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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. Elmo has gone unnoticed but has been solid.
  2. Never a foul by Dougie. Never! Damn you Atkinson.
  3. Pickford aka t rex. Nearly with a howler.
  4. In Birmingham you say... Interesting....
  5. I'd absolutely love it if scumchester United and Liverscum gets called off again. Go on you scummy mancs break in again.
  6. They're a little more aggressive in their positions and SJM isn't giving the ball away cheaply like he has for most of this season. One thing I've noticed is that our players are so one footed it's poor.
  7. I finally thought I was gonna see a Cash thundermofo but keinan FFS.
  8. Barkley apart from one lil mistake has been very good.
  9. The front 3 need to get closer to each other.
  10. Hinchcliffe is a knob. Kin hell ghazi keep it on target!
  11. I hope keinan isn't showing us where he's intending to shoot?!?!?? Also how good does our squad look with King Jack in there. In fact even if Dean Smith named 19 VTers and Jack our squad would look good because of Jack.
  12. We need players that can play in front of crowds and won't piss themselves in front of a moany whingy Villa Park.
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