  6. Probably, they’re a flipper club after all, buy cheep>develop>sell for profit. I say this is the window they will get the most for Said. So they trying a high rate before they drop near the end of the window
  7. Brentford are moneyballing hard this window!!!
  8. “Premier league experience” is a nice way of saying this player is midtable At best
  9. Who cares about big names? We are not Everton or Newcastle throwing good money on “big names” that don’t much to improve them. I like to believe villa are being smarter now. Getting in players before they’re big names. Like Cash, if things go well, he could be a big name right back, in the England mix. Villa is the place to grow big
  10. Worried about what? We missed out on a bang average striker that’s not going to improve the team or himself
  11. Can’t believe dougie is slumming it to work in a Lamborghini.
  12. I wonder what these add ons could be, to not cough up the extra 2m. He could end up costing more
  13. Because the transfer fee is only part of the cost. The wages, signing on fees, agents fees, bonuses. Also Ollie is English. Always a premium for English players, more so when they play for England too
  14. Unless they do well and then this opinion is obsolete. It’s a lazy assumption that the best championship players will get you relegated. this assumption is as lazy as as Alan Hansen’s “you can't win anything with kids” statement. look how that turned out.
  15. What player that we are linked with you would consider “solid”?
  16. 800 Page cash party with the headline act Wu-Tang Clan!
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