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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. Luiz also plays a lot of passes through the lines especially into Jack and Ollie.
  2. Best midfielder at the club easily. (Jack's a forward!). One plays for Brazil the other plays for Scotland. Class class player. Get a casemiro type next to him and he'll go up a level.
  3. Massive drop off in the second half like the majority of the team. In recent games from shooting positions he's been playing cute little through balls which has definitely opened the game for us. Today in the second half he went to hit everything at goal mode which I wasn't happy about. He could and probably should have played Ollie in once maybe twice when on the edge of the box. Scored again and was menacing in the first 55 minutes.
  4. Ramsey had 78.9% accuracy from his passes today and McGinn had 69.7%. Luiz had 91.5%.
  5. McGinn needs replacing. He's a liability. Luiz constantly had to cover him and McGinn keeps letting people run off him. Then he's sprinting like crazy to get back which he struggles to do. And because of this minute 49 he's blowing out of his arse and that's the end of that. He's too slow with his passing and dawdles on the ball. And when he's required to play at premier League speeds he lumps it out or passes to the opposition. Luiz is way better with the ball and off the ball.
  6. Totally agree with this. He is a bottom 6 premier League/top half championship player. There's a myth that he is out of form but this is his level. He's too slow for the Premier League. He's not strong enough and gets bumped off the ball easily and his passing has been substandard ever since we've been promoted. Luiz once again was in the 90's for pass completion and McGinn was in the 70's. Maybe it's because I've grown up watching Spanish and Italian football I prefer touch technique above all else. For a supposedly high energy player his stamina is not good. He was empty after 40 minutes or so. Love the guy but one is deluding themselves into thinking he's better than what I have described above.
  7. Yet he has been solid everytime he has played this season. He wouldn't have been so easily bypassed. Plus Luiz would have had another body in their to help him out.
  8. He's awful. Sorry but he was letting men run off him constantly even in the first half. He scored a beauty and was good for about 30 minutes. Luiz is light years ahead.
  9. We should have changed the formation maybe because palace cut out McGinn and Luiz maybe Nakamba could have come on because we were poor in midfield in the second half. Watkins was clearly fouled in the build for their second. Cahill climbed all over him and they scored from it. Mitchell the jammy git shouldered it in. No one played well in the second half. We needed fresh legs as McGinn was huffing and puffing after 50 minutes as usual.
  10. There was a foul on Watkins for that goal. This ref is a clearing in the woods.
  11. Emi clearly fouled. Don Goodman has obviously been told by Sky to tow the line because he was impartial for the first 15/20 minutes.
  12. Don't be silly clean tackle according to the excellent bellend I mean ref.
  13. I officially withdraw my comments on giving the youngsters a few minutes before the end of the season. If The way Ramsey is getting shat on is what we can expect for the other youfs then they'll be better off in the reserves. He keeps getting into goal scoring positions and once he gets that first goal he'll fly.
  14. Ramsey has been close with a few balls across the goal but they were just a bit too far ahead of him. It'll come.
  15. There's another 4 in it for us. Just need to stop being so sloppy.
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